I like the Olympics with the NHL players. Not necessarily the timing of them or anything, but I like that it's essentially a shake up of NHL teams and allows me to see players i normally hate on a team that i can get behind. Or players that would never play together play together. It sucks how disruptive it is to the NHL and the season, but it also gives more hockey. As far as the All-star game... if they really want to get rid of something this is it. The Olympics is a much better all-star game than anything the NHL has put on in a long time.
IMHO the ASG is more for the kids than anything. I don't know about you but in my case between the 84 and 88 Olympics (5 and 9 for me, respectively) was a fucking eternity--so keeping the ASG around is not necessarily bad as long as the players could have fun with it--like when Scott played. Keep it entertaining and guys there that want to be there and all's right in the world.
The Olympics every 4 years, from a kid's standpoint, just doesn't happen often enough as a showcase of talent, and the WCoH failed for a reason. Honestly the perfect solution in my book would be to have Ice Hockey back at the summer Olympics, but that would fly about as well as ValuJet DC-9
I mean I don't get a vote.... just an opinion on the topic.
And at the end of the day aren't all our opinions or hopes about sports pretty selfish.... I just want to see the Hawks win the Cup lol.
As do we all. You're realistic about it, though. We all want to see our favorite teams win but for 49 years we all survived without a 'hawks cup. Hell, for over 100 years we all survived without the Cubs winning it all.
In the
highly unlikley event that an injury happens in the Olympics to an player that actually prevents the 'hawks from winning, I'll manage to survive.
I just have a major problem with some fatass (like myself) sitting on his couch somewhere and wallowing in self-pity about their peaked-in-highschool limit to athletic prowess trying to live their sports dreams vicariously, and think they have the audacity to have a say in whether or not guys like Panarin, Ovi, Hoss, Toews, Kane, etc. "risk injury" to accept the honor of represent their country of birth on the international stage, all because it would **** up their fantasy hockey team.