Bosh not available this summer?


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Apr 5, 2009
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He doesn't have to demand a trade though. If he refuses an extension that should be a big enough hint that they should look to move him. I don't know why hes not being clear on his desire to leave but I really can't see him staying.

Morten Jensen

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Mar 29, 2009
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Meh. I wouldn't think much about it. He was reportedly pissed earlier in the season, so I doubt one month changed his mind. He's just being polite. If he was offered a max extension from a playoff team in a big market (us), he be out of there quicker than old people can say 'Matlock'

charity stripe

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Mar 30, 2009
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I've always thought it was more likely that he would get traded near the Feb 2010 trade deadline. I'm sure he will be interested to sit back and see what Colangelo does with the roster over the summer and what kind of start they get off to next season.


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Apr 3, 2009
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So do you risk losing an asset as valueable as Bosh for nothing, because that's what will happen if he early outs next offseason and at that time, it's pretty much just up to Bosh. He could end up doing to Toronto what Boozer did to the Cavs.

??? ??????

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Apr 2, 2009
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Columbia, MO
I think Bosh will team up with Dwyane Wade and B-Easy in Miami next summer, if he isn't traded.

Raptors would be foolish not to trade him.


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Apr 2, 2009
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??? ?????? wrote:
I think Bosh will team up with Dwyane Wade and B-Easy in Miami next summer, if he isn't traded.

Raptors would be foolish not to trade him.

I agree. I still contend that the bulls best opportunity for a big fella is to go after Amare. Phoenix is paying a boatload for all of those players, missed the playoffs, and reportedly, aren't too fond of Amare.

I like Bosh more, but so does the Toronto front office. I can see them taking the risk of not trading Bosh and hoping he resigns....which I doubt he does unless they make a big playoff run next eyar.

In the end, I think Amare and Bosh stay put. However, in the present, we have a legit chance to get Amare, little to no chance to land Bosh.

Morten Jensen

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Mar 29, 2009
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??? ?????? wrote:
I think Bosh will team up with Dwyane Wade and B-Easy in Miami next summer, if he isn't traded.

Raptors would be foolish not to trade him.

I think there's very little chance at that happening. Beasley is clearly a four, and neither he or Bosh can play center. Besides, the Bosh/O'Neal experiment failed completely.

I'd put us on top of the list easily.

- Big market
- Need a scoring big
- Can offer a rebulding package
- Ready to give him an extension
- Playoff team
- Derrick Rose + young core

There isn't a single Chris Bosh scenario where I don't see us at the very top of the list.


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Mar 29, 2009
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I agree we make a lot of sense. I am sure Toronto would rather trade him out West if they do trade him but I don't see a fit there unless Portland is willing to do something. We can offer them a young big in Tyrus, 2 draft picks and either expirings in James and Tim Thomas or a young SF in Deng. If they take Deng back we would be willing to take Kapano. So there are two deals possible I see..

Tyrus, #16, #26, James, Tim Thomas for Bosh

Tyrus, #16, #26, Deng for Bosh, Kapano(this is the one I think Paxson would prefer)


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Mar 29, 2009
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To expand on the Tyrus, Deng,#16, #26 for Bosh, Kapano deal is to then move Hinrich for Blake and Outlaw(cut Blake), resign Hunter, Gray, and Nelson and then extend Gordon at deal starting at $8 million per year(5 years, $40 million).

Gordon,(Salmons), Kapano
Bosh, (Outlaw), Tim Thomas


That is your core 7 and if my math is right the team salary is right at $68 million the presumed luxury tax limit.


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Apr 5, 2009
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Basghetti80 wrote:
To expand on the Tyrus, Deng,#16, #26 for Bosh, Kapano deal is to then move Hinrich for Blake and Outlaw(cut Blake), resign Hunter, Gray, and Nelson and then extend Gordon at deal starting at $8 million per year(5 years, $40 million).

Gordon,(Salmons), Kapano
Bosh, (Outlaw), Tim Thomas


That is your core 7 and if my math is right the team salary is right at $68 million the presumed luxury tax limit.
Hunter is not able to play in the NBA anymore, sorry we gotta invest in a new back up pg. We also have no real back up pf, I'd pick up another scrub.

??? ??????

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Apr 2, 2009
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Columbia, MO
Morten Jensen wrote:
??? ?????? wrote:
I think Bosh will team up with Dwyane Wade and B-Easy in Miami next summer, if he isn't traded.

Raptors would be foolish not to trade him.

I think there's very little chance at that happening. Beasley is clearly a four, and neither he or Bosh can play center. Besides, the Bosh/O'Neal experiment failed completely.

I'd put us on top of the list easily.

- Big market
- Need a scoring big
- Can offer a rebulding package
- Ready to give him an extension
- Playoff team
- Derrick Rose + young core

There isn't a single Chris Bosh scenario where I don't see us at the very top of the list.

I think the Heat could go big and play Michael Beasley at the small forward spot if they want, or go with Beasley/Bosh at the two big positions.

The reason why I think Miami is the favorite is because they have Bosh's superstar buddy Wade, their own great young prospect, and unlike us, they will have capspace. (If we have capspace, it will likely be with the sacrifice of Ben Gordon, which makes us a lot less appealing.)

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Mar 30, 2009
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dougthonus wrote:;_y...K8vLYF?slug=ap-raptors-bosh&prov=ap&type=lgns

“I’m not going to demand a trade this summer,” Bosh said Thursday as the Raptors cleaned out their lockers the morning after a season-ending road victory over Chicago.

