AMD Ryzen price/spec leaks


Three if by air
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This thing is taking everything I can throw at it so far. Not even my main render machine can do this. Very promising, even without opts. Realtime 32768 encryption on cpu alone, no CL no CUDA. Just unbelievable.


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Sep 9, 2012
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This thing is taking everything I can throw at it so far. Not even my main render machine can do this. Very promising, even without opts. Realtime 32768 encryption on cpu alone, no CL no CUDA. Just unbelievable.

Any reason why you went with kingston ram?

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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Seems like Ryzen is going to need to be almost completely re-reviewed in a few months.

years leading up to release, tons of hype... getting the product into the hands of hundreds of devs, etc. and no one caught this shit? cause you know its not like amd and its engineers had access to windows 10 which is the main and only officially supported OC for their new processor. and theres the little fact that skylake still crushes it in games in linux as well. lol thing is amd wouldnt even have looked too bad if they didnt hype it up as the be all end all cpu when it comes to gaming. it also doesnt help that this means their 6 and 4 core chips will actually perform worse since ryzen simply doesnt seem to have any overhead for ocing, considering the equally low clock speeds on the r3 and r5 chips, and the fact that they obviously released the best they had to offer first.

people hanging on to the hope that ryzens performance is suddenly going to improve are simply refusing to accept that its not a great cpu for gaming. which is were the only disappointment comes from as well as the complaints. SMT, and the chips overall, works fine, and even excel, in all the synthetic benches, and multi threaded work loads benched and tested(which amd loved to throw around before launch). plus, a number of the games that showed improvement with smt off dont benefit from it anyway, and the games that do used all 16 threads with no issue, showing improvement in those games. as i said earlier, once any actual issue with smt is fixed it will likely simply bring performance up to where it is with it off, in games where that was an issue. at best the chip will perform slightly better.

a re-review isnt going to change a damn thing. its a good cpu, even great for people needing as many cores/threads as possible, but disappointments in gaming. it is what it is. unfortunately a lot of people buying into the hype were gamers, and knowing that amd hyped up the gaming potential to sell units(which worked considering all the pre orders) but now the reality is out there. sure a few bugs might be cleaned up but its not suddenly going to become a completely different chip. when has that ever happen? and if it did that makes amd even more incompetent, that after all that time they release a mess of a product still not ready for release. there are a number of in depth reviews that go into far more technical detail than i can explaining why the chips simply arent great at gaming due to design. in the end its seems very familiar to bulldozer... "wait for optimization, wait for this to be fixed, wait for games to take advantage..etc." just like last time. only at least they have a legit chip on there hands this time that is a solid product.


Three if by air
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Holy fanboy in the making batman. Be careful, once you plant that flag, you'll never see things objectively again. Just one side of two-sided arguments.


Three if by air
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And I need to wait on fixes as well with Linux(not stability, just performance ones), it's not just Windows. Same thing happened with Skylake, we needed to wait for 6 months before a kernel fixed the probing and errata issues so it could run in a production environment. That was an architecture developed for a few years with a lot of hype too. Just chill, this shit happens.

Same for both architectures: Issues on launch galore, yet, both still performed amazingly well. With all things considered, even if the SMT driver implementation isn't fixed in Windows, Ryzen is still the price:performance king until Coffee Lake.

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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not a fan boy. i have an amd gpu. though i admit the incompetent, sad way in which amd goes about tooting their own horn while patting themselves on the back every time they release a new product only to often fall flat on their face does annoy me. i simply go with whatever offers the best performance for what i want to do, which happens to be gaming. and as you saw earlier in the thread i was even buying into the hype, but now the hype has been replaced by actual objective reviews and it is what is is. i think you might be forgetting that most people that bought into the hype and pre ordered ryzen do not use their pc the way you do, but are in fact gamers first and foremost, and on that front its simply disappointing. so whats happening is a lot of people, including a large number of actual amd fanboys, are going into full blown denial.

and its amds own fault. they overhyped or mismarketed their product. the E series intel chips arent worth the money at all when it comes to gaming, but they are not marketed to gamers(sure mobo makers market rgb xmas tree "gaming" x99 boards but again that simply an attempt to target the biggest audience) because intel has chips that excel at gaming on the market. amd does not so they needed to hook the gamers, the only thriving market keeping the dying desktop market afloat. and so they hyped up ryzen as the ultimate gaming cpu even comparing it against the 7700k, which outshines intels own 6+ core processors. that along with their skewed cherry picked benches blew up in their face.

