You've got 10 Million Dollars untaxed....


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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10 shares Birkshire A stock. Set up 501 for kids college. Start flipping houses in west valley phoenix for fun to sell at cost to wounded warriors. I don't need money.
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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
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"So.... where are you working now?"

"I'm not..."

I don't think you could keep it a total secret.... people are gonna find out

I'd be a fucking ghost.


Retired Bandwagon Mod
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"So.... where are you working now?"

"I'm not..."

I don't think you could keep it a total secret.... people are gonna find out
Use your 10M to live off the grid!


Drinking da Bears better
Aug 20, 2012
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"So.... where are you working now?"

"I'm not..."

I don't think you could keep it a total secret.... people are gonna find out

My family wouldn't be coming looking for money but my wife's family would. Her step bro & sister would swim their asses to Hawaii for a handout only to realize my wife would give no fucks about them. They have been shitty to her for way too long. Realistically we would be augmenting her mothers retirement to the point that I may just buy her house and let her live in it. ($200k + $10k a year maintenance, tax, insurance)

For those interested Warren Buffet says you can realistically expect 6-7% average return from the stock market. So after some rough math and a couple google searches regarding tax brackets and capitol gains tax....
If you managed to only invest 1/2 of the 10 mil then your annual return @7% would be $350k With a tax bill of $151k leaving you with $199,000 annually before long term capitol gains tax which I Think is capped out at 23%. Leaving you with about $153k to live off of. So a little over $12k BEFORE STATE TAX.

I would love for the Firm's accountant to give me the real $$$ based on Illinois and Hawaii though. 51?


Retired Bandwagon Mod
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Apr 11, 2009
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You sound even more like Walter White.....


Organ Donator
Aug 21, 2011
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I have no debt, no wife, no kids and very little extended family. I have to take care of myself, my mom and my brother. This should be easy.

$1 Million for Stuff
— House for myself. Bungalow in a neighborhood like Albany Park or Old Irving Park. Spend around $250-300K on the house and $100-150k on the renovation. I've always wanted to restore a place, and this gives me something to do with all of my newfound free time. (Total=$400K)
— Houses for my mom and brother. I'd buy land in my mom's home town, so she would be close to her family. I'd build two modest houses (1200-1400 square feet). Land and labor are incredibly cheap where I'm from. The total here seems really low, but trust me, it's not. (Total=$400K)
— Cars. I need three cars for myself, my mom and my brother. I'd buy used. (Total=$125K).
— Clothes, furniture, housewares, etc. Nothing crazy in terms of clothes. I don't need bespoke. Brooks Brothers is about as expensive as I'm going. And I'm living in a turn-of-the-century bungalow, so I don't have a lot of room for furniture. In both case, I'd spend more on quality than quantity. (Total=$75K)

$2 Million for Charity
— Establish a non-profit. I don't want to just hand the money over to a charity. I'm a control freak, so I need to know where the money's going. I'd probably do something with food or education. Something that combined the two would be perfect. Maybe, we get local, fresh food into public schools while also setting up nutrition education programs (field trips, classroom visits from farmers, setting up school gardens). We could start in a couple of schools and then expand it.
— The $2M is just start up costs. My "job" would be to run the foundation and raise money for it, and I'm not taking a salary.
— I'm not paying taxes on the $10M. Giving back 20% seems low, but it's a start.

$7 Million for Investment
— I'd probably need to get in touch with HHM (or whatever he's called these days), but I would invest the remaining money in a way that I would never have to touch the principal. I would have no debt, so I would just need money for things like property taxes, maintenance, insurance and living expenses. Even a modest return would give me $350K a year. Any money that was left over at the end of the year would get reinvested.

I don't like having a lot of things. I put more value on experience and security, so this would work for me. I could eat well, drink well and take a couple of long vacations a year, and I'd be doing work that I felt good about. I'd also have enough money to set up a trust and education fund for my kid(s) if that ever happens.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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Strippers. Lots and lots of strippers. Of the sexual favor variety. Or as one of my best friends so eloquently put it years ago when I suggested such a scenario before "ORGASMS FOR EVERYBODY!"


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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It's funny.... most people have something in their list like "Take care of family/friends" and honestly I think that is how people with millions of dollars go broke.

It starts with helping just your immediate family.... Mom/Dad/Brothers/Sisters but then what about Grandma and Grandpa? Yeah them too.... ok but what about Great Aunt so-and-so who has Cancer.... yeah her too.... well what about her grandkids, your cousins who have expensive college to pay for.... ok them too but no more.... well what about your best friend.... the dude who was your best man at your wedding? Ok yeah I gotta have his back too.... well he has kids.... they are gonna need to go to college....

It must be a scary experience to come in to money.... I am betting people come out of the woodwork hoping to cash in on their relationship to you.... even if its like like "Oh hes got money he will take care of dinner".

I bet if you thought about it you would have between 100-200 people/organizations that would be asking for your money in some way.

**** you Rush I don't want it
I guess it helps that neither my wife or I are that close to family for it to matter.

Seriously though in my case it's not like I wouldn't help people out, but again it goes to the stipend--I would treat it like a salary. Once expenses are taken into account I'd do whatever I wanted with that--if it's to help someone out so be it--if it's to get gadgets or manufactured products, so be it. Ultimately though right now I would never offer to help someone more than what my income was--and I wouldn't do it in this hypothetical scenario, either.

