Worst loss against the Packers?

F Rodgers

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Aug 22, 2012
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Pretty sure Aaron rodgers sacrificed a goat or some shit while he was in the locker room.



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Aug 21, 2012
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This probably doesn’t rank, to be honest.

I know most people would say the 2010 NFC Championship, but for me personally, the first Trestman year when a win would get the Bears into the playoffs and keep the Packers out, and the Packers got the last-minute fourth down long touchdown pass on Conte—That was probably the worst for me personally.

that's the one that always comes to mind, to me. I was smart enough to actually go to work instead of stay home and watch it.

I predicted the finish of the game. I cited 2013 and said Rodgers will find a way. I don't really feel disappointment, this game played out exactly like I envisioned.


Bears Fan For Life TT&T
Nov 4, 2012
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Fort Eustis, Virginia
For multiple reasons this one hurts right up there with the worst of em. For one it starts this era of Nagy/Trubisky on a very sour note. This team was suppose to be legit. We were suppose to have a top 5 defense and not give up a anything like what we saw in the 4th quarter. That is totally unacceptable. The Bears invested in QB trading picks and sucking pretty bad to be able to draft a franchise QB who is suppose to be Trubisky. Now we see him not exactly working out very well. Everything here is worrysome. Of course it looks like the Bears chose the wrong QB. That's so Bears. Lastly they had a 20 - 0 lead for gosh sake! Never let off and never slow down. The team apeared to have some problems of all over the place, though, and can't begin.

Nail Polish

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Aug 20, 2012
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For multiple reasons this one hurts right up there with the worst of em. For one it starts this era of Nagy/Trubisky on a very sour note. This team was suppose to be legit. We were suppose to have a top 5 defense and not give up a anything like what we saw in the 4th quarter. That is totally unacceptable. The Bears invested in QB trading picks and sucking pretty bad to be able to draft a franchise QB who is suppose to be Trubisky. Now we see him not exactly working out very well. Everything here is worrysome. Of course it looks like the Bears chose the wrong QB. That's so Bears. Lastly they had a 20 - 0 lead for gosh sake! Never let off and never slow down. The team apeared to have some problems of all over the place, though, and can't begin.

They started to play not to lose..


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Mar 26, 2018
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But a bad loss for this young team. Nagy sucks. Aggressive ..callous...bullshit.


Aug 14, 2014
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Rooting for the Bears to beat the Favre/Rodgers-era Packers feels like rooting for the guy with the Iraqi/USSR/Japanese flag to beat Hulk Hogan circa 1985-1995. Clearly, I've learned how to take a loss at the hands of the Packers, but this game was so close to a tired and cliched scripted fight that it is particularly insulting.

We come out and look good...really good. We hit the Hulkster with all that we've got. Jesse Ventura says that this is finally the end of Hulkamania! The little Hulksters everywhere begin to cry as the Hulkster writhes on the mat in agony. We land our finisher on the Hulkster! Wait....he pops back up! His fans go wild! We back off like the chicken-shit heels we are! He's mad now!!! There's the same old big boot, there's the same old guillotine leg drop that he's done 900 times. His fans go wild as he pins the dastardly heel for 1...2...3!!!! It's over! His fans go wild for the 900th time!!! We slink off to the locker room vowing a revenge that we and everyone else know will never come. END SCENE

I feel like an absolute horse's arse for thinking the Bears could dare beat the Packers more than 3 times in the last 20 tries.


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Nov 20, 2013
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Unless Rodgers' injury actually makes him miss the season (entirely possible), you can chalk up another L when the Pack visit Chicago. There is no way this roster will be able to overcome what this collapse did to them mentally. They see the Pack on the schedule, they are shitting themselves.

This loss has to be the worst in my opinion. New era with Nagy/Trubisky starts off the worst way possible. Rodgers is playing on one leg and tears up the Bears in one half of football. Just the way everything unfolding sends bad vibes for how this season will go. This team needs to flush this game ASAP or it will snowball on them quickly.


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May 10, 2014
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For multiple reasons this one hurts right up there with the worst of em. For one it starts this era of Nagy/Trubisky on a very sour note. This team was suppose to be legit. We were suppose to have a top 5 defense and not give up a anything like what we saw in the 4th quarter. That is totally unacceptable. The Bears invested in QB trading picks and sucking pretty bad to be able to draft a franchise QB who is suppose to be Trubisky. Now we see him not exactly working out very well. Everything here is worrysome. Of course it looks like the Bears chose the wrong QB. That's so Bears. Lastly they had a 20 - 0 lead for gosh sake! Never let off and never slow down. The team apeared to have some problems of all over the place, though, and can't begin.

Agree with this bolded area quite a bit.

This game, unfortunately, could set the tone for the whole rest of the year. We could absolutely look back at this game later as the confidence-gut-punch that the Bears just can't get past, whereas a win could've launched them into contention with a big exclamation point.

We'll see on that first part. We'll never know on the latter part.

I don't mean to be a downer---a one-point loss with all the pre-game factors going against the Bears should be fairly encouraging, actually. But what I saw in the second half and those huge holes and problems make me extremely weary of being too excited about what we saw in the first half.


