What are you talking about? Just because they haven’t hired somebody “who can manage something like this” yet doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t. Are you saying nobody on the planet could manage this?
Most NFL teams probably don’t feel the need to own their own stadiums because most NFL ownership groups didn’t marry into generational wealth and aren’t cash poor bitches like the McCaskeys. The bears are the McCaskey family business, that’s not the case for lots of ownership groups.
Your logic makes no sense. AH would cost a fuck ton more than a stadium in Chicago so if the McCaskey's are cash poor then it is fucking stupid for them to try to build a 5 billion campus with zero real estate background. Especially when most projects almost always go over budget so if they are saying it is 5 billion then the cost likely ends up closer to 7-10 billion.
Here are the owners that own their stadiums and/or built campuses.
Kroenke - background in real estate development.
Ross - background in real estate development
Tepper - Background in Asset Management which includes a real estate portfolio.
Kraft - Background in construction and real estate development
Josh Harris - Background in private equity and corporate finance which includes real estate portfolio.
Are you sensing a theme yet? Again it is incredibly stupid for a cash poor family with zero fucking real estate experience to try and build a 5 billion campus. Like Jesus Christ look how they have run the Bears. Almost 40 years of bad hires but you think they going to use linkedin to hire a real estate genius.
It doesn't get any easier than running an NFL franchise where the bulk of your revenue is locked in from a TV deal and you have a salary cap ans they have fucked that up royally over the years. I wouldn't trust them to manage a 7-11 much less a 7-10 billion real estate development.