Anyone else here in the military?


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Yes, every repel I have done is with gloves. But if you do it right, you wont get rope burn since you're basically shifting the friction from one locking point to another to move down. Gloves don't prevent burn, they only add a layer of protection.

They don't use an ATC?


Three if by air
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They don't use an ATC?

I didn't. Just two 'biners. Sometimes a rope seat, like the basic swiss seat, because it;s still the best for most situations. Maybe modo did?


Aug 21, 2012
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They don't use an ATC?

not fast enough.....I only ever used ropes and carabiners. You make a seat out of a length of rope and you set it up for either normal swiss seat rappel or Australian rappel


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Tried enlisting in the Army with intention of being an Army Ranger. Wasn't allowed in due to extensive reconstruction of my lower leg from an accident in my teens that rotated it 360 degrees. Memorial day I celebrate our fallen heroes including my great grandfather tail gunner shot down over Avord France 1944. But whether it's Memorial day or Veterans day I give thanks to the people who died and who serve.

It does not matter the reason for war. Nor what Governmental session sent them. It is a thank you for those who serve/served.


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Aug 30, 2012
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USAF for 17 years in July. Bless all those who gave up there lives willingly or not. Brought many of them home over the years.

I did many a dignified transfer of remains ceremonies at dover afb.

Memorial day is always bitter sweet.

America has become decadent. I'll soon see myself dying defending indiana, as opposed to an un-united states. Peaksin sada surma ma see pärast surema.

I am a third generation paratrooper, veteran lineage going back to Spanish conquistadors. We conquer shit. So what?


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Feb 11, 2014
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I am currently serving my 14th year in the ARMY. Ive been deployed to Iraq twice Afghanistan and currently in Qatar. Many people disagree on the governments choices on what we do. I have many disagreements as well. But Never against any Soldier Marine Sailor or Airmen.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Nice bro! O6 to present. Had a few years in Prior under a different. MOS before switching gears. How about you?


Three if by air
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Nice bro! O6 to present. Had a few years in Prior under a different. MOS before switching gears. How about you?

We just missed each other, or barely knew each other LOL. 2003-2006.

Here, to save some back and fourth. LOL
I was 11B, topgunned for my unit with the 208, won my entire INF bat's contest a month later, then got second in USARPAC. Which bumped my schools merit order to the top. Did Air Assualt, then Sniper school was being phased out(I believe it was brought back later though), and I completed that all in my first 6 months. Completed it, and was recruited to to rasp one cycle before the Tillman press circus hit. Then I was reassigned right around Christmas 2002. My team leader died in 04, took his spot in 05, then when I refused to re-up, I moved to HHC and had a sham job for my final months.

Maybe you can confirm with people here, that some die in Ranger School from the physical difficulty. I know people now that think I'm fucking with them. It's no joke. I would ask who your first squad leaders were, but that's not stuff that is okay with sharing(at least my view of things, and respect for confidentiality).


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Aug 21, 2012
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We just missed each other, or barely knew each other LOL. 2003-2006.

Here, to save some back and fourth. LOL
I was 11B, topgunned for my unit with the 208, won my entire INF bat's contest a month later, then got second in USARPAC. Which bumped my schools merit order to the top. Did Air Assualt, then Sniper school was being phased out(I believe it was brought back later though), and I completed that all in my first 6 months. Completed it, and was recruited to to rasp one cycle before the Tillman press circus hit. Then I was reassigned right around Christmas 2002. My team leader died in 04, took his spot in 05, then when I refused to re-up, I moved to HHC and had a sham job for my final months.

Maybe you can confirm with people here, that some die in Ranger School from the physical difficulty. I know people now that think I'm fucking with them. It's no joke. I would ask who your first squad leaders were, but that's not stuff that is okay with sharing(at least my view of things, and respect for confidentiality).

If I'm reading your first paragraph right, you were not a Bat Baby but did pipeline most of your training. Good stuff my man.

As far as deaths go, they happen but its very rare. I insctructed at mountain phase up in Dahlonega. Didn't have anybody check out while I was there but plenty had to be airlifted by Flatiron MAST air ambulance.

That was my original unit. My first MOS was 21M or Firefighter. I got assigned to Flatiron as a crash rescue specialist. Had to go through progression ( crew chief qualified) on two Air frames.
Long story short I ran the same rescue hoist and And lifted the same dummies( from the Huey) packaged in liters that you and I prepared in mountain phase during 9-line training. Holding the Tag line from the ground.

I was TDY a lot supporting the 75th in training missions. Got to know a lot of good guys and they helped me in deciding to reclass to 11B and the rest is history.

