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I think about vomiting every time I see a Prius.
I got over Priuses (Prii?) the first time I saw one of these on the road:

I think about vomiting every time I see a Prius.
To each their own.
I get worse looks in a built 4th gen Camaro in comparison to my "ricer" Honda..
I ran stock exhaust on my modded civic until it literally blew the baffles out of the muffler. The 3" exhaust is loud and drones like crazy but I gained like 30hp.
The car doesn't matter, it comes down to the individual driving. If you're a douche, you're a douche.
I've found that smegma-encrusted douche-nozzles seem to be drawn to Priuses, Leafs, Volts, Teslas, and any other electric or hybrid car like a moth to a flame or like Roseanne to a buffet.To each their own.
I get worse looks in a built 4th gen Camaro in comparison to my "ricer" Honda..
I ran stock exhaust on my modded civic until it literally blew the baffles out of the muffler. The 3" exhaust is loud and drones like crazy but I gained like 30hp.
The car doesn't matter, it comes down to the individual driving. If you're a douche, you're a douche.
LOL...and Asians.
Seriously though, I've seen(and heard)these simple modifications on cars w/standard exhaust packages(no dual)...a small cylinder that replaces a standard tailpipe.
Sounds like shit, so I'm wondering if they do anything other than annoy everyone else.![]()
When I was a kid, installing headers on old V-8's made them better...a deep throaty sound.
Nowadays, kids install exhaust systems on shitty 4 bangers to make them sound like giant insects/2 cycle motors.
Why do they do this?.
People still haven't realized that fad ended in like 2007?
I've found that smegma-encrusted douche-nozzles seem to be drawn to Priuses, Leafs, Volts, Teslas, and any other electric or hybrid car like a moth to a flame or like Roseanne to a buffet.
It's like the felchers think that because of some imaginary carbon credits it gives them the right to commit multiple moving violations.
It's why I also cheer any large diesel truck that rolls coal on their hipster natural fire asses.
People that drive SUVs the size of a semi to the grocery by themselves. Or to run their kids around in them. I have anger management problems around those morons.
People that drive SUVs the size of a semi to the grocery by themselves. Or to run their kids around in them. I have anger management problems around those morons.
Consider yourself lucky. At least they don't follow you around and try to get you to race their piece of shit car every single fucking time you're out driving.
I foolishly thought my Supra would be a pussy magnet when I was building it.. wrong!... it's a total dick magnet. Fast and furious ricers with fart can exhausts on their civics/jettas/etc flock to it like moths to a flame. Not a day goes by without some dickbag giving me a fly-bys or pacing me while they take their phone out and take pics/vids.
Don't get me wrong, those once in a blue moon opportunities when you find someone in a built Cobra/Porsche/Ferrari that want's to play are definitely fun but the other 99% of the time it's always the douchebags in the stock civic with an exhaust, and dumbass "stanced" wheels that wants to race me in stop and go bumper to bumper traffic. :facepalm:
Most of the poeple around here who drive trucks actually use them for truck purposes: Hauling or off-road.Wut about peeps that drive trucks?
For electrical vehicle theory I agree with you. The issues to iron out are getting that power to the road efficiently, and of course the battery problem. Battery tech is not in it's infancy, it's in the fetal stage. It may work for commuters, where you can leave the vehicle chargin overnight or at work, but if you're dealing with road trips or long hauls, you're looking at 40 minutes for the Tesla, while it takes maybe 1/2 minutes to fill up a gas tank. And, for the hybrids, your average european turbodiesel gets as-good, if not better, mileage. If electric vehicles can get the charging time for their batteries to about 5Mins for a full-charge and about 400 miles on a single charge, I would have no issues with owning them. Then of course, there's always the pollution angle when you're recycling the E-vehicle, which has to be ironed out.While it's true that the eco/green movement has taken over the image of electric motors, some of us just want electric motors to see faster cars. Electric motors have much higher efficiency than combustion engines with few moving parts. While combustion engines reach 30-45% efficiency, electric engines can reach 90-98% efficiency.
This would lead to better performing more reliable faster vehicles and more fun !