Define more people like me please? You dont know a damn thing about me, and I fully resent your uneducated and closed minded statement as such. No where have I ever said it is an evil plot, nor have I ever spoken against *** marriage.
For your own edification and education, although it is none of your damned business, my uncle presided over my first wedding ceremenoy. My uncle had received Gods calling (his words for it) and started his road to become a member of the clergy in his middle teens. Reverend Bob, aka Reverend Robert, aka Brother Bob, after shifting through several religious orders, eventually went on to found a couple Uniterian Churches in Kansas, as well as one in Jacksonville Florida just prior to him being killed in a horrific accident while on his way to Winterpark Florida for a religious conference.
I knew Reverend Bob as Uncle Bill, as his given name was William. My Uncle Bill was ***, and damned proud of that fact, as we were damned proud of him and his willingness to reach out to others even though he wasn't necessarily accepted by all in his community. He was one of the most grounded individuals I have ever met, and I wish more people in this world were like him. And to add insult to injury, shorly after Uncle Bill's untimely death (a couple years) we lost his life partner Cal to cancer. Cal was also a great person, and one of the most open and flamboyent personalities I have ever known. My family and I miss both of them dearly.
So **** off with your "people like you" bullshit.
All I have done is try to point out that it isnt always about the evil religious few out there. I am not religious, nor have I ever really been. I for one am sick and tired of both sides forcing one view or the other down everyones throat. Somewhere along the line someone has to grow some thick skin and realize not everyone will be made happy by a decision. As I said to someone just recently, why the **** should hetero's be the only miserable people out there, let homosexuals be miserable too.