When I was a kid in around 1972, i was an altar boy at St. Symphorosa Church. The day came when the church announced that they would have their first ever Saturday night mass. This was a huge deal! Two friends and myself where selected to serve this service which Father Maniola himself would give. (Father M. was the next thing to the pope in my eyes as a child)
The evening comes and the church is packed to the rafters with neighbors, cousins, friends and parents of friends. All goes smoothly until the Homily (for the un-initiated, the sermon). Kevin and I are supposed to kneel off to the side, hold our hands in prayer and look angelic, but one of us cuts the cheese. We try as hard as we can to stifle ourselves but we cannot hold in the giggles. Father M. stops his sermon just for a moment to give us the evil eye, but then continues on. This time, a little squeaker is turned loose and once again we cannot contain our laughter. Father Maniola stops his sermon again, but this time he approaches us, and escorts us out of the sanctuary. We thought that as we stepped through that door we might drop straight to hell.
So there is my story of getting kicked out of church in front of about 1500 people by the top priest in the parish. Scary stuff for me at the time, funny now.