I will also say PMX, no matter the Assistant Coach's or anyone else Q runs everything in his ship. He's CLEARLY made changes to his game plan this year, as he KNOWS his job is on the line.
I would grasp at that being the biggest change of them all. Kitchen, Haviland, Kompon, or God, doesn't make a difference to Q. Q runs EVERYTHING. Bottom line.
No question Q does - and should - run everything behind the bench. The guy's been a successful coach in the NHL for a long time, and should get those choices.
And can't the same be said about the Hawks couldn't wait to get rid of Torchetti after the cup?
If Haviland was having issues with some of Q's direction...having shouting matches with him, is dysfunction. I know Haviland has the "good guy" label, had a friend play for him and remains friends with the guy...but the fact is, if an "assistant coach" has other agendas than the head coaches instruction...it leads to dysfunction. It's not Q's job to relate to his assistants...his ass is the one on the line.
LA's pp woes continue without Kompon. So if he was the "scapegoat" there...so be it. The truth of the matter is, you can have the greatest plays in the world drawn up by the greatest minds - but it comes down to execution..and in hockey, bounces, some breaks, rythm and getting "hot" - all factor in.
If Q feels comfy that Kompon and Kitchen will give the same message across that he wants, the Hawks players are much better off than having an assistant that wasn't on the same page.