Las Vegas is a ridiculous place. As you fly in it's a blob in the middle of the desert and you wonder "why is it even there". Everything in town is staged and nothing is natural. What's sad is walking through the hotel at 7am and seeing people gambling. Makes you wonder if they are having fun or it's a sick addiction. The town is full of service workers, whores, junkies, cab drivers and other interesting characters. Lots of pawn shops so that you can cash in on your assets to feed your gambling jones at any hour of the day or night. There is really no other reason to be there except to feed and feed off the strip. All feels plastic to me.
I totally agree with this. If you're young and just wanna party and hit the clubs for a couple nights, then an occasional Vegas trip is fine. But as you grow older, you start to see how sick of a place it is. People with gambling addictions throwing their money away, cheating spouses, people with broken dreams, etc., are abundant. Some kid was finished using an ATM, I was next in line, walk up, and I see "insufficient funds." That was pretty depressing.
I used to go pretty frequently in my younger days (it's only an hour flight from where I live), but now I only go if I have to. E.g., I was there earlier this year for a friend's birthday party, and I'll go if there's a big boxing match that I wanna see. But whenever I'm there now, I stay away from the gambling and enjoy the many fine restaurants they have there.
That being said, to the OP, I highly recommend the buffet at Caesar's Palace for breakfast. It's very pricey ($50/person), but it was literally the best breakfast I've ever had. Everything was the best. Waffles... best I've ever had; Breakfast potatoes... best I've ever had; eggs... best I've ever had; even the coffee was the best I've ever had. Literally every item I had in that buffet was great. I haven't tried it for lunch or dinner, but breakfast is outstanding.