and yet, even now im toying with the idea of selling my shit just to switch to a ryzen 1700 and a cheap mobo which i can do for only like 100 bucks. but i know ill regret it because the mobo will not be as good as the one i currently have and gaming performance will suffer and thats what i use my pc for. plus itll just be more trouble than its worth swapping the whole platform. stillt, a part of me wants to do it simply because i like new pc tech. hell, if i could id probably build a machine every time a new high end cpu or gpu came out, meaning id build multiple pcs a year, just for the fun of it.


HS Referee HoF
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For someone who isn't an Intel fanboy you're sure fanboying pretty hard. Just saying. Be prepared to fall on your sword though. You set yourself up.

Its almost like you've never heard of the lawsuits AMD won against Intel for the shady shit they have pulled on them in the past.

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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ive heard of it and its irrelevant in regards to ryzens performance. and it doesnt change the fact that amd dug its own hole putting intel in a position of dominance. also lets not act like amd is some benevolent entity. lol

anyway, the reviews are what they are and the same wait for this, wait for that bs was thrown around after bulldozer disappointed as well. ryzen is what it is. a great workstation cpu, a not so great cpu for gamers. just like intels e series chips. dont blame me. ryzen is a great fucking product for those who need a cpu for a workstation and dont need whatever extras are offered by x99. which i admittedly cant get into because im ignorant in that area so i cant say if they make intels huge price bump worthwhile or not. though i doubt it for most people. unfortunately amd marketed ryzen as much to gamers, claiming it would be the best gaming cpu on the market. its not like there are facts to the contrary and im spewing bs. im simply engaging in the thread and discussing the topic at hand. i could give a **** about brand loyalty. go back and look at the thread form last year before i built my pc. i was strongly considering a budget fx build over going with intel.

responding to a post in a way that simply doesnt reinforce what was said doesnt equal fanboy. though people sure do seem to think so. people also seem to have trouble with disagreement. so, here you go...

in 5-6 months, patches, optimization and updates will have ryzen dominating kabylake in gaming.



Three if by air
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I'm lost. What is not great about this? It's up there on ST games, just not better in many that have SMT issues and owns on MT games and applications. If you're a PC gamer, you run a web browser with many tabs in the background, so as far as real world performance, the focus on cores trumps a single run benchmark on games that lack opts and STILL are within reach of a 7700K.

So SMT issues need to be fixed. New Architecture. Skylake had issues too. This is what happens.

Great everything CPU, Workstation, Gaming, Streaming. IMO it beats the hype. And this is from someone with CPUs from Intel and AMD in use. If someone is honest and objective, then you account for ALL these things.

Do you play games on your computer, like a console gamer? Which means, no multitasking, no alt-tab to a web browser, no downloading mods in the background, no skype or whatever? I'd hope not. A real PC gamer knows multitasking and multithreading is the real advantage in the OS and the hardware. Even if just running the game alone is not #1 on toms shartware or whatever, the sum of the entirety makes it superior in design philosophy.

And no, there is no need for you to buy new hardware either. It's still great hardware. No need to get mad that AMD, after 4 years with a shortsighted CEO(Rory Reed, the biggest idiot in tech, who was fired for Lisa Su), clawed their way back.
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Dec 25, 2013
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Regardless of how well Ryzen gets patched in the coming months, one of the things I like about it is that AMD has committed to staying on the same chipset for at least Zen+, if not Zen++. That makes future upgrades much cheaper, whereas Intel pretty much forces you to change mobos with every processor generation.


Three if by air
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I don't mind buying new boards for new CPUs. Stretching a release is the way to go, not upgrading from release 1 to release 2, but from 1, skip 2, then sell/trade by 3 or wait till 4 depending on the market. And in those cases, new motherboard just works out.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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This is a pretty good watch:



Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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This is a pretty good watch:


Honestly, I understand both sides. Certainly CPUs should be evaluated as objectively as possible, so taking the GPU out of the equation when benchmarking makes sense. On the other hand, when AMD suggests that no one who buys a $500 Ryzen 1800X is going to be gaming 1080p, they're probably right. I imagine that almost everyone in that enthusiast tier is gaming at 1440p or 4k.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Honestly, I understand both sides. Certainly CPUs should be evaluated as objectively as possible, so taking the GPU out of the equation when benchmarking makes sense. On the other hand, when AMD suggests that no one who buys a $500 Ryzen 1800X is going to be gaming 1080p, they're probably right. I imagine that almost everyone in that enthusiast tier is gaming at 1440p or 4k.

