<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="puckjim" data-cid="205814" data-time="1373502704">
If players want to have a tradition where they won't walk on the logo, great. Locker rooms are filled with all sorts of dumb shit like that.
It shouldn't matter to lay people, though.
Similar how it doesn't matter if fans or broadcasters say the words "shutout" or "no-hitter".
That's a player "thing".</p>
Then every time you grow a beard it's a joke. You are such a hypocrite it's not even funny.</p>
Just like the other day when you were making fun of the fans paying to go see the Sox. When you paid to go see the Blackhawks suck ass for years.</p>
I get it.</p>
It's a dumb fucking thing to do,. Period. The kid from Canada knows damn well you don't step on another teams logo. It works that way from High School teams sports on. It's nothing new.</p>
And only an asshole talks about a "shut out" before it happens. Just to be an attention grubbing asshole for the most part.</p>
"hey folks, look what I'm doing, your all idiots to think it means anything". I'm quite sure it doesn't but why go there? Again I get it.</p>