WWE/AEW & General Wrestling Thread


Feb 9, 2011
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I'm surprised Lesnar would be upset about something with creative or putting over Reigns. He seems to be all about the pay check....and I don't mean that as an insult, that's fine.


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Dec 30, 2014
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I'm surprised Lesnar would be upset about something with creative or putting over Reigns. He seems to be all about the pay check....and I don't mean that as an insult, that's fine.

No one knows what he is actually upset with, most are leaning towards the business side of things, possibly negotiations regarding his contract, which would make more sense. Lesnar probably wants more. But this could all just be a rumor and nothing more.

Although, I wish it was something about creative. It could very well be his last WM, definitely last one main eventing it most likely. Yeah he may be more about the money, but I see Lesnar as a guy who takes pride in what he does. Letting this joke Reigns guy (well compared to him), pinning him after one Superman punch and a spear? He left the company the first time after a terrible match in WM 20 vs Goldberg. We all know Lesnar vs Reigns won't be a non-stop action, technically sound match. He might be worried Reigns will make him look bad. Does Lesnar want this to be his legacy?

Even more importantly, is this how we treat Undertaker's legacy? His immortality was destroyed by Lesnar. He is the 1 behind the 1 in 21-1. Brock Lesnar is not in beast mode, he's is God mode. Are we just going to throw that all away for Reigns? I don't care what anyone says, he is still 100% unproven. Can this guy really carry the company for years on out? Maybe later but definitely not now. If they let him conquer the conquerer, and then his title run falls flat, this would be a huge slap in the face to Brock Lesnar, the Undertaker and the streak.


Feb 9, 2011
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Oh man, I completely agree with that last part. I'm still pissed about Undertaker's streak ending and never want Lesnar to look human again lol. That would've been another great thing about triple threat match at mania

I haven't thought about it before a 3 way match between Taker-Bryan-Lesnar could've been great too. Bryan would've carried the match of course but Lesnar and Taker could do what they're good at and Taker could win and retire.


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Dec 31, 2014
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If brock wasnt scheduled or contracted to make an on camera appearance on last weeks raw as the article suggests then he was never going to be on camera during that raw anyways as some dirt sheets were saying he would. I dont doubt that he walked out of contract talks but i still dont believdhe was going to make an on camera showing at last mondays raw anyways. As said he has four contracted on camera appearances which he cant break those being the ones mentioned in the article. If this article is true to begin with pertaining to those contracted dates.

Brocks never going to make extra appearances outside of his contract for the good of the business. Hes a **** at the end of the day who only cares about his self..which i dont blame him for if one just wants the money. He is also one of the shittiest in ring workers ever outside of story telling and ring psychology his move set is boring even for a strong style. He needs to go back to mma because i highly doubt he has any honor with being a pro wrestler anymore.

Not a fan of brock and never will be he is like goldberg. All look very little substance when it comes to actual wrestling work.


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Dec 30, 2014
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If brock wasnt scheduled or contracted to make an on camera appearance on last weeks raw as the article suggests then he was never going to be on camera during that raw anyways as some dirt sheets were saying he would. I dont doubt that he walked out of contract talks but i still dont believdhe was going to make an on camera showing at last mondays raw anyways. As said he has four contracted on camera appearances which he cant break those being the ones mentioned in the article. If this article is true to begin with pertaining to those contracted dates.

Brocks never going to make extra appearances outside of his contract for the good of the business. Hes a **** at the end of the day who only cares about his self..which i dont blame him for if one just wants the money. He is also one of the shittiest in ring workers ever outside of story telling and ring psychology his move set is boring even for a strong style. He needs to go back to mma because i highly doubt he has any honor with being a pro wrestler anymore.

Not a fan of brock and never will be he is like goldberg. All look very little substance when it comes to actual wrestling work.

I have to disagree on his in-ring work. During first stint, he was phenomenal. He did a freakin' Shooting Star Press at Wrestlemania. It was his finishing move while at OVW too. His move set is far more vast that you think. Brock Lesnar has put on fantastic, memorable matches. Look no further than his Ironman match vs Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship on Smackdown! Many consider it the greatest match in Smackdown! history. Lets not forget, he just contributed to one of the best title matches we have seen in recent memory at this year's Royal Rumble.

Of course, Brock is not what he was back in the day but he is still exceptional. Say what you will about the man, but he shows up to work and delivers; he does what he's asked to do, and plays his dominant beast role to perfection. His style is a lot different today. He adds a lot of his MMA stuff (which I like) and just destroys people in the ring. He is kinda like the Hulk. Do we want to see the Hulk fight hand-to-hand combat with his opponents? No, we want to see some HULK SMASH!

