We just missed each other, or barely knew each other LOL. 2003-2006.
Here, to save some back and fourth. LOL
I was 11B, topgunned for my unit with the 208, won my entire INF bat's contest a month later, then got second in USARPAC. Which bumped my schools merit order to the top. Did Air Assualt, then Sniper school was being phased out(I believe it was brought back later though), and I completed that all in my first 6 months. Completed it, and was recruited to to rasp one cycle before the Tillman press circus hit. Then I was reassigned right around Christmas 2002. My team leader died in 04, took his spot in 05, then when I refused to re-up, I moved to HHC and had a sham job for my final months.
Maybe you can confirm with people here, that some die in Ranger School from the physical difficulty. I know people now that think I'm fucking with them. It's no joke. I would ask who your first squad leaders were, but that's not stuff that is okay with sharing(at least my view of things, and respect for confidentiality).