"Bandwagon" Blackhawks Fans?


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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What does the term "bandwagon fan" mean to you?

Personally I find it rather abused and quite often offensive as well and here is why....

All of us were new fans to the Blackhawks at one time. We started with very little knowledge and thru

seasons of following our team and hockey our knowledge grew as well. Not everyone needs to know everything about the Chicago Blackhawks nor hockey to be a true fan IMO. I am not even sure I like the term "true fan" for the same reasons. If someone enjoys the sport, the game, the team, the players and the Indianhead then why can't they just be a fan? New fans can be awesome and someday many of those new fans will become the long standing fan. I love taking people to hockey games both in Rockford and Chicago and seeing them experience the anthems, the ice and the play on the ice for the first time and I might even dare to say that I have helped create some hockey fans along the way.

Bandwagon is an abused term in my opinion........... I know many a seasoned fan who can be just as much of an ass because they think they know all versus the fan who does not know as much and yells "Shoot" and gets up while the puck is in play. Sometimes a nice gesture of teling that new fan about the basics can get the point across versus the seasoned fan who thinks it is there right to be an ass because they have been around longer and spent money over a period of time.

Every sport needs to keep their bloodline filled and adding new fans to that is critical. I will gladly take a soldout UC versus ten seasons ago (heck even five seasons ago) when there were only 7,000 "seasoned" fans in attendance and no "bandwagon" fans.


Next time your at the UC let me know. I'll point some out to you.


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Jul 24, 2010
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Don't know why it's such a big deal to some people.


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May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
Don't even care anymore, its a fact of being a Hawks now. I just hate those fucking fake jerseys.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Don't even care anymore, its a fact of being a Hawks now. I just hate those fucking fake jerseys.

What is so bad about replica jerseys? Many people find it hard to just buy a ticket nowadays so what if they are looking for the cheapest way to show their colors? Heck, in a way it's keeping money away from Rocky and McD, is that so bad? I am not condoning buying knockoffs but I can certainly understand why.


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
I think there's a pretty big difference between a bandwagon fan and a fan that is introduced to the sport with very little knowledge.

Bandwagon fans show up to party in a packed building, doesn't matter if it's Wrigley Field, the United Center, Soldier Field, they will always be there if the team is winning and the crowd is alive. This isn't really someone that cares about the sport -- this isn't to say that a regular fan can't have fun, tailgate, or drink, but typically a bandwagon fan couldn't give a shit about whats going on during the game and are more concerned about being seen at a sporting event involving the popular team, feeding off the energy in the building, and getting as shit-faced as possible -- all while participating in stupid gimmicks (this is why all that crap exists) in order to keep themselves entertained. I will admit, I have a few family members that fit this bill and you'd be hard-pressed to find me at a game sitting with them.

A new fan is different, they actually watch the game and even if they have very little knowledge they ask questions to get a better understanding. They are there to enjoy the sport, not necessarily to post 100 pictures of them wasted at the United Center on Facebook to show that they are cool. Again, I don't have a problem with anyone posting pictures or tagging themselves at a Hawks game, or drinking, or tailgating, it's a matter of being excessive and driving attention to themselves. Also, there are plenty of casual fans that I would never label a bandwagon fan. They might not follow the Hawks closely (particularly when they are losing) but at least they have the attention span to sit down, enjoy the game, and be a true fan of the team.

I can deal with new fans, casual fans, die hard fans, pretty much any fan that isn't my definition of a "bandwagon" fan. If I'm sitting right next to the bandwagon, most-likely I'm not going to enjoy my night due to the distraction.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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I don't get that. Why would you allow it to bother you that much? Who cares?


Fire Quenneville
Oct 31, 2014
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Me thinks you don't understand the meaning of "bandwagon". They're just there because it's the cool place to be, and to party.. It has nothing to do with them liking the team, and as soon as the Hawks aren't hip or trendy, they will disappear.

I dislike bandwagon fans because they are almost always inconsiderate, obnoxious, and ignorant. They usually act like fucking imbeciles after getting completely fucking shitfaced to the point they can't stand up, and ruin the experience of everyone around them.


