Damn kinda surprised because
a few weeks ago I said FirstTimer should have been banned a long time ago and SP94 disagreed with me and said that FirstTimer was his favorite troll.
Rule #1: You can never...I repeat, NEVER...cross the FirstTimer.
Now you may ask, why?
Does the FT ever have anything to positive to say about the Bulls?
Does he ever show up other than after a Bulls loss to troll?
Does he ever say anything thats not confrontational and riddled with personal insults?
Well, the answers to those splendiferous questions are NO.
You see, he can do all this without threat of being banned because of his vital service to CCS. That service he so disturbingly, yet gleefully provides is to act as the official CCS sperm bank. By cryogenically storing all of the moderators semen in his magical cheeks, [sort of like a squirrel protecting his nuts] he is able to protect and preserve their seed. Thus insuring the existence of future generations of moderators to rule upon this glorious site after the fall of the elders.
I seem to be rambling on so I will just leave it as that.
All hail the unbannable one.
FirstTimer 2012