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Aug 21, 2012
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I think it's early to go writing Nagy off just yet. but it is pretty infuriating to have the team fully in control of their destiny for 30 minutes just to have the thing turn into the typical anti-Chicago "omg the hope" story where Rodgers BRAVELY RETURNS FROM INJURY to seal the win. the Bears were eating a ton of clock on offense, and that's the secret to success against vagina boy. I thought for once we had coaches that understood fully how to beat these scumbags but apparently I was expecting too much.

it's not complicated. it's simple. just stop playing not to lose. that's your division rival, the arch enemy, and as history has dictated, the largest roadblock to winning it all. you step on their fucking throats as much as possible.

jesus christ


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Aug 21, 2012
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The only thing I can say is if you’re going to have this happen do it early in the year.


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Jul 30, 2013
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I think it's early to go writing Nagy off just yet. but it is pretty infuriating to have the team fully in control of their destiny for 30 minutes just to have the thing turn into the typical anti-Chicago "omg the hope" story where Rodgers BRAVELY RETURNS FROM INJURY to seal the win. the Bears were eating a ton of clock on offense, and that's the secret to success against vagina boy. I thought for once we had coaches that understood fully how to beat these scumbags but apparently I was expecting too much.

it's not complicated. it's simple. just stop playing not to lose. that's your division rival, the arch enemy, and as history has dictated, the largest roadblock to winning it all. you step on their fucking throats as much as possible.

jesus christ

Yeah, that was what made it so brutal. Give credit to the Packers but damn, if Nagy doesn't go full-on John Fox in the second half and actually called a downfield pass or two in the third/fourth quarter before the last drive, Chicago probably wins. It was infuriating watching run-run-cutesy gimmick play-action screen for no gain-punt over and over again.

A.C. Milan

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This game was worse because of the way the Bears dominated. Not even close.

Both heartbreaking, imho the NFCCG is the worst because it was the fucking NFCCG


CCS Donator
Aug 16, 2011
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This one only hurts because the Bears basically had it won had they not gone super conservative. Before the game, most people were predicting 10 point losses to Green Bay. Had the Packers been kicking our asses from the beginning, nobody would care...we'd just think that it's a normal day in Lambeau. However, because of the way we lost, that's why people are upset.


CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
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This win could have had the team off to a really positive start to the season, instead they allowed the largest rivalry comeback in franchise history. Now the team has to wait until Monday to get the taste out and has to sit another week as a cellar dwellar. The team will have to put together several wins in a row to get out of this.


CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
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  1. Chicago Bears
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The other thing is getting Trubisky off to an important win in his career, now he is 0-2 against the Packers. Now the questions have started that he is going to have to erase. I think it had to do more with rookie head coach playcalling last night than Trubisky. That last drive where they settled for a field goal was a pretty good drive that ended due to bad playcalling. The Bears should have pounded away on 3rd and 1 twice. Field goals won't beat Rodgers in that situation.


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Mar 22, 2016
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The Chester Marcol game (1980 I believe) getting a FG blocked and getting the bounce and running it in for the game winning TD was worse IMO because I expected the Bears to win that game. I didn't expect the Bears to win yesterday. They still are who I thought they were.


Bears Fan For Life TT&T
Nov 4, 2012
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Fort Eustis, Virginia
This one only hurts because the Bears basically had it won had they not gone super conservative. Before the game, most people were predicting 10 point losses to Green Bay. Had the Packers been kicking our asses from the beginning, nobody would care...we'd just think that it's a normal day in Lambeau. However, because of the way we lost, that's why people are upset.

And I can't think of a worse way to start this this season than we saw last night. What we thought we had going for us is confirmed now false hope. Ryan Pace spending big money in the offseason and making us believers then we start to think that it's confirmed after that first half that they really are headed in that direction with the arrow pointing up on this team only to lose like they did. Disheartening. I slept on it and can't find any good in the game last night. It was a nightmare. Bears fans are absolutely freaking tired of the same old shit that we have grown accustomed to with this team. We were ready for some positive change and thought we absolutely had that. Then they crush us like that. People talking about how Trubisky doesn't have the warrior spirit. I can see that. Trubisky isn't very football smart. I can see that. He's talented and has some football IQ or else he wouldn't be where he is today in the NFL, but that might not last long if he doesn't get his shit together. Trubisky plays scared. Absolutely he was completely uncomfortable out there. What we saw was a quarterback who is being confirmed to us right now as not a franchise quarterback but another mistake selection. We apparently picked the wrong guy. It's a crapshoot. I get that. It's almost impossible to tell who's going to work out and who's not. That's not the kind of quarterbacking that's going to get this Bears team anywhere. I guess I was foolish for buying into all the hype that we actually finally had our stud quarterback after all these years. Wrongo! Thought we had at least a top 10 should be top 5 defense playing for number 1 and after that 4th quarter ... Wrongo! So disappointed we can't ever seem to get anything right on this team. This game I'm afraid set the tone for the season and showed us where they stand and quite frankly they are still the same old Bears. Debbie Downer in me has arrived! God I hate waking up pissed like this losing to the Packers still in what shoulda coulda woulda been but here we are again same shit different season. Is this team really a team on the rise? They might still need yet another swing at franchise quarterback and they don't have the draft capitol to do that. And shit that their defense might still have too many holes, as well. What I saw last night was a false glimpse of a good team in the first half with us being slammed back into reality in the second half that we are still a bad team and laughing in our face HAHAHA you really think you can beat Aarons Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers??!! Right ... Here you go piece of shit Bears fans here's another little taste of the Bullshit we've been shoving in your mouth for the last three decades! Enjoy!


Bro idk
May 19, 2014
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Prague, Czech Republic
The Packers winning the Halas trophy on Soldier Field made me question if being a sports fan was really still worth it. Last night sucked but it wasn't even close to how shitty that NFCCG was.
