1st Round Options...


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2016
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So-been reading a lot of threads dealing with drafting a QB, and for good reason. The question is: when would you roll the dice. Possible scenarios for the 1st round:

1) Stay where we are and roll the dice on the QB Pace thinks will be the future (maybe Kizer, but Trubisky really impresses me)

2) Stay where we are and take one of the defensive studs that has the potential to be a franchise player (Myles Garrett is always discussed, but I actually think Jonathan Allen may be the better pick. Guy is an animal and our RE spot is an issue...Unrein was our starter for a while-enough said. Draft our QB in the 2nd round.

3) Trade down (maybe TN will want to move up?) for more picks and take a Peppers or a top CB. Use the extra pick to move back up into the 1st to take a QB Pace thinks can be developed (ie Falk)

I think it has been an eternity since we took a QB early and developed. Wouldn't it be nice to hit on a QB, hire a new HC and OC, and finally have some continuity at the position for a change. What do you guys think?


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2016
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1.Garrett 2.Allen even though I don't think he translates well into the NFL compared to Malik McDowell. 3. Kizer


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2016
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Garrett looks like a special talent, and no red flags to boot. Allen is also dominant, and has remained so despite a lot of talent leaving the ALA DL. I'm not sold on any of the QBs or Peppers, so if not one of those two then I hope they can trade back.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
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If you don't have your QB you don't wait. Period.

The chances of getting a good QB don't increase by waiting until the 2nd...

Let's not pretend a DL is as important as QB..

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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I want a QB. I'm waiting until the season is over, when evaluations are more polished, before following the notion that there are no elite QBs. Let the tape and workouts speak for themselves. When all is said in done, I think there will be some clear 1st round talents, possibly 4 QBs taken in round one.

While not prefect, Defense has held its own. For the most part they simply get worn out and long winded from being on the field so much. We need an offense that can sustain drives and spread the ball around. Cutler is too inconsistent, forceful with the ball, and has poor leadership qualities. I want a QB who can inspire and lead this team. Just give me a guy with great character and something to work with and I will be happy. I still want to give Deshaun Watson a good look. He has good pocket presence, a laser throw, and great character. I would think he is very coachable and would work hard to perfect his game.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
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Trubisky, Garrett, Allen or trade down for a CB, Malik Hooper or an OT (Cam Robinson I guess)


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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Trubisky, may have to get Browns to trade down.

westcoast bear fanatic

CCS Donator
Sep 11, 2014
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My gut feeling is Trubisky will be just a guy in the NFL. I get why he is projected high, he has put together a very nice year and he has good athleticsm and a strong arm. But he has a strange throwing motion, he is a one year wonder, and something about him is just lacking. I get a Tannehill type vibe to him, a guy who can win a few games, but just a guy.

Kizer to me has the most upside but he is a classic Boom or Bust. Pace needs to get in that kids head and find out how he's wired. If he is wired right that is who the Bears should target at the top of the draft.

Watson is a hard one to diagnose. He produces and he is a winner but there is a lot to project there because he will need work. Again, teams need to find out if he has the mental makeup to put in the work at the next level.

Falk is my guy, I'm a big fan and I'm not usually this way with this type of QB. I just get the sense that he is going to be the next great QB who supersedes talent with strong work ethic and a desire to be the best. In the mold of Brees and Brady. Problem is top 3 seems a little early on him.

I think another guy also comes up and makes his way into the conversation when it's all said and done. Not exactly sure who yet, perhaps Webb.


Oct 19, 2016
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So-been reading a lot of threads dealing with drafting a QB, and for good reason. The question is: when would you roll the dice. Possible scenarios for the 1st round:

1) Stay where we are and roll the dice on the QB Pace thinks will be the future (maybe Kizer, but Trubisky really impresses me)

2) Stay where we are and take one of the defensive studs that has the potential to be a franchise player (Myles Garrett is always discussed, but I actually think Jonathan Allen may be the better pick. Guy is an animal and our RE spot is an issue...Unrein was our starter for a while-enough said. Draft our QB in the 2nd round.

3) Trade down (maybe TN will want to move up?) for more picks and take a Peppers or a top CB. Use the extra pick to move back up into the 1st to take a QB Pace thinks can be developed (ie Falk)

I think it has been an eternity since we took a QB early and developed. Wouldn't it be nice to hit on a QB, hire a new HC and OC, and finally have some continuity at the position for a change. What do you guys think?

Kizer? Hell No


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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I think Kizer, Watson, Trubisky, Webb, Falk and Kaaya have the talent to potentially be very successful NFL QBs, although all vastly varying in terms of their strengths.

I doubt the Browns take a QB this year. Kessler has talent and I think they'll take another year to develop him, especially when there's a "can't miss" impact player in Garrett this year. They take him imo.

I don't see the Bears winning another game with Fales or Barkley, so it's very possible they could have their pick of the entire QB class. If they've identified a guy they really think is "it", take him with the 2nd/3rd pick, period. Don't get cute and try to fuck around with a trade-and-hope-they-fall move for the sake of getting some defensive player. I don't care if it's Allen, a corner, whatever - the QB is leaps and bounds more important. If they have a guy targeted, just take him.

Camden Cutler

Black Boy Fly
Aug 21, 2012
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garrett or fuck it...or trade down for picks

one of those quarterbacks will be there if you want to trade down


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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garrett or fuck it...or trade down for picks

one of those quarterbacks will be there if you want to trade down

I doubt they want just any of them. They will likely have one or two they think can be the guy. If so, you take him.

I can't believe this team has nothing at QB, their first top 3 pick since 1972, and some people's primary concern is a defender lol. It's like the Stockholm syndrome of being a fan of a QB-tarded team.
Dec 30, 2013
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St. Louis, MO

i've seen mocks with kaaya going in the second round as well

I want absolutely no part of Kaaya.

Luke Falk or bust.

There are also reports of Watson slipping all the way to the bottom of the first, a la Bridgewater, due to accuracy concerns.

Camden Cutler

Black Boy Fly
Aug 21, 2012
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Why? He has fared well in the draft and the 2 QBs the Bears were rumored to trade up for in Mariota/Wentz look like absolute studs.

At this point, I am confident Pace will make the right call.

lol right...this last draft alone should give people some kind of confidence in pace

whitehair, floyd and howard?

bear fans seem to be on repeat from years before...ptsd maybe
