WWE/AEW & General Wrestling Thread


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Apr 16, 2013
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They can not like him all they want, but if he is what is best for business they need to think with the wallet more than the heart.

I dont disagree but everything I read says Vince and them dont believe he is money. Its absurd. No baby face will get over until they give the fans what they want with DBry. Its a shame cause Reigns has potential to be something special. So does Rollins and Ambrose and Wyatt.


Apr 28, 2009
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And Sandow and Zigler. Honestly I am ready for guys like Cena, HHH, Rock, Orton, etc to be in mid card matches and guys like Cesaro and other we just mentioned be elevated to the elite side of the card

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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I dont disagree but everything I read says Vince and them dont believe he is money. Its absurd. No baby face will get over until they give the fans what they want with DBry. Its a shame cause Reigns has potential to be something special. So does Rollins and Ambrose and Wyatt.

If Taker comes back to put Wyatt over I'm going to MARK - THE - **** - OUT!!!

I have not been sold on Wyatt so far, I just don't like the gimmick. I'm on the record as saying that.

However, if Taker comes back those promos leading up to Mania would be fucking epic.

Ambrose and Rollins are already over based on their body of work. Reigns could be special, you're right... but he's not special enough YET. The fact that Vince is going to force him down our throat for the WM push makes me mad. It is nothing against Reigns, it's not his fault that creative is choosing to rush him.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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And Sandow and Zigler. Honestly I am ready for guys like Cena, HHH, Rock, Orton, etc to be in mid card matches and guys like Cesaro and other we just mentioned be elevated to the elite side of the card

Ziggler is the most talented guy on the current main roster. They are fucking up not building on his SS triumphs or the whole getting fired thing.

I want Ziggler and Bryan to work WM together.


Apr 28, 2009
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I want Ziggler to challenge Rollins at Fast Lane at steal the case and trump Lesnar after he beats Reins


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Apr 16, 2013
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If they put the belt on Ziggler, it has to be in epic fashion. I'm talking like a mick foley type of win that the fans just go ape shit when it happens

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Apr 16, 2013
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Everything I am reading is Wyatt and taker is a go. He has to put Wyatt over and I think it's going to be amazing. I want Wyatt to retire him to push Wyatt as the next great "monster". Taker will always do what's best for business and there is no bigger run in the business then taker putting you over

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Dec 30, 2014
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The thing with Wyatt is that he could've been a monster heel by now but he was fed to Cena. I really do enjoy his promos; storytelling is a lost art in WWE and it is refreshing to see him not only do it, but do it well. Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GF7S4go5gE

Honestly, if you let him come out on top in that Cena feud, then give him the WWE World Heavyweight Championship shortly after, with the "I got the whole world in my hands," movement behind him. You are talking about a living legend. It is really high praise but this is a guy who defeated Daniel Bryan at Royal Rumble (clean), defeated the Shield with the Wyatt Family twice. Bray Wyatt was getting hot then got the life sucked outta him once he lost to Cena.

He is slowly bringing himself back up. A win over Undertaker at WM can help but he still needs more than that, IMO, to legitimize his character again.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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The thing with Wyatt is that he could've been a monster heel by now but he was fed to Cena. I really do enjoy his promos; storytelling is a lost art in WWE and it is refreshing to see him not only do it, but do it well. Exhibit A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GF7S4go5gE

Honestly, if you let him come out on top in that Cena feud, then give him the WWE World Heavyweight Championship shortly after, with the "I got the whole world in my hands," movement behind him. You are talking about a living legend. It is really high praise but this is a guy who defeated Daniel Bryan at Royal Rumble (clean), defeated the Shield with the Wyatt Family twice. Bray Wyatt was getting hot then got the life sucked outta him once he lost to Cena.

He is slowly bringing himself back up. A win over Undertaker at WM can help but he still needs more than that, IMO, to legitimize his character again.

I remember that promo live, amazing.

And I doubt Taker loses clean at WM again. If they do come to blows... I bet it won't be a clean win from Wyatt. But enough to put him over.


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Dec 30, 2014
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I remember that promo live, amazing.

And I doubt Taker loses clean at WM again. If they do come to blows... I bet it won't be a clean win from Wyatt. But enough to put him over.

If he were to win unclean, I hope it would be in a Wyatt Family reunion. That Royal Rumble staredown amongst them was such a tease, the crowd was beginning to chant "this is awesome." They cut them all loose for too soon and what made it worse was that it was done without any explanation.

Nothing is set in stone, but if the match goes on, it is pretty obvious Undertaker has to lose to Bray. He has always been a company man, and I don't see him burying Wyatt into oblivion. They can play the whole "Bray Wyatt ended Taker's career" then for WM 32 in Dallas, TX he can be "resurrected" to face Sting and finish his career in victory.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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If he were to win unclean, I hope it would be in a Wyatt Family reunion. That Royal Rumble staredown amongst them was such a tease, the crowd was beginning to chant "this is awesome." They cut them all loose for too soon and what made it worse was that it was done without any explanation.

Nothing is set in stone, but if the match goes on, it is pretty obvious Undertaker has to lose to Bray. He has always been a company man, and I don't see him burying Wyatt into oblivion. They can play the whole "Bray Wyatt ended Taker's career" then for WM 32 in Dallas, TX he can be "resurrected" to face Sting and finish his career in victory.

I like that.


