WWE/AEW & General Wrestling Thread


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Apr 16, 2013
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Just noticed some Attitude Era raws are on the network now...like Dec '97 to sometimes in '99

watched the first one on there...the one where Stone Cold throws the IC title in the river... and was surprised at how low tech everything looks lol

Whats funny is I have watched those over before and they have some god awful thing on those shows as well. They just had some insane talent


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Dec 31, 2014
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I dont like how they are ignoring Brocks suspension and arent even acknowledging it on Raw. Where is Heyman? They could be doing much better with that story line as they have a reason for Brock not to be on tv but arent taking advantage of it. I bet most people have already forgotten about that story line since the night after Mania.

Guess the big news these days is DBs health. Not sounding good.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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I dont like how they are ignoring Brocks suspension and arent even acknowledging it on Raw. Where is Heyman? They could be doing much better with that story line as they have a reason for Brock not to be on tv but arent taking advantage of it. I bet most people have already forgotten about that story line since the night after Mania.

Guess the big news these days is DBs health. Not sounding good.

Yeah DB is either gonna get squashed or not participate at Extreme Rules... rumors are he'll miss Payback next month as well.

Apparently Bray has been "talking about" Ryback which I think is ***. He NEEDS to interfere in Reigns/Big Show match and feud w/ Reigns until summerslam.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Yeah DB is either gonna get squashed or not participate at Extreme Rules... rumors are he'll miss Payback next month as well.

Apparently Bray has been "talking about" Ryback which I think is ***. He NEEDS to interfere in Reigns/Big Show match and feud w/ Reigns until summerslam.

Yah i have no interest in bray and ryback yet esp when both need a winning program. Reigns would bury bray also. I dont know what the **** they are going to do with Bray. I know some feel he doesnt need the wins to get over anyways but shit man they gotta build the guy as someone who can at least beat someone other than Jericho and Ambrose...who also needs a couple winning programs also.

Im actually interested in where they go with sandow now. Had a thought that they should have him attach to someone else now and be their "double" like Harper lol. Harperdow. Or put him with ceasaro and kid and he can be kidcesarodow. Just keep doing that with him for the rest of his career its endless!! Put him with New Day and black face him as New Daydow.


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Dec 31, 2014
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If DB isnt at extreme rules they HAVE to put Neville in as his replacement. But yah i heard squash too just to get the belt off him if its bad instead of him having to hand it over like he did with the wwe title. If they do have the hand over get ready for a inter belt tourney or maybe they bring in the elimination chamber for payback?


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Apr 16, 2013
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Man, DBry does not sound good. If I was him, I would go get the correct surgery and sit out for a year or so then pull a Shawn Michaels and give us another 10 years when no one thought it was possible. It will suck that he is gone, but he needs to take care of himself. The WWE has a great crew of NXT people ready to take the stage. He could have all new and awesome feuds when he comes back.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Man, DBry does not sound good. If I was him, I would go get the correct surgery and sit out for a year or so then pull a Shawn Michaels and give us another 10 years when no one thought it was possible. It will suck that he is gone, but he needs to take care of himself. The WWE has a great crew of NXT people ready to take the stage. He could have all new and awesome feuds when he comes back.

Agreed. The company does not need to lean on him for the immediate future.

Thrust Neville or Balor into the IC title pic and let DB heal up.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Agree they dont need to lean on DB as they have other talents. Thats the positive if DB is out long. They could go Neville or Balor but my money is on the wwe finally building Ambrose properly as they would have the time to do so. They keep dropping the ball with him. Who ever they go with as the IC champ they need to keep the belt on that person for a while and not go back to changing up the champion every second week. Neville would be great but is he merchandise popular enough yet? How many people want to buy a purple cape?


