[quote name="bookjones"]Oh, grow the hell up or else SFTU JR! :x :x :x
So on Monday on NHL Live! he says he thinks the Sharks are the best team in the League and that were a gun being held to his head he'd be rooting for SJ which is insult enough. Then five mins ago I was innocently following a news link which lead me to ESPN-Chicago and off to the right I see there's another news story with the byline "Bitter Roenick" only to find he did an interview on "Waddle and Silvy" today wherein he says that if the Hawks and Flyers were to meet in the SCF and if a gun were held to his head he'd "HAVE" to root for the Flyers! Because the Flyers and Flyers fans were great to him. Is this motherfucker on drugs or something?
See, I thought eventually I'd just dismiss his musings and opinions---that over time they'd just become water under the fucking bridge for me months from now but now I am not so sure. As it stands right now, JR is Dead. To. Me. Of course I have always known that he is a media famewhore and likes to stir shit for shits n' giggles because hey, he's JR. . .but STILL! What an asshole to not want the Cup for Hawks fans when he KNOWS how long the club and it's fans have suffered and the depths the organization had sunk to. As if his 8 seasons here just meant nothing. As if it was the Hawks nation that adored him that shoved him out of town. What a petty little fucking Grudgie McGrudgerson pischer.
I thought one of the MAIN purposes of his Heritage Night was to acknowledge that mistakes were made but that with that old regime long gone that hatchets could begin to be buried and he could once again embrace and be embraced by those same fans that loved his play and appreciated what he did being the face of the franchise. I don't care that he has opinions and he's entitled to them of course and I also don't care if he truly believes this shit or is just doing it all to be in the limelight during this time for the Haws but either way why couldn't he just keep his fucking mouth shut period and show some class and tact to ALL his former teams then---but essentially wishing ill-will to the Hawks? Just. No.
Fuckin' EXACTLY!!! I thought the whole reason for the Heritage Night was to help put more water under the bridge, to acknowledge that mistakes were made on both sides and to move on. But of course not. JR was happy to accept the recognition and the fans' adoration but now he needs even more attention so he has to express his continuing bitterness to anyone with a microphone. If he was that damned bitter he should have declined the Heritage Night so Hawks' fans could know where he really stands. Maybe he's bitter because guys like Toews, Kane, and Keith are getting contracts to stay in Chicago when JR couldn't. Or maybe he's bitter because the Hawks didn't invite him to play this year so he could have one last season in Chicago (which would have been an absolute team-killer).
Or maybe the simple answer is that JR is nothing more than a publicity whore who will say or do anything to get more attention. But if he wants it to be that way, I'm with you -- he is Dead. To. Me. Too. Here's one for you, JR: GROW THE **** UP AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!! It'll never, ever happen but until it does, I'm done with JR.