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Apr 16, 2013
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So, I was talking to my boy. This is so what I want. Brock has been showing face acts lately. We all know he is going back to UFC for one more run. This is what I want for Mania. Paul E is the grestest manager/promoter that ever existed.(Yes, to me, he is over Heenan now and Heenan was incredible) I want the double turn. I want Paul E to screw Brock at mania and make Reigns heel and be his mouthpiece. It would be epic. The Rock had to turn heel before he got over and the WWE needs to capatilize on the hate for Reings right now. Putting him over as a babyface at Mania would be a mistake especially with that crowd. I was at WM 30 last year and it was a ton of people that are smarks. They will not cheer Reigns for a straigt up baby face win. Also, I want Ziggler and D Bry at mania. My only issue is who could follow them? You know it would be a 5 star match.


Feb 9, 2011
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Heyman turning on Lesnar and becoming Reigns "advocate" would be the best possible finish. Part of me is afraid that scenario is being talked about so much now that WWE won't do it..but as we saw at the Rumble, WWE isn't necessarily afraid of being predictable lol

I just saw this video of Daniel Bryan talking with a producer while rehearing his interview....being told to put over Reigns and not say "pro wrestler". Nothing too surprising but I love behind the scenes stuff

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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So, I was talking to my boy. This is so what I want. Brock has been showing face acts lately. We all know he is going back to UFC for one more run. This is what I want for Mania. Paul E is the grestest manager/promoter that ever existed.(Yes, to me, he is over Heenan now and Heenan was incredible) I want the double turn. I want Paul E to screw Brock at mania and make Reigns heel and be his mouthpiece. It would be epic. The Rock had to turn heel before he got over and the WWE needs to capatilize on the hate for Reings right now. Putting him over as a babyface at Mania would be a mistake especially with that crowd. I was at WM 30 last year and it was a ton of people that are smarks. They will not cheer Reigns for a straigt up baby face win. Also, I want Ziggler and D Bry at mania. My only issue is who could follow them? You know it would be a 5 star match.

Heyman turning on Lesnar and becoming Reigns "advocate" would be the best possible finish. Part of me is afraid that scenario is being talked about so much now that WWE won't do it..but as we saw at the Rumble, WWE isn't necessarily afraid of being predictable lol

I just saw this video of Daniel Bryan talking with a producer while rehearing his interview....being told to put over Reigns and not say "pro wrestler". Nothing too surprising but I love behind the scenes stuff

I was actually talking about this last night with Rex. He thinks it's Special person and impossible. While I think it is highly unlikely, this is what I would do if I was creative and Taker gave the OK to come back. I also said to turn Reigns Heel and never let him talk again.

HHH has an "announcement that will shake the core of the current WWE landscape" coming up on Monday.

He should announce that there will be a #1 Contender's match at Fast Lane. Taker comes out... epic staredown blah blah blah. Taker puts over Reigns at Fast Lane.

This is the only possible way to get Reigns over and not have a WM 31 main event booed out of the building.

The fans have spoken.


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Dec 30, 2014
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Reigns is already heel. This is 2014 Batista all over again. Whatever HHH's earth-shattering announcement on RAW is, it has to deal with the way the RR ended. I feel like something is going to change, or at least an opportunity for things to change. It would be stupid if he hyped up this announcement for absolutely nothing to change.

Personally, I would hope for a Randy Orton return and for him to rightfully claim his rematch clause for the championship at WM. Then, Daniel Bryan should come in and claim he never truly lost his belt and deserves a chance to get it back. Boom. Fatal 4 Way for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WM. Let Lesnar come up on top to further cement his legacy for only Rollins to cash in his MITB contract. Let the Seth Rollins era begin.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Reigns is already heel. This is 2014 Batista all over again. Whatever HHH's earth-shattering announcement on RAW is, it has to deal with the way the RR ended. I feel like something is going to change, or at least an opportunity for things to change. It would be stupid if he hyped up this announcement for absolutely nothing to change.

Personally, I would hope for a Randy Orton return and for him to rightfully claim his rematch clause for the championship at WM. Then, Daniel Bryan should come in and claim he never truly lost his belt and deserves a chance to get it back. Boom. Fatal 4 Way for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WM. Let Lesnar come up on top to further cement his legacy for only Rollins to cash in his MITB contract. Let the Seth Rollins era begin.

I hope so.

If that is the case, the fans truly have a voice.

I'm not against Reigns being groomed to be the top guy. He's just not ready right now.


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Dec 30, 2014
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I hope so.

If that is the case, the fans truly have a voice.

I'm not against Reigns being groomed to be the top guy. He's just not ready right now.

That's the thing, he is far too green right now. A match between him and Brock would be a disaster regardless of how well they build it up. They pushed him too fucking early.

What I am afraid they will do tonight at RAW is HHH come out to make his announcement, and say that the RR was rigged: Reigns was handpicked... by THE AUTHORITY! Claiming that they need someone to slay the beast or some shit.

Apparently, Dean Ambrose has been speculated to be involved in the announcement. I don't know, maybe he gets pissed at Reigns, along with other anti-authority figures, and start a rebellion, possibly trying to get others involved in the main event at WM. Who knows.

My heart is still telling me change is coming, change for the better but my head is telling me it's the same ole' stupid, stubborn WWE that screws it up.


CCS Enforcer
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Aug 21, 2012
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A lot of good ideas being thrown around here for Mania. Hopefully HHH announcement is awesome, and not a big hype job, only to be a huge let down.