Except in the video, they make the point that people generally upgrade GPUs more often than CPUs and that bottleneck will likely be relieved in a year or two.

But really, I don't think you can justify putting at artificial ceiling on benchmarks. The CPUs are being tested, not GPUs. Adding that bottleneck just introduces error. Now maybe none of this shit translates to real world experience. But still, if you are going to benchmark and make comparisons, your methods have to be precise.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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If there is confusion, I think it is coming from the fact that AMD is refusing to acknowledge that what they have released so far is really targeting workstation users and not gamers. They are trying to market this chips (maybe by omission) as everything to everyone and they aren't. They are a tremendous blow to intel's x99 platform.

But when you can get a 6700K for $300 or a 7700K for $350, Ryzen clearly is not the best choice if gaming is your heaviest use case.

And as far as game dev's finally learning to leverage multiple threads efficiently, it hasn't happened yet and there is no way to predict how much effort will go into this. Even if there is a huge commitment from the dev community to leverage all these cores, it could still be years before we see any of that potential realized.


HS Referee HoF
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Its funny that you mention the X99 platform. If anyone remembers, X99 took about 6 months of constant BIOS and OS updates to finally get it working properly. Its also confusing to me that even though everyone knew Ryzen would not be able to take down Intel's latest offering at Ryzen's launch, they are now acting like its a failure because of what they already expected. AMD actually overshot their IPC goal on Ryzen coming in at a 52% improvement over their previous offerings. If AMD was manufacturing at the same node process as Intel currently is...Intel would be flat out fucked by Ryzen running at higher clock speeds and this is while not even fixing anything yet.


Three if by air
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I don't get the fanboy thing.

Seriously, best case argument in any direction is fighting over minuscule differences, and that swings back with other games or use cases. This is a damn good release, as far as I can tell. I haven't had a single issue with mine, and it's getting more intensive tasks thrown at it than a game machine. But if I were to make it a game machine, you would have to be Special person to say it's not capable. Loaded Civ 6 to play a a campaign, decided to run their benchmark tool at Very High/4K and two passes, both times it was 71FPS average with 106 max, and I fully acknowledge my system(how the software is tweaked) is not for gaming. But from what I can tell, for a fairly new game with issues of its own that isn't SMT optimized on Linux as a second class citizen, that's more than enough horsepower to impress any rational, non-insecure human being.

How is that not good performance from a $430 out-the-door board and CPU(brand new in every way, not second hand or a mature architecture) with all things considered? That is what confuses me. Why would it bother anyone. I have a code for Hitman, I'll try that next week(I have other things to do). For all I know that wont run for me, we'll see. Maybe because I didn't get an Asus board, and it seems like MSI boards in most cases have been the best on launch? No idea. Just don't call me a fanboy for speaking from first hand experience. Hell, I've called out AMD a lot over 30+ years of system building. But Ryzen is nothing short of amazing (again, all things considered).


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Its funny that you mention the X99 platform. If anyone remembers, X99 took about 6 months of constant BIOS and OS updates to finally get it working properly. Its also confusing to me that even though everyone knew Ryzen would not be able to take down Intel's latest offering at Ryzen's launch, they are now acting like its a failure because of what they already expected. AMD actually overshot their IPC goal on Ryzen coming in at a 52% improvement over their previous offerings. If AMD was manufacturing at the same node process as Intel currently is...Intel would be flat out fucked by Ryzen running at higher clock speeds and this is while not even fixing anything yet.

Who is acting like Ryzen is a failure? There is nothing about the launch that is a failure, except maybe mobo manufacturers shipping with outdated UEFI. I don't see anyone calling fail though. As far as I can tell, Intel is already fucked when it comes to chips with more than 4 cores.

Anyway, it will for sure be interesting to see how Ryzen matures the next few months.

Oh, just as an unrelated aside... AMD's claims about IPC increases over previous offerings is irrelevant since previous offerings are so outdated. Nobody is interested in comparisons to the 8350 or whatever. Every time they bring it up, I chuckle.
