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CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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You know how to fix cars and computers, If you kill bugs and snakes and all creepy things too, you would be the perfect man.

My wife says that everyday. I am just a good listener and observant...and there is much to learn from those that know it better than me. But I am far car mechanic, I just dable in the simple stuff...but really it is all pretty much nuts, bolts, washers, hoses, clamps, greese, and gaskets.


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I would love to help with the '57, **** the stratus though.

No **** you I said it first I have dibs.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
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The voltage regulator and generator have been taken to an auto electrician and he bench tested them both and they're fine, so it has to be a bum wire somewhere.

As for the Stratus, this explains the head gasket issue:,_2.0_&_2.4_engine

Up to late 1999, this engine type suffered from oil leaks between the block and cylinder head. The threads for the head bolts near the 4th cylinder were bored too shallow at the factory, preventing the head from properly sealing. The oil restrictor in the composite gasket would separate from the gasket causing a leak.

Also, pics of 57:




Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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The voltage regulator and generator have been taken to an auto electrician and he bench tested them both and they're fine, so it has to be a bum wire somewhere.

As for the Stratus, this explains the head gasket issue:,_2.0_&_2.4_engine

Also, pics of 57:



Well, there's only a few wires to check! Get cracking.

You could probably use some high temp RTV on the head gaskets for the Stratus. What have others done to fix it?

In 1998, a thicker multi-layer steel head gasket was introduced that eliminated this oil leak. It can be identified by a small metal tab with a hole through its center sticking out between the block and head between the 2nd and 3rd cylinders.

Well, there's your answer right there.... haha. Get a good FelPro gasket and it should be good?


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Okay, my $.02 on this thread...

The octane debate:

Higher levels of octane don't necessarily relate to better performance. "Octane" is basically a hydrocarbon chain of 8 carbon atoms. It's desirable because it resists spontaeously cobusting at high pressures as opposed to heptane (a 7-carbon atom long hydrocarbon chain). The octane rating merely states that, in the case of 87 octane, that the fuel resists spontaneously combusting (resists knock), the same as a pure fuel of 87% octane and 13% heptane.

What does this mean to the end user? Basically, there is no added performance gain, but, if your engine has high internal pressure (forced induction like a supercharger or a turbocharger, or has high compression), it will prevent knocking (premature fuel combustion). As such, you're really gaining nothing running anything over what your owner's manual says unless you tune your vehicle to run on a higher octane, you run a stroker kit, or and forced induction of some sort; and most of that is byond the capabilities of the average Joe.

Oil Changes:

It's not always necessary to change at 3000 mile intervals, regardless of whether you're running dino oil or techno lube (synthetic). However, the only think that more frequent oil changes hurt is the weigh of your wallet--you will never hurt anything by changing your oil too soon. Now, running syntheti does not automaticall extend the life of oil changes. Be it Dino oil or techno lube, it will likley not break down and fail to lubricate in under 10,000 miles. However, what oil does o is actr as a detergent and clean out combustion byproducts, small metal particles, and carbon and soot from the normal running of the engine. The oil can only suspend so much gunk and the filter can only trap so much gunk. Rule of Thumb: always follow the manual based on your driving style. If you have a DIC or other stock oil life meter--follow it.

As for conventional vs. synthetic, either will work. If you want to take extra care of your car synthetic is defintily worth the extra cost IMHO.

As for the best way to work under your car, ramps are good for oil changes and other simple undercar repairs. However, anything suspension-related, like brakes, CV axles, etc, you'll have to jack your car up. Always use jackstands for that--never a jack on its own.

BHC: one of the Slovak requirements to get your driver's license is to demonstrate that you know basic repairs and maintenence to your car (like chaning a flat tire or an oil change). I think this should be a requirement here as well. Personally, I like working on my own car. Not only is there a sense of accomplishment, but knowing more about the car inside and out, I can tellearly when something is wrong and get it fixed before something goes boom.

Oh, and my car?


Old pic of her, main change is the headlights have been changed to Eagle Eyes projectos/Halos with the black bezel.
