When does basic life experience come into play when developing an ability for "free thinking". I am not too sure if teaching free thinking is 100% possible. I don't think anyone can develop a full capacity for "free thinking" either. I honestly am not even sure what the definition of "free thinking" is anymore. We live in a culture of mass media, commercialization of nearly everything including thought. I don't think "free thought" actually can exist anymore..if it ever did in the first place. I guess that is a philosophy debate.
Is "free thought" actually another term for "basic instinct"?
Ehhh, how to explain this. You could write a book on the explanation and on how to approach the answer (and there has been many written). It's simple, but it's tough. And it's not really the purpose of the "freethinking" camp in this topic, or at least it doesn't look like it is. To truly be "free" or to have "freedom of thought" you have to recognize and learn how to deal with and/or overcome the only true enemy that we have, and that is our own Ego. Everything else are just perceived enemies of your Ego. Everybody, everywhere, struggles with this at one time or another to some degree. Most don't ever escape it or rather even realize it's impact or it's existence. They think it's just them.
We are very much influenced by the "reptilian brain" or the reptilian complex (R-complex) and it especially affects us when it comes to our behavior, and in effect our thoughts and our emotions.Very primitive and limited, the oldest iteration of our brain. Fight or flight. Especially when it comes to fear and aggression and our reactions to them, which is why the use of fear has always proven to be such a useful tool for the various systems of control throughout our history and continues to be to this day.
About 5 or 6 years ago, Guy Ritchie made a movie kinda disguised as sort of an action or thriller on the outset, but really it was just a huge metaphor of battling one's ego. Most people didn't know what the **** to make of it, they didn't know what they were watching. It was almost completely panned. I don't really blame them for that, it's tough to grasp, especially if you're going into it expecting it to be nothing more than a stylish action flick to kill an hour or two. But there's this one scene I've always liked that might do a better job of visually showing you what I'm talking about rather than just going on for another 2 or 3 paragraphs.
Like I said, simple but tough, because it seems as though you're fighting with yourself.