80 year old Chicago man kills home invader


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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[quote name="PatrickSharpRules"]
[quote name="IceHogsFan"]If I am not mistaken owning a handgun in the city limits is illegal but not a shotgun

or rifle if appropriately registered. Is that true? If so, it is the reason why it is a big

deal and also the reason why the ban in Chicago is going before the Supreme Court.

This has incredible timing.[/quote]

I still think this guys handgun was completely legal under the grandfather clause, my dads friend has his gun/guns legally under the same one.

And I still don't see the need for handguns, sure the handgun helped this guy and his wife, but a shotgun would have done the job, and it would have been a way better headline. "80 year old Vet blows off intruders head to save wife".....assuming the press would embellish the story.[/quote]

Forgive my contrary nature, but I don't see the reason to NOT have them.

Yes, the main beef is that they can be concealed, but if you think about it--a rifle or a shotgun can be long, and in an englosed space, like a hallway, it can be difficult to manoeuver (why do you think Samurai/Ninjas carried around Tanto as well as Katana/Wakazashi?).

My belief is that the citizenry should be able to keep the same or better weaponry than the government--after all, it's not like criminals won't and you can't always trust the government to bail your ass out when needed


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May 16, 2010
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[quote name="PatrickSharpRules"]I still think this guys handgun was completely legal under the grandfather clause, my dads friend has his gun/guns legally under the same one.


Chicago technically doesn't have a ban. They instituted a freeze on handgun registrations in 1983. Anyone who owned a handgun before that date may still own and register said weapon. Since the freeze is effectively a ban on most Chicagoans, I expect the Supreme Court will likely strike it down.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
PSR, what's wrong with handguns?

Tommy, I feel your "gut instinct" but even though I am heavily armed I do not wish, in any way, shape or form to be the one to be forced to kill another human being. Make no mistake, I will not hesitate, not even for a split second, if I see the bad guy coming around the corner to put him down but I would dread that day, not relish the opportunity.

"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."


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May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
[quote name="LordKOTL"]

My belief is that the citizenry should be able to keep the same or better weaponry than the government--after all, it's not like criminals won't and you can't always trust the government to bail your ass out when needed[/quote]

It is scary how much we think alike.

Daley is a douche. Dumb "ban". We need more good guys with guns plain and simple.

The fella will not face charges. I am sure he is dealing with enough horrible feelings. I do hope he isn't though.

I would be proud to call him neighbor.


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May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
[quote name="jaxhawksfan"]PSR, what's wrong with handguns?

Tommy, I feel your "gut instinct" but even though I am heavily armed I do not wish, in any way, shape or form to be the one to be forced to kill another human being. Make no mistake, I will not hesitate, not even for a split second, if I see the bad guy coming around the corner to put him down but I would dread that day, not relish the opportunity.

"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."[/quote]

I don't know, I usually don't post in NHTA to avoid never ending arguments. But to me handguns aren't exactly necessary, I don't mind people who have them for protection, but I mean what is the percentage of people who own them that ever use them as protection. I mean I live right next to an area of huge crime and while theirs break ins in my neighborhood all the time, I still feel safe walking the streets at night, sitting at home. Now people in the straight up suburbs who have handguns under their beds, to me that would be more dangerous to you or your family than it would ever be to a criminal who might walk in you house. I guess thats the main point if I ever thought of buying one, the back of my mind would tell me that the chances of me doing harm to myself or someone I know, whether I be drunk, overly pissed off for no reason, would be much higher than me ever having to protect myself.

Basically I plan on living a long life without owning a gun at my house, and if I did I'd get a shotgun, something that you just don't fuck around with. I mean I'm sitting right here in my house and if two armed dudes walked in I'd shit my pants and say "Take everything you want". I'd give them keys to the car, all would want to do is get out alive. Even if there were a shotgun in this house I wouldn't be able to get to it in time to slay the vandals.


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May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
PSR, thanks for the honest reply. You bring up some valid points.

1. If you do not know in your heart that you could pull the trigger when the time comes then you are correct, having a gun is a bad idea.

2. A handgun is terribly inaccurate without practice practice practice (add adrenaline and it is even worse)

3. For home defense people usually talk about handgun or shotgun. Recent evidence shows that the "AR" type of weapon which shoots a .223 round is best. Handguns and shotguns usually shoot through walls when you miss your intended target. Most of the .223 energy is used up by penetrating the wall and is less lethal on the other side.

4. In the end, it comes down to personal feelings and responsibility. The federal and local governments should have zero say on the subject of how you defend yourself or your property.


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Middle of nowhere AL
Jax...good to see your home.

