[A] Mental Tax: CHI 2, COL 5

mikita's helmet

CCS Donator
Dec 10, 2014
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Anacortes, WA via Glenview, IL
Wow ... that's one way to bring the dead back to life... Really?

Kevin Constantine is still out there if you really want to bring back some old coaches... At least offensively he wouldn't be a bad coach to bring in.

Hell, if you REALLY want to bring in an old guy to coach, I know Al Arbour is still alive. -.-

I hear Red Berenson is, too.


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
Bring back Billy!


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
the fact that the press corps allows him to is simply further proof of their general incompetence and laziness.

So that's your final answer? The Hawks beat writers in Chicago are just nincompoops? To each his/her own.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL

Is Quenneville in trouble?

No, but that doesn’t mean things couldn’t change in the off-season if the Hawks either fail to make the playoffs or have a second straight first-round exit.

President John McDonough likes Quenneville, but he also likes winning.

Has Quenneville lost the team?

There is no evidence of this. The players respect Quenneville, who treats them like men, gives them plenty of time off and never, ever throws his guys under the bus.

Quenneville’s message and systems basically are the same as they were as recently as two years ago when the Hawks won their first Stanley Cup in 49 years on his watch. But this is a far less talented team up and down the lineup and has average goaltending. That’s where the problem lies, not with the head coach.

Hmmmm, certainly sounds like some save ass shit. I don't disagree that this team is less talented and we don't have a PP QB (ahem Campbell), but this is some very flowery language telling the fans that they are blaming the wrong people and that we shouldn't really blame anyone and that we should just keep giving the Hawks money cause well, if he doesn't say that he won't be allowed in 'gate 3'.


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
I just don't think we are "less talented" compared to 29 other NHL teams. That is bullshit.

If he is saying no coach can win with this roster, I strongly disagree.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
At least that douche bag Rozner had the balls to point out the Kitchen issue. He also mentioned that Havi ran a pretty darn good defense in the recent past. If we as fans rail on Lovie for the crap Martz did, then we should also get license to rail on Q for the shitty coach that Mike Kitchen apparently is.

I think the biggest differences between this roster and the Cup roster is the size of the balls of the support and role players. Bickell and Frodo (to name a few) don't have shit on Ladd or Steeg or Eager or Burish or Buff (the forward) when it comes to heart and balls. That much, Sassone is correct about.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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That ass bag Rozner gets his material directly from McDouchebag, so whatever he writes about anyone is exactly what McPOS wants you to know. He never even has to walk inside the building......

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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I don't see what he wrote that is so controversial. Saying the same things we are all saying.

Teams not as talented as the cup team (duh we all know this...it's not really as talented as last years team either and it isn't as talented as the team that went to the conference final in Toews and Kanes 2nd year)

We haven't been getting great goalkeeping (Duh...pretty obvious this has been one of a few issues)

Q's job isn't in jeopardy right now but will be if the team doesn't make a viable run towards the playoffs and in them. (pretty much agree..Q's not getting fired right now so any ideas of that happening need to stop..wait for the offseason when it's more realistic)

I don't see what the big issue is with the article other than spewing shit we already know. I don't think there is any Q defending in there besides the part where he doesn't think Q has lost the players. In many aspects I don't think he has either. I also don't think he has got the best out of them via some of his line decisions and minute allocations the system etc etc. He def has made some big mistakes but I am not ready to go with the idea that he has lost his players....yet. It could be getting close though.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks

Quenneville’s message and systems basically are the same as they were as recently as two years ago when the Hawks won their first Stanley Cup in 49 years on his watch. But this is a far less talented team up and down the lineup and has average goaltending. That’s where the problem lies, not with the head coach.


The fact that it is a far-less talented team that is not really able to play that same type of system that won us our 4th Stanley Cup tells me that the problem lies in the Head Coach for not adjusting his system to fit the talent of the players.

If you have to knock down a cinder-block wall one day with a sledgehammer, you're going to approach the task a certain way. The next day when faced with the same task (knock down a cinder block wall), but you're given a ball-peen hammer to do the job with, if you approach it the same way you did with the sledgehammer, you're going to fail. you have to re-think your approach.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!

Is Quenneville in trouble?

No, but that doesn’t mean things couldn’t change in the off-season if the Hawks either fail to make the playoffs or have a second straight first-round exit.

President John McDonough likes Quenneville, but he also likes winning.

Has Quenneville lost the team?

There is no evidence of this. The players respect Quenneville, who treats them like men, gives them plenty of time off and never, ever throws his guys under the bus.