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Jul 24, 2010
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Welcome to sporting events worldwide, where when something gets popular it means more people pay attention to it who never have before. And when or if it fizzles out, so do those people. But it's not like an epidemic problem like some like to make it out to be. I've sat in the "dreaded" 300 sections plenty of times without people vomiting all over themselves or being obnoxious. It's never gotten close to the point where it inhibits my enjoying the game. It's not like you're in Philadelphia. People are complaining about getting pissed off because of people booing after a failed power play. Really? That bothers some that much? Or, like was mentioned, fake jerseys. Or jerseys with their own names on it, stuff like that.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Put me in the camp of the who cares group about bandwagon fans or fake jerseys of this team or any other. Neither bother me or keep me up at night. It's just about being involved in an event for some people and thats fine. And like Icehog says lifelong fans have to start somewhere...I was called a bandwagoner when I started out cheering for the Hawks (although i dont know why they weren't that good at the time). As a Hawks fan I know the time commitment I have put in watching them, talking about them, throwing things when they frustrate me and kissing things when they amaze me. My self gratification as a fan is all I care about. I like sharing that with other Hawk fans of course also and it makes it far more entertaining and worth while. I would hate to be the only fan....what would the point be?

As for the fake jersey stuff? Im with icehog there too. Im not a wealthy person and can't afford a lot of merchandize esp jerseys. I have a couple real ones but those were gifts. I keep my collection to the low end cost merchandise. Hats, scarfs, pins, pucks etc etc. I'll buy knock off jerseys and not think twice about it. I actually prefer wrecking and staining a 50 buck knock off over a 200 dollar plus jersey anyways. I don't think ones a bigger fan because of the merchandise quality and quantity they have. I know people who could school all of us on hockey and they don't own any nhl merchandise at all. Collecting is fun but its expensive..can't expect everyone to be able to shell out the coin.


Me thinks you don't understand the meaning of "bandwagon". They're just there because it's the cool place to be, and to party.. It has nothing to do with them liking the team, and as soon as the Hawks aren't hip or trendy, they will disappear.

I dislike bandwagon fans because they are almost always inconsiderate, obnoxious, and ignorant. They usually act like fucking imbeciles after getting completely fucking shitfaced to the point they can't stand up, and ruin the experience of everyone around them.

Like the Bleachers in Wrigley? But, but, why would you not like that? It's the same everywhere? Welcome to ANY sporting event world wide....


New member
May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
What is so bad about replica jerseys? Many people find it hard to just buy a ticket nowadays so what if they are looking for the cheapest way to show their colors? Heck, in a way it's keeping money away from Rocky and McD, is that so bad? I am not condoning buying knockoffs but I can certainly understand why.

There is nothing wrong with replicas, I own a bunch. I'm talking about the pale white Indian Head, auschwitz victim tomahawks, bubble letter nameplates, puffed out stripes and off red the fake ones from China are. Not to mention you have to buy 6 of them when you place an order. If people really can't afford the extra $40 bucks for a real replica, then just get a t-shirt jersey, your showing the colors just as much and those things rock.


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
Put me in the camp of the who cares group about bandwagon fans or fake jerseys of this team or any other. Neither bother me or keep me up at night. It's just about being involved in an event for some people and thats fine. And like Icehog says lifelong fans have to start somewhere...I was called a bandwagoner when I started out cheering for the Hawks (although i dont know why they weren't that good at the time). As a Hawks fan I know the time commitment I have put in watching them, talking about them, throwing things when they frustrate me and kissing things when they amaze me. My self gratification as a fan is all I care about. I like sharing that with other Hawk fans of course also and it makes it far more entertaining and worth while. I would hate to be the only fan....what would the point be?

As for the fake jersey stuff? Im with icehog there too. Im not a wealthy person and can't afford a lot of merchandize esp jerseys. I have a couple real ones but those were gifts. I keep my collection to the low end cost merchandise. Hats, scarfs, pins, pucks etc etc. I'll buy knock off jerseys and not think twice about it. I actually prefer wrecking and staining a 50 buck knock off over a 200 dollar plus jersey anyways. I don't think ones a bigger fan because of the merchandise quality and quantity they have. I know people who could school all of us on hockey and they don't own any nhl merchandise at all. Collecting is fun but its expensive..can't expect everyone to be able to shell out the coin.

I wear my knock off to opposing rinks (sometimes at the UC too depending on the night) and I didn't buy 6 of them. No chance in hell I'm risking my authentic in St. Louis or somewhere else.