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Dec 30, 2014
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Bray has zero direction. This is what happens when you let him lose to a part timer at WM, with no follow up. The torch still could have been passed in defeat but WWE failed to capitalize on this. Now Bray is saying he is the new face of fear, dude you fucking lost? LOL, whatever. I know WWE will never do this, but I would love to see a Wyatt Family reunion at Extreme Rules. Harper loses to Ambrose earlier in the night. Where does he go from here? Rowan has not done shit besides Survivor Series, he is also lost. Here comes Bray to save his family members once again.

So what do they do at Extreme Rules? An interference in match, preferably the Reigns/Big Show one. I think a lot of people want Bray to feud with Reigns, which would be cool but I don't see how he wins over Vince's golden boy. Like others have said, he needs a winning program. IMO, the Wyatt Family should attack the Big Show after the match, beat the living hell out of him, so bad that they "retire" his ass. This would result in a huge pop with the Chicago crowd. Wyatt has talked about "taking down the machine" before. Watch his NXT farewell speech, which starts at around the 3 minute mark (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBIKed_9gfg). He comes out saying something along these lines and the Wyatts begin their dismantling of the machine aka The Authority. Big Show is out, Kane is his next victim. This is all leading to a HHH vs Bray Wyatt match at SummerSlam. HHH always said he liked Bray, why not let him go over himself to resurrect his character? The Authority has been getting stale lately, we need something new and fresh. Let the Wyatt Family bring a little anarchy to WWE.

They can even bring Damien Sandow into the family if they wanted to. He just lost The Miz feud thus he is also "lost." He has the right look, maybe he can be the one to interfere in the Big Show/Reigns match, he did lose to Big Show in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and has had his frustrations with The Authority the past year or so.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Bray has zero direction. This is what happens when you let him lose to a part timer at WM, with no follow up. The torch still could have been passed in defeat but WWE failed to capitalize on this. Now Bray is saying he is the new face of fear, dude you fucking lost? LOL, whatever. I know WWE will never do this, but I would love to see a Wyatt Family reunion at Extreme Rules. Harper loses to Ambrose earlier in the night. Where does he go from here? Rowan has not done shit besides Survivor Series, he is also lost. Here comes Bray to save his family members once again.

So what do they do at Extreme Rules? An interference in match, preferably the Reigns/Big Show one. I think a lot of people want Bray to feud with Reigns, which would be cool but I don't see how he wins over Vince's golden boy. Like others have said, he needs a winning program. IMO, the Wyatt Family should attack the Big Show after the match, beat the living hell out of him, so bad that they "retire" his ass. This would result in a huge pop with the Chicago crowd. Wyatt has talked about "taking down the machine" before. Watch his NXT farewell speech, which starts at around the 3 minute mark (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBIKed_9gfg). He comes out saying something along these lines and the Wyatts begin their dismantling of the machine aka The Authority. Big Show is out, Kane is his next victim. This is all leading to a HHH vs Bray Wyatt match at SummerSlam. HHH always said he liked Bray, why not let him go over himself to resurrect his character? The Authority has been getting stale lately, we need something new and fresh. Let the Wyatt Family bring a little anarchy to WWE.

They can even bring Damien Sandow into the family if they wanted to. He just lost The Miz feud thus he is also "lost." He has the right look, maybe he can be the one to interfere in the Big Show/Reigns match, he did lose to Big Show in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and has had his frustrations with The Authority the past year or so.

Fucking love this idea. Can you go kill everyone in creative (and Vince) and take over control?


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Dec 31, 2014
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Yah i love that too. Fantasy booking win!

I have been thinking that he has been calling out HHH and the authority in some form anyways. All the hints have been there. Talking about money, commitment, love, lifting weights. That too me says HHH not RYback or Reigns. It was the money stuff in his promos that seemed to make me think HHH. All the other stuff fits also. That would be a long story line until mania but it can be pulled off for sure.


Feb 9, 2011
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I also love the idea of Wyatt taking on "the machine", the authority...I get why he can't go over Cena and Reigns...but there's no one in the authority it doesn't make sense for him to beat (I guess Rollins will be debatable, depending on how the fans react to everything up to that). He's already popular as the weirdo that's kind of a heel, make him the weirdo that's kind of a good guy.

