<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="pmxcodano" data-cid="205867" data-time="1373552392">
You should sue them. Maybe they said that to you specifically...I think you have a case</p>
They wouldn't want the bad PR</p>
I doubt any lawyer would be pro bono on a case like that, cause that's all I can afford right now, even with my shitty paying job. Perhaps, it was 2007 and I didn't step on it. I don't technically have a case in the first place.
If they specifically told me that, the only thing I could possibly play is the "race" card being brown-skinned and all, but that's all I figure I can throw at them. I just don't personally remember how they said it or if they said it to other people in the first place, but I do remember them saying it to me.
In addition to that, I don't have any clout, especially with me only being here for 6 years. It wouldn't fly. </p>