As far as the bandwagon fans bothering me: They don't, but if I'm sitting right next to them it's harder to enjoy the game because it's distracting. If I see them throughout the concourse during intermission or in the bathroom, I can care less. It's distracting when I'm trying to watch the game and having a bunch of douchebags next to me yelling at each other during the game. Simple as that. I can't imagine what it was like for the people sitting behind them -- standing up during the play and not giving a shit. It's only happened to me once, it was not fun. I can't imagine I'm the only one this has happened to.

the canadian dream

New member
May 15, 2010
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Me thinks you don't understand the meaning of "bandwagon". They're just there because it's the cool place to be, and to party.. It has nothing to do with them liking the team, and as soon as the Hawks aren't hip or trendy, they will disappear.

I dislike bandwagon fans because they are almost always inconsiderate, obnoxious, and ignorant. They usually act like fucking imbeciles after getting completely fucking shitfaced to the point they can't stand up, and ruin the experience of everyone around them.

Really? I find true fans to be far worse than any bandwagon fans at games or out in the streets during playoffs. Some of the people who ruin the games the most are the loud mouth die hard fans that don't know when to shut up or take things to the level of violence to defend the hockey team they cheer for. Maybe it's different in Chicago but here in Vancouver the bandwagoners are pretty timid and polite. Many die hard Canuck fans can be total car wrecks at games and in the streets. Never had a bandwagoner try to run me over or call my girlfriend names at games or try to pick fights. Only the idiot die hards pull that shit off.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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Never said you had to like it. It's how it bothers some people so much or they over-exaggerate it to the point where they say it takes the enjoyment of watching the game away from them. That I don't understand.


New member
May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
As for the fake jersey stuff? Im with icehog there too. Im not a wealthy person and can't afford a lot of merchandize esp jerseys. I have a couple real ones but those were gifts. I keep my collection to the low end cost merchandise. Hats, scarfs, pins, pucks etc etc. I'll buy knock off jerseys and not think twice about it. I actually prefer wrecking and staining a 50 buck knock off over a 200 dollar plus jersey anyways. I don't think ones a bigger fan because of the merchandise quality and quantity they have. I know people who could school all of us on hockey and they don't own any nhl merchandise at all. Collecting is fun but its expensive..can't expect everyone to be able to shell out the coin.

This is what gets to me...jerseys are $120 for the replica, and $360 for the authentic. People always just throw out the arbitrary number that doesn't exist, this is always after they tell me they are wearing an "authentic" they got for $60 bucks. When I say thats its fake the response is, "sorry I don't have 300/275/190/ heard 500 dollars to spend on a jersey." To me the jersey is something that is too awesome to be shit on by some money mongers in china. I will always pony up the extra $40 bucks for the real replica.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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Really? I find true fans to be far worse than any bandwagon fans at games or out in the streets during playoffs. Some of the people who ruin the games the most are the loud mouth die hard fans that don't know when to shut up or take things to the level of violence to defend the hockey team they cheer for. Maybe it's different in Chicago but here in Vancouver the bandwagoners are pretty timid and polite. Many die hard Canuck fans can be total car wrecks at games and in the streets. Never had a bandwagoner try to run me over or call my girlfriend names at games or try to pick fights. Only the idiot die hards pull that shit off.

Copy that. I was just about to say, the people who care so much about the sport, they are a lot of the same people that do a lot of damage to it. That goes from the top of the pyramid in the NHL, to the GMs and owners and coaches of teams, the players and down to the fans.


Replica's are licensed. What these people are purchasing are sure not.

At the convenient store a couple years ago. I'm wearing my jersey as it's game night and I'm heading down there later in the day. I go in get my smokes and on the way out some guy stops me. Hey, I see your a Hawk fan, I have some cool jerseys in my trunk.. i go back there. The guy literally has over a hundred, green, white, and red jerseys as fake a s a Gucci/coach fake purse, fake Rolex. Hey I've been a fan for ever it's great to see them doing well, want to buy a jersey? 70 bucks. Huh? I know they are only 38 per jersey if you have them shipped from China. Plus free shipping if you order them in 10's or more.

Go Fuck Yourself asshole. Free enterprise? It's no different with any other trade marked item.
