Ballard Offered the Job - sourced

Chicago Staleys

Sep 24, 2012
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The Lions violated the Ronney Rule about 10 yrs ago. Their only punishment was a fine.


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Jun 29, 2010
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The OP
The whole fucking NFL is an "ole boys network." I wouldn't get your hopes up.

I don't get how people really say that... it's really not when you look at it. Hot new guys rise through organizations a lot especially a lot more when you look at the other major sports. Like MLB or the NHL are vastly more of a connected ole boys network. Just look at how in those leagues you get coaches get 3-5 HC jobs or multiple stints at GM jobs all the time. How many NFL HCs get a 3rd HC job or how many GMs are ever given a 2nd job as GM? It's a lot of hires based on personal connections, but so is every single job 75% of the time in the US. Comparatively the NFL revolves and shoves out guys faster.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Gotta feel bad for the Lake Dawson's of the world.....alot of wasted time for him as he seems like a popular person to bring in to satisfy the rule. Good enough to be a candidate but not good enough to get hired.

Everything always comes back to race, right?

Lovie Smith hired? Good ole boys network.

Ozzie Newsome hired? Good ole boys network.

Mike Tomlin hired?Good ole boys!

Tony Dungy? Good ole boys!

Don't you ever get tired of blaming race for everything? Rooney Rule would've been great back in the '60s.

This isn't that period. You need to stop watching Mississipi Burnining. Noone cares what color someone is.

BEFORE you come at someone about Ray Horton not getting a job. Let me say I think his previous dreadlocks were moronic and unprofessional. Just as I would say that some idiot coming in with a moron mullet would not be deemed professional enough for head coaching material.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Tampa Bay
How would u feel about interviewing for a job, u knew, u had NO chance of getting, regardless of ur qualifications

I work for the federal government and that happens all the time. You apply and interview for jobs you know you have no chance of getting in order to get your name out there and so the people making decisions know you are interested in advancing.

westcoast bear fanatic

CCS Donator
Sep 11, 2014
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If we can put aside the bickering over affirmative action I would just like to say I'm excited about Ballard and what ownership is doing.

Unlike the Emery and Trestman hires, Ballard is a wanted man in the league. The two other teams with openings want to interview the guy and he is turning them down for us. Not to mention turning down Tampa last year. Outside of DeCosta he seems to be the hottest name available.

Also kudos to ownership for doing things the right way this time. Firing Emery and Trestman, bringing in an advisor because they lack the football accumen, ability to admit things aren't working and willingness to restructure the front office with Teddy, willingness to let the GM have full control and hire his own coach, willingness to eat Marshall and Cutler's contracts if necessary, etc.

George has really humbled himself during these last few weeks and everything that the football people are saying the Bears should do, they are now doing. Nobody knows how Ballard will be and how the new coach will do but this team is finally awakened and enlightened, a new day is upon us and I'm excited about it.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2014
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ND is horrible.

Everything always comes back to race, right?

Lovie Smith hired? Good ole boys network.

Ozzie Newsome hired? Good ole boys network.

Mike Tomlin hired?Good ole boys!

Tony Dungy? Good ole boys!

Don't you ever get tired of blaming race for everything? Rooney Rule would've been great back in the '60s.

This isn't that period. You need to stop watching Mississipi Burnining. Noone cares what color someone is.

BEFORE you come at someone about Ray Horton not getting a job. Let me say I think his previous dreadlocks were moronic and unprofessional. Just as I would say that some idiot coming in with a moron mullet would not be deemed professional enough for head coaching material.

When i think professional, I think of this guy:


Being someone's kid is a HUGE deal in the NFL.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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You're right. The good ol boy network extends as far as Kyle Shannahan and Lovie Smiths kid.

Oh, what can we do!


BEFORE you come at someone about Ray Horton not getting a job. Let me say I think his previous dreadlocks were moronic and unprofessional. Just as I would say that some idiot coming in with a moron mullet would not be deemed professional enough for head coaching material.

From what I have learned here today, the first two things to look at when it comes to a head coach are his clothes and his hair. Swag can thusly be discerned, all nerds can be weeded out, and the field be narrowed down to only alph bros.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Des Plaines, IL
I've mostly hated the idea of hiring Ballard, mainly because of his ties to Jerry Angelo, and he's just had an Emery 2.0 feel to him because of Kansas City. The more I think about it though, the more he's kind of growing on me. When Emery and Angelo were hired, they weren't getting offers from every other team in the league with an opening for GM. I could be wrong here, but i kind of feel like the entire NFL would be more in the know than an internet message board.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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I've mostly hated the idea of hiring Ballard, mainly because of his ties to Jerry Angelo, and he's just had an Emery 2.0 feel to him because of Kansas City. The more I think about it though, the more he's kind of growing on me. When Emery and Angelo were hired, they weren't getting offers from every other team in the league with an opening for GM. I could be wrong here, but i kind of feel like the entire NFL would be more in the know than an internet message board.

Im in the same boat, Im not nearly as down on Ballard as I was. Theres a number of things going in his favor such as multiple teams being interested, he wants full control over football operations, he bailed on Emery, he turned down Lovie, etc.

Major Ursa

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Aug 21, 2012
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Sincity Desert
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Los Angeles Lakers
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Vegas Golden Knights
  1. Utah State Aggies

Everything always comes back to race, right?