In fact, I would have a meeting with all of the people I'm close to reiterating that I'm not an ATM. If they can't handle that then I won't deal with them--simple.


Drinking da Bears better
Aug 20, 2012
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X, god help me if I had been young , single and suddenly had $10m the bank. The last thing I would have needed was long term planning.

I would have made headlines though....
Last edited:


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I guess it helps that neither my wife or I are that close to family for it to matter.

Seriously though in my case it's not like I wouldn't help people out, but again it goes to the stipend--I would treat it like a salary. Once expenses are taken into account I'd do whatever I wanted with that--if it's to help someone out so be it--if it's to get gadgets or manufactured products, so be it. Ultimately though right now I would never offer to help someone more than what my income was--and I wouldn't do it in this hypothetical scenario, either.

In fact, I would have a meeting with all of the people I'm close to reiterating that I'm not an ATM. If they can't handle that then I won't deal with them--simple.

Well you are very disciplined and lucky to not have alot of close people....

I am telling you though.... for most people you are gonna have that dilemma like when you buy Christmas presents..... where does it end?

I think almost all pro athletes have this problem.


Save America
Aug 20, 2012
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With a few million I would quit my job and spend the next 25 years seeing as much of the world, learning as much and experiencing as many different cultures as I possibly could, living in modest but reasonable means.

Keep a million for my retirement, wherever that may be.

Give the rest to animal charities.
You are the only one here with half a brain


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Well you are very disciplined and lucky to not have alot of close people....

I am telling you though.... for most people you are gonna have that dilemma like when you buy Christmas presents..... where does it end?

I think almost all pro athletes have this problem.

It's more like I'm not afraid to be a rat bastard when needed.

Now, things might change if someone close needs life-saving surgery or the like, but if anything is something someone can live without, I have no problems saying "no."

Actually, looking at it what I would more likley do is figure out our total expenses for the year, multiply that by the remaining years it would take my wife to reach 100, which after a quick calc leaves over 50k for each of us per year--not assuming accrued interest or whatnot. That's just free spending money, all of our living expenses covered.

That would be the hard cap each. If, say, my bro wanted me to buy him a ferarri, hell no. Someone wants a house--no. I don't like to think I would be miserly, but on the flipside I'm not an ATM. I wouldn't stock a cousin's college fund (I never had one) or anything like that. I would probably be generous but the minute someone tried to take the attitude that I "owed" them because I got independently rich is the day i yoink them from my life.

Besdies, that's 50k free money per year ever year until my wife hits 100. Assuming I don't blow it on a car or something stupid on that year, I would have a hard time blowing all that money--I mean really thinking about it I would. I could give a **** about status symbols and whatnot, I like my current car. I like where I live right now, my home is nicely networked and computerized already and really, even if I splurged on some gear it would come nowhere near 10k. Hell, the most I can think I personally would spend on toys is about 3-6k for a good Nikon Fx-format DSLR. Aside from that I'd probably bank it. So even assuming that I spent about 20k a year on myself or a combo of on me and my wife (knowing that she has her own 50k stipend), that's still 30k. I'd have no problem giving a good amount of that in gifts or whatnot to people close to me...which, I think is about 15 people. If I went balls-out that 2k per person over the year--and really even getting 1k in gifts for the year would be a windfall for the people I know. No, they might not get a brand new car but if a close relative was in the same boat this scenario entails and they were willing to drop, say, $500 on gifts for me, much less 1k, much less 2k. I would be eternally grateful and wouldn't ask for jack or shit.
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Organ Donator
Aug 21, 2011
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Well you are very disciplined and lucky to not have alot of close people....

I am telling you though.... for most people you are gonna have that dilemma like when you buy Christmas presents..... where does it end?

I bought two Christmas gifts last year, and I was adamant that those two people not buy anything for me. They didn't. I got nothing for christmas, and it was great.

If I had $10 million and people started asking me for money, I would ask them how they could make me money.

I have a friend who's a trucker, and he's very good at what he does. I wouldn't give him money. I would be willing to buy a truck, though. That could allow him to go into business for himself, and he could make payments to me for the truck. Or we could go into business together, and I would pay him a salary and allow him to earn sweat equity in the company (he earns 10% of the company if we turn a profit the first year, 5% for the second, etc.). There are plenty of ways to go about it. If it works out, both of us could be in a much better position. If it doesn't, I sell the truck and I'm not out very much money.

You can't be stupid about it. Half of the idiots I know would want to open a bar or strip club, but I know a few people who can run a successful business but haven't had the opportunity. I would be willing to make a small investment to help them have a better career.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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You all could invest in me. I'd open up a oyster bar/strip club called "Strip and Slurp."
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Organ Donator
Aug 21, 2011
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You all could invest in me. I'd open up a oyster bar/strip club called "Strip and Slurp."

Alternatives: Shuck Me Silly, Eat it Raw, Love Mussels, The Clam Factory. If you also served fried chicken, you could call it **** Shuckers.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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Exactly. Gotta love the winning combo of aphrodisiacs and strippers!
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