For me it went full circle. Started in support and ended up being apart of it. RASP has changed a lot from when you and I went through but that's a whole other convo. Just in case your wondering, they're doing it right. Its harder now and they want only the most intelligent of the bunch, besides being tough as nails.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Also Crys, i feel ya when it comes to losing guys your close with. I've lost my share over the last 7 plus. I've also lost my own soldiers as an NCO. Worst I've ever felt in my life, nothing even compares IMO.

One last story on why I really ended up here. My best friend through Basic, AIT and our first duty station is Ian Gordon. His Father was Master Sgt Gary Gordon, Delta long gunner who won the Metal of honor during Mogadishu. He and Randy Shugart decened and defended Mike Durrant and his downed Black hawk. I'll spare you the history lesson because I know you already know it because of our units history in that battle.

Anyways, Ian had always wanted to follow in in his father's shoes, after becoming close with him and his family his dream became our Dream.

Our First SGT (Who just recently retired) Robert Phipps was a SPC during Mogadishu and fought his ass off during that battle. Greatest NCO and Man I've ever known, treated us not as soldiers but as Blood brothers. Always lead from the front. Even as the Top of our Company he'd be the first guy to kick in the door down range.
Its funny, the Luitenent would be in charge of planning and prep for a raid and Phipps was so salty and experienced he'd tell whoever the LT was at the time to shut up, watch and learn. Not in an arrogant way, just as somebody that has that much experience.

Ian, Phipps and myself just recently came back from the CAG compound in Virginia where they had a ceremony, named a building after Ian's father. Then went to Bragg where they named a street after him. Durrant was there as a guest speaker and giving out copies of his book, In The Company Of Hero's. It was surreal to say the least.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Static line Mass jumps are unnerving because with so many jumpers in the air mistakes can happen. Chutes colliding, guys stealing others air, and then you add equipment hanging down and the pucker factor goes even higher. Small sticks of 4-8 guys is fine and yeah its fun once you have checked your chute and for other jumpers round you. But all my jumps were noncombat and nobody was firing up at me as I descended so you can enjoy the view and the flight. My favorite jump platform is Huey's (we call them elevator rides) because you ride up sitting in the open door and when you jump the opening shock is minimal due to the slower airspeed of the helo. C-17s are nice because they were built with jumpers in mind from the seats to the blast shield.

Military free fall is something that eluded me. I had a school slot twice in my career but something always came up to remove me.
This, this this, Mass Jumps are a joke. Small Sticks is definitely more enjoyable. Even the Jumpmaster is more laid back when its not a giant cluster ****.

Never got to jump out of a Huey. Did fast rope and ride the rescue hoist out of them. My old Unit was the last in the entire Army to still use them. We had one that had crashed back in Vietnam, they brought it back, rebuilt it, painted it white, threw the red Cross on it and gave it to our unit. It flew another 30+ years before they retired that bird.

When we weren't transporting patients. I'd always sit in the hell hole with the doors open while flying.



Three if by air
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Very cool, very cool. You get "it", and know why some of get salty when we see glory suckers that chill in their AC rooms. Especially the ones that throw everyone else in front of them to get recognition and save their sweat glands.

Our difference is, at least seems like it. You're looking to be a lifer/retiree package, I got out after I lost faith in my government. Not that I imply you have faith in it, or anything like that. I gave up a 6 figure job to join, so my motives are different than most people. Being linked with a good friend in Gordon's son, that is way awesome. I actually didn't remember much until you said something(deprogrammed, I probably keep most of my thoughts in a box now a days). Nevertheless, I still like hearing success stories, and hearing about lasting relationships that stem from service of a frontline unit. There is so much love in the military, and people just don't get that feeling when they aren't on the inside. But the love is from fellow members that you serve with. Everyone wants to come back in one piece and be ready, and everyone needs the motivation and support from those around them to get through some tough times. Nothing quite like it in the world. It's a shame that chickenhawks play games with human beings out of their own selfish quests.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Nah brother. I don't believe in our Gov anymore either. I believe In my Brothers. I wouldn't trade the experiences we've had together for anything, both the good and the bad.

I've actually been looking at getting out and starting another life chapter. We'll see where this road takes me. Ian and I have competed in the last two best Ranger comps. He's gonna end up going through CAG selection soon. Its in his DNA. Being a Legacy doesn't hurt either. Ive kicked around about going that route myself. That's a career though. Not sure if its what I want. I can get out of the 75th easily with no strings, getting out of "the Unit" is not, then again, getting in is next to impossible.


Three if by air
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I can get out of the 75th easily with no strings, getting out of "the Unit" is not, then again, getting in is next to impossible.

It's still like that, I see. Well, at least you're not in the crosshairs. I left on good terms as well, but I know a few that had mysterious article 15s show up at their time of extension/reenlistment.