Lovie Smith hired? Good ole boys network.

Ozzie Newsome hired? Good ole boys network.

Mike Tomlin hired?Good ole boys!

Tony Dungy? Good ole boys!

Don't you ever get tired of blaming race for everything? Rooney Rule would've been great back in the '60s.

This isn't that period. You need to stop watching Mississipi Burnining. Noone cares what color someone is.

BEFORE you come at someone about Ray Horton not getting a job. Let me say I think his previous dreadlocks were moronic and unprofessional. Just as I would say that some idiot coming in with a moron mullet would not be deemed professional enough for head coaching material.

68 percent of the league is black, 22 percent of the head coaches are black, and about 22 percent of executives are black. I hate when people blame everything on race, but just because there is progress doesn't mean that the system is perfect. I don't like the Rooney rule, but I do like the fact that guys get their names and resume out there. Racism is alive and well on both sides of the fence. Just watching all the Ferguson shit proves that. I think society in general is headed in the right direction. Every generation is a little less ignorant. The internet and tv really have helped end the nonsense.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Montgomery, TX
So he's known for evaluating defensive talent and brought in both Tillman and Vasher. Was he on the Bears staff when Roosevelt Williams was drafted in the 3rd round in 2002, ahead of Eagles RB Brian Westbrook?
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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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For all the concern over this being the old bear's way of doing business. The positive to take away from this is that AT LEAST PUBLICLY, Ballard appears to be demanding 100% control of football operations in his prospective new job somewhere. Hopefully that stays true if he is indeed hired, and Teddy finds his way over to the business only side of the family, and at least one positive will have come of this situation. :)

Ballard isn't in any position to be demanding anything. IMO, he's declined interviews with other teams because he's had an agreement in principal with the Bears already for days, if not weeks.


Jordan Sigler’s editor
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban

Everything always comes back to race, right?

Lovie Smith hired? Good ole boys network.

Ozzie Newsome hired? Good ole boys network.

Mike Tomlin hired?Good ole boys!

Tony Dungy? Good ole boys!

Don't you ever get tired of blaming race for everything? Rooney Rule would've been great back in the '60s.

This isn't that period. You need to stop watching Mississipi Burnining. Noone cares what color someone is.

BEFORE you come at someone about Ray Horton not getting a job. Let me say I think his previous dreadlocks were moronic and unprofessional. Just as I would say that some idiot coming in with a moron mullet would not be deemed professional enough for head coaching material.

Why do you always go into a long winded rant when it comes to race issues? Shows a lot of insecurity on your part


Gazpacho Police
Aug 21, 2012
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Albuquerque, NM
If we can put aside the bickering over affirmative action I would just like to say I'm excited about Ballard and what ownership is doing.

Unlike the Emery and Trestman hires, Ballard is a wanted man in the league. The two other teams with openings want to interview the guy and he is turning them down for us. Not to mention turning down Tampa last year. Outside of DeCosta he seems to be the hottest name available.

Also kudos to ownership for doing things the right way this time. Firing Emery and Trestman, bringing in an advisor because they lack the football accumen, ability to admit things aren't working and willingness to restructure the front office with Teddy, willingness to let the GM have full control and hire his own coach, willingness to eat Marshall and Cutler's contracts if necessary, etc.

George has really humbled himself during these last few weeks and everything that the football people are saying the Bears should do, they are now doing. Nobody knows how Ballard will be and how the new coach will do but this team is finally awakened and enlightened, a new day is upon us and I'm excited about it.
I hope you're right. I got reservedly excited when the Bears hired Emery and Trestman because I figured a change was needed and they must be able to address the team's weaknesses. Now I am kind of flat about the whole thing and am taking a wait and see attitude, because what choice do I have?

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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Ballard isn't in any position to be demanding anything. IMO, he's declined interviews with other teams because he's had an agreement in principal with the Bears already for days, if not weeks.

Actually being a GM candidate puts him in the exact position necessary to demand total control of football operation...

Ill admit I first I thought the Bears might be interested simply because he was the one guy that wouldnt do that, whereas most GM candidates would, but that doesnt appear to be the case. There are multiple reports out there stating that the reason hes turned down other interviews(and even an offer from Lovie) was that he wouldnt have full control.

Of course he may also be turing down interviews now because he is getting the Bears gig, but that would mean the Bears were willing to give him control of the football side of things.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Actually being a GM candidate puts him in the exact position necessary to demand total control of football operation...

Ill admit I first I thought the Bears might be interested simply because he was the one guy that wouldnt do that, whereas most GM candidates would, but that doesnt appear to be the case. There are multiple reports out there stating that the reason hes turned down other interviews(and even an offer from Lovie) was that he wouldnt have full control.

Of course he may also be turing down interviews now because he is getting the Bears gig, but that would mean the Bears were willing to give him control of the football side of things.

That sounds good in an article, but not in reality. He can interview, he can demand, and a team can look elsewhere. He's not the only candidate. He hasn't done something so special that he has leverage that other candidates don't. He can go back to KC and the world will keep on spinning. Don't get me wrong, i'm not attacking you, but I don't put much stock into all these unsubstantiated reports floating around in the ether that always coincidentally confirm what we knew from the beginning.
