

i got the w3690 today... all is good so far... i decided to put win 8.1 on it for shits and giggles..

i was going to see how it ran witcher 3 with an old gpu today... but motherfuck steam.. 38 gigs.. that shit will take all day.. i should have bought the disk and bypassed the steam download..

downloading cities skyline again and i will see how that does for now.. i have weeks of downloading games for this shit ahead of me.. slow ass aussie isps...

i see why this machine was $280 here.. they labelled it wrong.. they had it as a 3470 on the invoice and the warehouse sticker on the case.. owell.. i thought it was weird because they were selling the 3680 for 400-500 bucks... used w3690 are on ebay for 300 bucks just for the cpu.. they had 3 of these and they all sold within hours...

this cpu seems strong.. i got impatient and didnt wait for a ssd though..i just used a wd 1tb drive i had sitting here for a new rig.. itll do.. i dont feel like reinstalling anything after having to deal with kinguin and ms about activating this copy of windows.. shit took a couple of hours to iron out..

now im debating what gpu to get.. either a 1050ti or underclock a rx470 a hair to keep it under 150w.. i notice most tests had peaks @ 140w ish but ive seen a couple of 160s here and there.. perhaps the rx 470d or se comes out here??


**** i hate windows.. 2 hours later.. fixed the win 8.1 update issue...

i like xeons... i benched this on userbenchmark and the cpu ranks in the 75th percentile... 68% for single core.. 80% for quad and 95% for mulit.. talk about a deal for 280 man...

oh i found an issue when i did start up after my win install... i kept getting a usb error boot then had to f1 to start.. i wonder if said company moved on from this machine because of this..it is old in a sense though.. may have been a lease pc too...but the issue was just a loose cable that just needed pushed back in.....


damn this xeon is sweet.. i picked up a hd 7750 dirt cheap for my kids rig and i put it in this until i figure out what i want and its pretty amazing in a sense.. it plays battlefield 1.. its only a 1gb card too..

i oc'ed the 7750 to 900 and 1250 mhz to run with the w3690

on single player i averaged 40-45 fps on low.. max 50ish

multiplayer.. depending on the map 29-40 fps max 50ish..

on low, the game still looks good..

this test is really making think about what i should get... if 30 bucks plays bf1... rx 460 4gb should do just fine... my older rig has a lower rated hd but i dont feel like testing it.. i did have a r9 280 my bro sent me.. but there was something wrong with it... no wonder he just sent it out of the blue.. it was new in the box..well perhaps the plastic was reshrunk... thats not hard to do... anyway it just had performance issues.. stuttering.. flickering.. crashing... fan sounded raw... so i sold it on ebay..

due to the hp z400 case, i still may get a rx 470 blower card to help with a few temp points... but at the same time...its $165 aud for a 4gb rx 460 here, $289 for a 4gb rx 470.. the 1050 tis are sitting at 249.. im just waiting to see if amd is going to release another version of the 470 here.. like the 470d they have in china... it outperforms the 1050ti... if i spend less on a gpu.. i wont feel bad for spending a few hundred on more games...

im a xeon convert..


Three if by air
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Good deal man. See, it's not that complicated.


Good deal man. See, it's not that complicated.

xeon or bust from here on out for me... sure its not a 6 core 6800k.. but christ... its pretty fucking good at stock.. i would love to see it oc'ed.. what xeon are you running?

oh the bf1 fps... just for ppl who may have read this... it plays, but at 29 fps on a couple multiplayer maps it has a slight stutter from time to time.. is it playable, yes.. is it enjoyable if you are worried about your stats... no...imo its the 1gb vram... if this card had 2gb vram, im sure there wouldnt be an issue at all...


Three if by air
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Second hand server parts aren't always cheap. You just found a window in time when a lot of hardware was dumped for different workstation solutions. Mainly telework solutions that offices did not deploy, therefore a HUGE chunk of businesses that had static desktops now deploy laptops instead. Saves money on needing huge buildings and parking lots, makes employees happy because they save on traffic and work in their pajamas for a few days a week. And they don't run Xeon laptops.


Second hand server parts aren't always cheap. You just found a window in time when a lot of hardware was dumped for different workstation solutions. Mainly telework solutions that offices did not deploy, therefore a HUGE chunk of businesses that had static desktops now deploy laptops instead. Saves money on needing huge buildings and parking lots, makes employees happy because they save on traffic and work in their pajamas for a few days a week. And they don't run Xeon laptops.

whatever the reasons, im grateful for a decent machine without having to drop a nice chunk of change.. its money saved until i need to upgrade to a newer rig down the road again.. maybe i buy a new xeon solution.. idk.. if they are even still relevant that is.. who knows.. well maybe you would... moreso than me anyway.. with tech getting smaller, more powerful and efficient... who knows what 4-5 years will be like... at some point the big home box will be completely replaced.. unless dinos like myself keep holding on..


idk where this thought should be at.. in me diary.. in da cheap crossfire, in me head or since it be xeon talk.. guess it be hurr

so dis when i wish i be in murica.. why... cheap tech.. id probably build one to see if i could double me moneys..

now if i were needing a cheap quad core pc.. no hyperthreading... but a quad core for less than 50 bucks USD.. how i be doing it..

