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I have an old Batman graphic novel by Frank Miller called "The Dark Knight Returns". I have heard there is some inspiration from this story in the movie (the film is not a complete retelling of Miller's novel).
The short of it is that this story takes place long after Batman has hung up his cloak after the world's superheroes (in the DC universe that is) decide to work in cooperation with the US government (not to the liking of the Batman at all). Events fall into place that cause a middle-aged Bruce Wayne to put on the costume again and Superman is called in by our government to rein in the rogue vigilante.
That last sentence is where I see this movie being inspired from and how you get two heroes to face off against each other.
(The trailer even has a two second flash of Superman in the Oval Office)
The Dark Knight Returns was awesome... it got me back in to comics when I found it in one of my old boxes.
The metal "cowl" that batman has when facing off against in the trailer is a dead ringer for the cowl he wore in TDKR... as is the symbol on his chest.
The feeling I get from what I have read is that Batman steps back in to the suit to see if anyone can take out superman in case it is needed.... after all, Supes just wrecked a city in a fight, and the world was invaded just because he was here.
The audio in the trailer leads me to believe humans and their questions are what leads to Batman coming back.
So basically, It sounds like they are taking the premise of "Doom" and putting it in action while borrowing from TDKR.
I loved The man of steel, and am looking forward to this new wave of movies.
They are going all out- A suicide squad movie will be out in 2016, as will Dawn of Justice.
2017 is Wonder Woman and The justice League part 1.
2018 Is Flash and Aquaman.
2019 is Shazam and Justice league part 2.
2020 is Cyborg and Green Lantern.
Awwwwwww yeah!
... also very excited for the Mad Max Reboot... have been waiting decades!