BTW, what do you guys think happens with Rusev and Cena? It seems like Cena will win because it's too soon for him to give up the title they put out t-shirts for and are trying to make important again...but big bad Rusev will look like a guy that can't back up what he's saying.

I think they'll have to do something where Lana turns against him because she's sick of him failing...where it goes from there, I'm not sure.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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I also love the idea of Wyatt taking on "the machine", the authority...I get why he can't go over Cena and Reigns...but there's no one in the authority it doesn't make sense for him to beat (I guess Rollins will be debatable, depending on how the fans react to everything up to that). He's already popular as the weirdo that's kind of a heel, make him the weirdo that's kind of a good guy.

BTW, what do you guys think happens with Rusev and Cena? It seems like Cena will win because it's too soon for him to give up the title they put out t-shirts for and are trying to make important again...but big bad Rusev will look like a guy that can't back up what he's saying.

I think they'll have to do something where Lana turns against him because she's sick of him failing...where it goes from there, I'm not sure.

I was reading that the weekly "open challenge" has been so well received by fans/Vince that they want to continue it at least until Summerslam. That being said, Cena retains.


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Dec 31, 2014
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I also love the idea of Wyatt taking on "the machine", the authority...I get why he can't go over Cena and Reigns...but there's no one in the authority it doesn't make sense for him to beat (I guess Rollins will be debatable, depending on how the fans react to everything up to that). He's already popular as the weirdo that's kind of a heel, make him the weirdo that's kind of a good guy.

BTW, what do you guys think happens with Rusev and Cena? It seems like Cena will win because it's too soon for him to give up the title they put out t-shirts for and are trying to make important again...but big bad Rusev will look like a guy that can't back up what he's saying.

I think they'll have to do something where Lana turns against him because she's sick of him failing...where it goes from there, I'm not sure.

Yah i could see a Lana turn also but that would probably move Rusev to a face. Would they want to do that with Rusev right now while he has good heel heat? But yah this is probably the end to the rusev/cena program and rusev does have to continue to look strong even if he loses. I havent thought much about where they go with Rusev after the cena program. Its actually been a good feud and i am wondering if it actually has legs left still even after Sunday? Could they go another month with it until Payback? Not even sure who they would feud with Cena next either. What heel is available that he hasnt had a feud with yet? Plus that open challenge story line is really working. Even i a cena hater is liking it. Think its too early to pull the plug on that one.


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Dec 31, 2014
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So yah as we all know now DB is out for a while.

So what do you guys want to see done with the IC belt? Or what do you predict? IC tourney? Just keep it on DB until he can come back and focus on the USA belt and the tag team belts? Other options?

I could see a return of the elimination chamber match instead of a tourneyment. Or maybe both! Small tourney for spots in the chamber then the chamber for the belt. Not saying that will happen but it could be an option.

As long as its not a battle royal for the belt!

Could see another ladder match for it also?

Tourney would be a great way to showcase Neville more also.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Neville is so fucking over.

Don't **** this up Vince you old ****.

Kiiiiiiiiiiing Neville

Hes got the accent and vince gets boners over making great talent into cartoon characters that fit the stereotype.

Surprised he hasnt made Neville dance yet


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Dec 31, 2014
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Putting fandango and adam rose in a raw match and putting rose over fandango shows the worst of the worst with wwe creative. Adam rose should have been released by now and fandango can actually wrestle but they never booked curtis hussey right from day 1 after he left NXT. Shame.


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Dec 30, 2014
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Anyone watching the KOTR semifinals and finals tonight? I got BNB winning it over Neville in the finals.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Anyone watching the KOTR semifinals and finals tonight? I got BNB winning it over Neville in the finals.

I thought when they put Neville over BNB at Extreme Rules that they would hold a IC tourney and BNB would go over Neville there. So, I agree I think he goes over Neville for KOR.
