I agree Mass...it's kind of not worth it/annoying as shit to hear about Canucks reactions to it all as well...
"Well Keith did it...so it's Karma"...
"Hansen's not a dirty player.."
It's not worth even going there at some point. I don't see how a smaller Hansen was going to jump through Hossa, to get the puck (not extending his arm, but raising an elbow). The puck was below Hossa's shoulders when he "reached" for it. So apparently he has horrible hand/eye coordination if that was him "reaching" for it...again, through Hossa.
It's an insult to my intelligence to think he was trying to go for the puck...that's his "claim"..whatever. He'll get his someday..we'll see what Shanny thinks..but at this point, there's nothing that can be done. Just hope Hossa can come back sooner than later...I just don't like the trend if he's out...for his long term well being.
And for our team. Depending on if Seabrook is sitting friday this lineup could look way different. Just the way Hossa went down, amount of time he spent on the ice, way he ended last year, my gut feeling is there is no way he's playing against the Sharks. Hope I am wrong but who knows.
As for the Canucks and AV's and Hansens comments....if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, acts like a duck....its a fucking duck. We have seen it now a hundred times from their organization, I say Hansen gets a game or two coming here in a little bit. He has history, cross checked a ref at center ice earlier and got nothing, Hossa was injured on the play, and intent or not, this reckless play deserves a suspension.