You fucking numbskulls, you too Urblock.
I made a sarcastic post about winos5 being racist while talking bees.
winos5 missed the sarcasm and posted a serious reply.
Tater completely understood my post and replied with a green sarcastic text of his own.
Here is when I got the lobotomy,
I missed the sarcasm, the green text fucking sarcasm. Urblock got it and thanked.
Being the undisputed master of sarcasm, I lumped all three together, the 2 that got it and the 1 that missed it, and insulted all 3. I thought you missed my sarcasm, so
I insulted you because I missed your sarcasm.
This stupidity will not stand.
Self ban, I think 6 hours is fair.
Not allowed to insult anyone for 24 hours.
Total sarcasm ban, undetermined duration.
I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve posted things I regret, and the words posted today are some of them.
Anyone who knows me knows that post doesn't reflect who I am. I posted it, I was wrong, and I apologize.