the people who say it doesn't matter where they play while still wanting them to keep the name are being hypocrites .
Hypocrites? Really?
More like realists.
The NFL has already made it clear that they have and will allow a team to keep a city's name and still play outside of that city. They have even gone as far as allowing teams to keep the city/state names and not even reside in that state.
If the Bears were to move to Arlington Heights, be assured that they would still be the Chicago Bears.
As for hypocrites ...
The definition of a hypocrite is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not.
So tell me how people who are ok with the team moving to Arlington Heights and not caring about them keeping the name Chicago Bears is hypocricy?
Now if you know that they were screaming, along with you, for teams like the New York Jets, New York Giants, and the SF 49ers to not be allowed to keep the names New York or San Francisco because they did not even play in those cities, you have a point and they are hypocrites.
However; like I stated, we are talking about reality.
And the reality is that YOU are the only hypocrite here because, while you piss and moan about the Bears possibly being able to keep the name Chicago Bears if they move to Arlington Heights, you never complained about the Giants, Jets or 49ers being able to keep their names.
You are the definition of a hypocrite.