1. buy a dell optiplex 780, 770, 760.. 360..960.. whatever the numbers..some cant do dat win 10 update yo... so know dat n which ones if win ten update yo thang..but they da the cheap ass used ones with 775 mobos. several model optiplexes....i can get used optiplex for 50 dolla in aud.. or just buy a mobo.. they be 20 dollar here used.. but ram/psu/case/os/hdd... if you gots those okay..

2. buy a xeon 771 4 core with min 3 ghz --- x5450, x5460... those two be the cheap sweet spots.. 20-30 dolla AUD.. so less in muricano pesos.. x5492 will lots mo money...

3. buy 771 to 775 mod adapters for a couple of dollars..

4. enjoy a dated quadcore for 50-75 dolla usd.. cheaper if you be finding sweet deals..

5.... add a low watt cheap ass gpu... gaming fo cheap yo..

edit: i think i saw a optiplex 580 going for 10 dollars on ebay usa.. wiff 6 hours left.. i think dat be a 775 mobo.. and 10 dolla usd for a x5450 from korea.. 20 dolla and change wiff adapters... well thur be dat shipping.... ppl throw those optis away mane.. probably on craigslist for nuffin.. yo daddy probably got one in da garage fo free

or get u a aftermarket 775 mobo and oc da *****

im thinking about buying a dual x5687 set up.. if i gets me a job.. i wills.. be wasting new money on pointless systems.. yeah yeah yeah old tech...

ps... you may need to shave some plastic a tad bit.. youtube be showing you how in sum vids... 771 to 775

learn from a junk collecting aussie guy



the aussie junk guy and his 360 dolla 1440p cheap 15 dolla xeon.. build could have been cheaper.. but dis junkyard dog is inspiring..



dis be his $15 dolla xeon ($360 pc) vs 6800k...



Three if by air
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Just an FYI, and I see a lot of youtubers make scrap PC build careers out of this method... Then people THINK they find some kind of bargain concept, but fail to recognize these parts have A.) Used so higher failure rates for second hand, B.) Less RGB lights, so you can't be a true gamer (seriously, I'm kidding about this one) C.) An expiration date on the maturity gap....

What is a maturity gap? *Specifically to computing.* The period between when compiler, firmware, and microcode is at the end or near it of being maximized(not to be confused with optimized, that can be done endlessly) for a generation of device THEN compared to a new(er) device that is at/near the beginning of being adopted into mass core-software maximization.

So in a few years, if you re-run these tests on mature software for the ladder platforms, the small gap in performance is now much larger. Especially when it's not limited to JUST a CPU, but other onboard devices and features that contribute to performance increases. Unless you're just a really shitty system builder who doesn't know how to futureproof. Then I guess you would be seen as stacking the deck if one were willing to continue the same claims.


Just an FYI, and I see a lot of youtubers make scrap PC build careers out of this method... Then people THINK they find some kind of bargain concept, but fail to recognize these parts have A.) Used so higher failure rates for second hand, B.) Less RGB lights, so you can't be a true gamer (seriously, I'm kidding about this one) C.) An expiration date on the maturity gap....

What is a maturity gap? *Specifically to computing.* The period between when compiler, firmware, and microcode is at the end or near it of being maximized(not to be confused with optimized, that can be done endlessly) for a generation of device THEN compared to a new(er) device that is at/near the beginning of being adopted into mass core-software maximization.

So in a few years, if you re-run these tests on mature software for the ladder platforms, the small gap in performance is now much larger. Especially when it's not limited to JUST a CPU, but other onboard devices and features that contribute to performance increases. Unless you're just a really shitty system builder who doesn't know how to futureproof. Then I guess you would be seen as stacking the deck if one were willing to continue the same claims.

i dont think future proofing is really taken into account on these old builds.. i think people see it as a band aid.... say you got that optiplex and xeon for 20-30 bucks today and got 1-2 years out of it..thats well worth the price of a few cups of starbucks coffee.. its just more about having something do a job for a cheap price.. 7-11 coffee vs some place with qualified baristas.

take my z400 into account.. no way i get something this powerful for 280 aud (211 usd) new.. did i see it as a disposable system.. yeah.. but how many years can i get out of it.. thats the question.. ive gotten 8 months out of it basically as is so far.... i sold the quadro it came with for 80 bucks awhile back.. so i paid 200 aud (150 usd)... what would i get for 150 new in the usa.. basically an i3 7100 cpu without anything else..

i did add a used r7 360.. and im probably going to add a new gpu.. either a 1050ti, 1060 or rx 570.. and thats probably as far as she'll go gpu wise for now without a psu mod....

there arent any win 10 drivers/support.. so its win 8.1 until they stop with security updates in 2023???? and then its off to linux with this box.. but ill probably be on a new rig by then.. by that time.. ill have some cheap 4k set up that will probably cost less than 30% of what someone paid for it today... thatll last years while ppl are paying top dollar for 8k...