And I don't blame him for his contract. The WWE schedule is brutal, and played a large part in why he left the business in the first place. I also heard rumors that he can work more dates if the WWE was willing to pay more. So it goes both ways. He is a major attraction, and his latest run has done much more good than harm. For now, I will appreciate Brock's work immensely and will miss it once he walks away.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Fair enough i dont blame him for signing the limited appearance clause either. I blame vince for sticking the belt on him. Sorry just the way i like my wrestling i want the championship visible more often than not. I do like that brock is a draw when he does appear and i get that aspect but once every two months if less is just garbage to me as a fan. I know it doesnt bother others and thats cool. I do prefer brock with the belt over cena though that's for sure. Couldn't stand any of Cenas reigns and it was nice seeing brock destroy him at summerslam. I actually stopped watching wwe because of Cena for a good two-3 years. Came back to it when CM Punk held the belt but was used as a midcard champion. Dont get me started on Punk I have a love hate relationship with him and how he was booked but he is the main guy to lure me back and I did like how Brock worked with Punk I will admit.


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Dec 30, 2014
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Yeah anyone but Cena lol. A lot of people are split on Lesnar showing up on rare occasions. I get that. Some want a fighting champion, but on the other hand, some think it makes the belt that much more special. CM Punk was great during 2011, that match at MITB in Chicago vs Cena told a great story. I remember Bill Simmons posting about it on ESPN.

I took my break sometime during 2005, a few months after Wrestlemania 21. Coincidentally, that was when Cena just won his first WWE title and began his rise to the top. So I kinda lucked out on a lot of bad years with LOL CENA WINS AGAIN, DEFIES ALL THE ODDS. I would tune every couple blue moons or so if I was bored. What got me back in it was when my friend bought WWE 2K14 and we played the shit outta it. Then I watched the 2014 Royal Rumble, and eventually the WWE Network launched, in time for WM 30. So I kinda came back at a good time, especially since now HHH may be taking more and more creative control.


Feb 9, 2011
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I listen to mostly hip-hop (not necessarily Wiz Khalifa) but rappers are always so awkward during WWE performances.

And btw, WOW Summer Rae is garbage in the ring.


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Dec 30, 2014
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I listen to mostly hip-hop (not necessarily Wiz Khalifa) but rappers are always so awkward during WWE performances.

And btw, WOW Summer Rae is garbage in the ring.

Yeah she is definitely there for only her looks. I used to listen to a lot of Wiz until I finally came to my senses. Crowd wasn't feeling him but that did not stop him. I will give him credit for bringing some energy, he went hard, even took off his shirt and shit hahaha.

In other news, I dig Cena's raging behavior. Bringing a different element to him that we have not seen in a long while. I can see him turning heel if he loses to Rusev again at WM. Still a longshot but I can still dream, right?


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Heyman with another awesome promo. Just catching up on Raw.


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Dec 31, 2014
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This Raw is pretty bad outside of Heymans Promo and the opening segment.

How long they going to advertize Sheamus return before he does? Thought it would be tonight seeing it is so close to St Patricks day and all. Pretty pointless advertising his return this much now now I think everyone has lost interest if they even had any to begin with.


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Dec 30, 2014
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Heyman is always on point. There was a rumor last week saying WWE is purposely screwing with Heyman's mic to take a shot at Brock. I didn't think much of it until tonight, when it happened again. You gotta love it when reality comes into play.


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Dec 30, 2014
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And it seems like Sheamus returning before WM would make zero sense. Maybe throw him as a surprise entrant at the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal but that seems too low for him. I heard rumors saying he was gonna return to the main event scene as a heel when he comes back, which I would like. Him vs a face Lesnar would be pretty sweet, two monsters going at it. Then again they could feed him to Reigns after WM if he becomes champ also.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Great Bray promo with the urn and the rocking chair set on fire. I'm looking forward to the Taker/Bray match even though Taker can barely move now. I suspect its going to be a heavy ring physchology match but I hope to hell it isn't going to be a gimmick match like a casket match or inferno match. But they will need something to take hide Takers inabilities.

Just please no inferno match. Brays debute with the WWE big show against Kane in that inferno match was god awfull. Don't want to see another botch like that again. Wouldnt be good for either Bray or Taker.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Rollins took that Orton beatdown like a champ!!

Good end to the show. Loved the Orton turn even though we all saw it coming. The flipping of the birds was so stone coldesque.

The last 2 segements of Raw saved the show.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Not doing a good job at selling me on Mania mostly because I am not getting top card participants live for the build up.

Taker I dont mind not seeing on Raw as I think the mystery of him works if he only shows up at Mania and no where else. And the mystery behind his health is a reason enough to be looking forward to see him at Mania

I need more from Sting though...it would be nice to see him and HHH have more face to face segments even though Stings character isn't about talking. The build is losing me even though I did like the appearance of Sting on the last Raw.

But Brock man. I could give two shits about the title match because there have been zero face to face btw reigns and Brock. Heymans great but its getting old him having to be the voice and body for Brock. I hate this now.

I am at the point where I am less interested in Mania itself but more interested in the fall out from Mania and where they go after it. If that makes any sense.

So far the only match I really care about is Rollins/Orton simply because it has the ability to steal the show.

IC ladder match could be great but I think there are too many bodies involved. Im not a big fan of matches with a lot of people unless its the rumble or a battle royal. Speaking of...i think they should reward something to the winner of the andre the giant battle royal. Think that would make it more important no disrespect to Andre. Just needs something extra. Like an IC title shot. Money in the Bank is good for the WWE belt ( nobody chooses to go after the IC belt with the briefcase)they should use the battle royal for a #1 IC contender or something like that.
