Yeah, the Democrats managed to conspire with the entire world to make shelter in place orders seem like an appropriate thing to do, so they could tank the US economy, so your president doesn't get reelected.
Are you ****ing dumb?
Its ok to be upset, keep your head in the sand, give them your guns, expect to get handouts.
Trump has been trying to wake up this nation for 4 years and show us how dependent we are on a communist country to supply all our goods. He is trying to get america working again, in skilled labor, not just warehousing and distributing foreign goods, real skilled labor jobs, you know the 11 skilled people that manufacture automotive parts to every single person on an assembly line. Instead, its NAFTA shooting the skilled jobs to Canada and Mexico, or China and India. He understands you cannot **** China out of our steel and aluminum business unless we begin mining our own coal again.
What do you wantl our future generations be doing? Learn Chinese to be lead buyers? A third world country stuff of telemarketing, marketing foreign goods, warehousing and moving foreign goods around? Where is it mentioned where oil companies in the states are actually EXPORTING oil instead of being paid not to run their rigs to keep our "reserves"?
These are all answers we need while Democrats look for handouts. Take a 500 billion dollar corona bill and turn it into 2.3 trillion, then, allow some start up company (politically connected) to handle the 1200 debit cards and make the 3 bucks per transaction. Yep, those are the same people who accused Trump to having a war on immigration when he wanted to stop travel from China months ago, until finally doing it the end of January, where the democrats actually told people to go the China and see that nothing is happening. Yes, Our President keeps trying, but instead of listening to one of the greatest economic minds of our generation, these career politicians just choose to mock him.
Its just that easy, just like Obama backing Sanders until he dropped out, then backing Biden, who refused to run in 2016 and be an Obama pawn and protect his legacy, not the United States.
Hindsight is 20/20. Maybe its easier for me to just stay away from people, since I have no need to take selfies at events to show people what I am doing. No need to tell people I was there, when it was fine watching every angle and every replay on television. This is the national past time and all they have to do is play in quarantined conditions.
As far as how it is spreading in non shut down states, our numbers are going to be bigger with every test. But you need to realize, all most people are being told to do is quarantine so they do not give it to the high risk citizen who ends up being hospitalized. Thats common sense, something we sorely lack. Get sick, dont go coughing on strangers.
Now, wear your seatbelt, dont text and drive, and dont allow yourself to get coughed on by anybody.