I agree with what you said, if you are buying a gun of any type for "protection" and are not sure you can pull the trigger when the time comes, don't get the damn gun.

Where as you are correct about a shotgun and the devastation it can cause, the most intimidating sound you can hear when in the dark, is some one rocking and chambering a round in a shotgun.

I have been told that the scariest sound you can hear in the dark is Jako's zipper coming down.


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May 16, 2010
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[quote name="bubbleheadchief"]I have been told that the scariest sound you can hear in the dark is Jako's zipper coming down.[/quote]If you're hearing that sound... it's already too late.



Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Jax has excellent points.

I think the big reason why people like handguns is because they are small, compact, and not a lot of recoil and somehow gives them a shot of testosteone. After all, an AR/Shotgun would be hell to manoeuver in a hallway, like I said (and it's not like a sawn/sawed off is legal).

The problem is, like has been said, is that you have to practice. Further, Again like has been said, heavier caliber weaponry can go through walls and cause collateral damage.

Personally, I prefer blades to guns. Maybe it's just my psychosis, but there's little tactile feel in pulling a trigger except for the weapon recoil. I prefer feeling the blade sever organic fiber and sinew. Plus, a 12" stiletto/dagger through the gap between the 7th and 8th ribs will kill someone just as dead as a handgun.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="LordKOTL"]

Personally, I prefer blades to guns. Maybe it's just my psychosis, but there's little tactile feel in pulling a trigger except for the weapon recoil. I prefer feeling the blade sever organic fiber and sinew. Plus, a 12" stiletto/dagger through the gap between the 7th and 8th ribs will kill someone just as dead as a handgun.[/quote]

Not that you've given it much thought or anything.... :dance:


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="Ymono37"]
[quote name="bubbleheadchief"]I have been told that the scariest sound you can hear in the dark is Jako's zipper coming down.[/quote]If you're hearing that sound... it's already too late.


It's why they call him the "Nub Ninja".


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May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
[quote name="LordKOTL"]Jax has excellent points.

I think the big reason why people like handguns is because they are small, compact, and not a lot of recoil and somehow gives them a shot of testosteone. After all, an AR/Shotgun would be hell to manoeuver in a hallway, like I said (and it's not like a sawn/sawed off is legal).

The problem is, like has been said, is that you have to practice. Further, Again like has been said, heavier caliber weaponry can go through walls and cause collateral damage.

Personally, I prefer blades to guns. Maybe it's just my psychosis, but there's little tactile feel in pulling a trigger except for the weapon recoil. I prefer feeling the blade sever organic fiber and sinew. Plus, a 12" stiletto/dagger through the gap between the 7th and 8th ribs will kill someone just as dead as a handgun.[/quote]

Concur whole-heartedly, but a knife does not create as big a splatter as a single round of buckshot to the chest at about 4 feet.


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May 16, 2010
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[quote name="PatrickSharpRules"]I guess thats the main point if I ever thought of buying one, the back of my mind would tell me that the chances of me doing harm to myself or someone I know, whether I be drunk, overly pissed off for no reason, would be much higher than me ever having to protect myself.


If you cannot trust yourself to use it responsibly, then you should not own one. You owe that to the people around you. However, the vast majority of the general public is perfectly capable of responsible ownership. People use firearms for personal or home defense more often than you might think, as the mainstream media is often reluctant to cover such stories. The NRA highlights these stories in their monthly publications. Often shots are never even fired. Merely brandishing a weapon is often enough to persuade an attacker to retreat.

I've always been a firm believer in firearms for home and personal defense. Handguns being easier to wield in close quarters than a shotgun or rifle. I believe it is my responsibility to defend my home and my family. If I do not have the means of meeting deadly force, then I am completely negligent with their security. That being said, you need to be proficient with the weapon so that you can hit your target, even in low light conditions, and you don't have the weapon taken away from you. Again, this goes back to responsible ownership. A little training and basic marksmanship can go a long way.

Sitting back and hoping that I do not become a victim is simply not an option. Being prepared is always a better way. The police can only react after the fact, and are under no legal obligation to protect you.


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May 15, 2010
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[quote name="PatrickSharpRules"]

Basically I plan on living a long life without owning a gun at my house, and if I did I'd get a shotgun, something that you just don't fuck around with. I mean I'm sitting right here in my house and if two armed dudes walked in I'd shit my pants and say "Take everything you want". I'd give them keys to the car, all would want to do is get out alive. Even if there were a shotgun in this house I wouldn't be able to get to it in time to slay the vandals.[/quote]

I can honestly say I would be at the opposite end of that spectrum. If some asshole(s) broke into my house I would be so pissed off that I'd probably be charged with premediitated murder.