Quenneville’s message and systems basically are the same as they were as recently as two years ago when the Hawks won their first Stanley Cup in 49 years on his watch. But this is a far less talented team up and down the lineup and has average goaltending. That’s where the problem lies, not with the head coach.

Hmmmm, certainly sounds like some save ass shit. I don't disagree that this team is less talented and we don't have a PP QB (ahem Campbell), but this is some very flowery language telling the fans that they are blaming the wrong people and that we shouldn't really blame anyone and that we should just keep giving the Hawks money cause well, if he doesn't say that he won't be allowed in 'gate 3'.

Arrrrrgh! God, this shit is so frustrating! Even I have posted over the years and agree with the belief that Q is likeable and that he's a player's coach and that they like him as a person and respect him (well. . .maybe except for Lepisto and Brouwer, heh). I give him his credit for being a stand-up guy that player's seem to personally like and get along with. But that IN NO WAY is the same as thinking that he can't have lost them on the ice. Not buying it---too many players who are now gone who have tried to tactfully admit that he's frustrating, that The Q Random Line Generator of High Panic is frustrating, that he's not that easy to always understand in terms of what he wants them to do and therefore is quick to non-sensically doghouse and promote, and that he sort of undermines confidence. Not to mention I feel as though more players have regressed under his tenure than I ever would have imagined though there's been some who improved as well. But really, no one should be regressing. Hell, even current roster players have given interview soundbites where you can hear frustration in their voices and their tactful imploring of how nice it would be if there was a ceasefire in the incessant line changing to start to create some stability, chemistry and hopefully simplify things. Good lord, if it's that frustrating to watch that shit as a fan I can't even imagine what's it's like for a Hossa or Toews. Sorry, this team comes into most games so disengaged and non-game ready and the Special Teams are so inneffectual that I have no other choice than to believe that whatever he's sayin' is going in one ear and right the **** on out the other.

ETA: Also, I forgot---STFU Rozner.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
So you are starting to agree with me. The beat writers would rather rag on throw away 3rd and 4th liners than blame Q, the Pres and Bowmans's coach.


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
Arrrrrgh! God, this shit is so frustrating! Even I have posted over the years and agree with the belief that Q is likeable and that he's a player's coach and that they like him as a person and respect him (well. . .maybe except for Lepisto and Brouwer, heh). I give him his credit for being a stand-up guy that player's seem to personally like and get along with. But that IN NO WAY is the same as thinking that he can't have lost them on the ice. Not buying it---too many players who are now gone who have tried to tactfully admit that he's frustrating, that The Q Random Line Generator of High Panic is frustrating, that he's not that easy to always understand in terms of what he wants them to do and therefore is quick to non-sensically doghouse and promote, and that he sort of undermines confidence. Not to mention I feel as though more players have regressed under his tenure than I ever would have imagined though there's been some who improved as well. But really, no one should be regressing. Hell, even current roster players have given interview soundbites where you can hear frustration in their voices and their tactful imploring of how nice it would be if there was a ceasefire in the incessant line changing to start to create some stability, chemistry and hopefully simplify things. Good lord, if it's that frustrating to watch that shit as a fan I can't even imagine what's it's like for a Hossa or Toews. Sorry, this team comes into most games so disengaged and non-game ready and the Special Teams are so inneffectual that I have no other choice than to believe that whatever he's sayin' is going in one ear and right the **** on out the other.

ETA: Also, I forgot---STFU Rozner.

You just gave me a brilliant idea.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
So you are starting to agree with me. The beat writers would rather rag on throw away 3rd and 4th liners than blame Q, the Pres and Bowmans's coach.

Huh? How is that starting to agree with you? I have never not maintained that the beat writers are cowardly asshats in this discussion. That's why I find them useless---because they won't call out coaching, because they won't sack up and act like they have any leverage in dealing with the FO whatsoever when I feel they *do* have leverage. Of course they talk about everything but the issue that---IMO---is at issue.

ETA: And yes before anyone pipes up, OF COURSE I know the Hawks have multiple issues (on-ice and behind the desks) and some are major but I also feel that for me, coaching is one of them and that's it's never sufficiently called into question.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Huh? How is that starting to agree with you? I have never not maintained that the beat writers are cowardly asshats in this discussion. That's why I find them useless---because they won't call out coaching, because they won't sack up and act like they have any leverage in dealing with the FO whatsoever when I feel they *do* have leverage. Of course they talk about everything but the issue that---IMO---is at issue.

ETA: And yes before anyone pipes up, OF COURSE I know the Hawks have multiple issues (on-ice and behind the desks) and some are major but I also feel that for me, coaching is one of them and that's it's never sufficiently called into question.

Okay woman. My fault, I totally misunderstood one of your posts about a page back. My bad.
