Are they part of the Hawks? That's what I thought...
As to the next sentence - PR ops are covered by their own people and put on the Hawks website. They don't really need anyone but the 9 and 10pm news to replay that clip for ten seconds. Do you really think there is no money involved in that transaction?
Sun-Times and Tribune reporters as well as sports radio personalities routinely questioned, second-guessed and generally chided them. Were their media outlets denied access to the teams? Are local media not allowed access to the Bears or Lovie because someone on their reporting staff routinely calls him out? That's what I thought. What the hell does being a "part of the Hawks" have to do with my larger point in citing examples? The Hawks FO isn't any more extra-insular or extra-mysterious an organization than the tightly-wound inner-sanctum driven clusterfuck the McCaskey's run.
Yeah, because the Hawks FO somehow instills more fear of reprisal in the local sports media pool. The team that is likely in 5th place locally in terms of coverage in this town after football, baseball, and basketball. Were the press denied access to the Cubs when McD headed their entire Marketing Department if they criticized the team? That's what I thought.
PR Ops are not only handled in-house. Some Hawks show up at a public school or hospital or charity golf game? Sure, likely only in-house and only fodder for the website, newsletter, blog and magazibe. But there are certainly press outlets at other events not just the Hawks videographer and photographer. Who's pictures are used online and in the newspapers of in-game action, photographers from media outlets and photo agencies, not just Hawks payroll. Is
Chicago Magazine a part of the Hawks PR staff and do they have to feature Hawks on the cover?
Local news stations paying the local sports franchises to recap the day's action? First I'm hearing of this. Who knows though that makes no sense whatsoever to me. It's just general sports reporting. You think the Fire wouldn't 100% ensure themselves coverage of every game if it were as simple as ponying up a little coin each time? Or the Sky? So, during Dollar Bill's basement dwelling days the reason the Hawks were almost never mentioned in daily recaps let alone highlights shown was because he was a cheap bastard not because of the relative lack of interest locally in hockey to anyone but long-time, die-hard fans? My point is that while obviously the FO has the Hawks beat reporters irrationally psyched out with fear they clearly shouldn't be and someone should fucking man up and call their idiotic bluff. Yay though everyone at IHN has tremendous hockey love the fact of the matter is that McD heads a team that plays a sport that isn't anything close to being the most avidly followed in this town so his hubris shouldn't be allowed to play the Wizard behind the curtain---the fact that the press corps allows him to is simply further proof of their general incompetence and laziness.