There's something i don't get: Why are all you guys so sure he's gonna bolt ?

As far as I know Toronto can still offer him more money than anyone else, and an extra year.
Would he be the first star that stayed with a bad/mediocre team for some extra cash ? NO !!!

Plus, if he was to join the Bulls, it's not like he'd be joining a champion (like Malone and Payton did in 2004) or at least a conference finalist. He'd be joining a former lottery team that barely made the playoffs. He'd also be joining a notoriously cheap organization, that refused to pay it's best player last summer (yes, I am actually talking about Gordon - I'm pretty sure that Gordon, because of his scoring, gets a lot more respect by NBA players than Deng does).

So if you base your assumption of him leaving on his desire to win, it would seem to me that he wouldn't have much reason to chose Chicago after all.

I've long been an advocate of clearing cap space to be a major player in 2010 and make a play for Lebron and/or Wade. I think there's a HUGE difference between that and trying to TRADE for Bosh, in that when you offer max contracts I think you seem more willing to spend than when you just trade for contracts. Such a move might convince a FA that you are willing to spend to win. However, if you want to trade for a FA that really wants to win, I doubt he'll sign an extension if he knows after just 1 season he can join a really good team like the Cavs, or an up and coming team that recently won a title and whose organization has a great reputation, like the Heat.

So even if Bosh becomes available and even if the Bulls make a play for him, I think you're more likely to read a quote like the one below than to actually see Bosh in a Bulls uniform:

Jerry Reinsdorf wrote:
It wasn't so much a rejection of Chicago, as it was other considerations that compelled these individuals to make the decisions that they made to play for the teams they chose to play with.

That quote came after the Bulls got shunned by all the major FAs in the summer of 2000, and what uncle Jerry is saying is something along the lines of "the girl didn't dump me, she just chose someone else". Uh-huh. Riiiiight.

Morten Jensen

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Mar 29, 2009
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??? ?????? wrote:
I think the Heat could go big and play Michael Beasley at the small forward spot if they want, or go with Beasley/Bosh at the two big positions.

The reason why I think Miami is the favorite is because they have Bosh's superstar buddy Wade, their own great young prospect, and unlike us, they will have capspace. (If we have capspace, it will likely be with the sacrifice of Ben Gordon, which makes us a lot less appealing.)

1. Michael Beasley has not played SF in the NBA. Judging from his speed and handle, he won't. Like, ever. Several Miami outlets and assistant coaches have pretty much dismissed the idea of him as a SF. There's really no question at this point that he is a PF.


2. Miami will have cap space, but Toronto would still like some cream and sugar. Miami has nothing to offer, nothing to pitch and nothing to sell the idea to Bosh on except Wade. The Bulls roster is much more appealing when you look at Derrick's age, our overall talent and our future. Bosh is also seeking a big deal, which means money is an issue. He can make more in Chicago than in Miami due to the market size and exposure.

Miami could go hard after Amare, as he was used to the center position in Phoenix. Bosh, while an attractive all-star, is not needed due to his lack of playing multiple positions. Miami could offer Beasley in a deal, but will they? I really doubt it.

My guess is they go hard after role players and start Beasley at the four next season. They use Udonis Haslem as trade bait, and will try to get more talent at the center position, where Jermaine O'Neal is done.. Like, really done.

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Mar 30, 2009
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Morten Jensen wrote:
2. Miami will have cap space, but Toronto would still like some cream and sugar. Miami has nothing to offer, nothing to pitch and nothing to sell the idea to Bosh on except Wade. The Bulls roster is much more appealing when you look at Derrick's age, our overall talent and our future.

From a player's perspective, do you really think Bosh would appreciate Rose more than he appreciates Wade ?
If you follow the NBA you'd notice that players have a different way of evaluating other players than the media or fans. There also is a lag in recognizing talent and merits. It's like you have to prove yourself over a longer period of time before getting the credit. The media and the fans are much quicker to give credit.

It probably comes from playing against those individuals and seeing first hand what they can do. For at least a couple of years Lebron has been the best in the league, yet many players continue to call Kobe the best. Some still talk about Shaq as if he was anywhere near his prime.

Now Bosh has played with Wade in the Olympics and has seen first hand how Wade was arguably the best player on that team, knows Wade has a title AND a finals MVP, has just seen Wade explode this season and lead the league in scoring and you think he'd prefer to play with Rose, Deng and Hinrich ? No disrespect to Rose, who has a lot of potential, but at this particular moment he's light years away from Wade.

Other than the bigger market there is NOTHING that the Bulls can offer that is better than what Miami can offer. The Heat have the credentials (a title just 3 years ago), the big name in the front office who delivered on his promise of a parade in South Beach (Riles), a superstar to make things easier on Bosh (Wade), a competent coach (Spoelstra), some decent role players on decent contracts (Haslem, James Jones and the rookie contracts of Chalmers, Beasley and Cook), enough cap space in 2010 to attract another major FA - if Wade opts out, they'd only have contracts worth 12 million beyond 2010, so they could be looking at 45 million in cap space. If they give Wade and Bosh deals starting at 15 mil, they could still have another 15 mil to spend.

What do the Bulls have other than Rose ? Cheap owner, inept coach, ABSOLUTELY NO SALARY CAP FLEXIBILITY, no superstar, no all star, nothing. And they just scared away a really good coach and might lose Gordon this summer. None of this would entice a FA to chose this team.


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Mar 28, 2009
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Bullspodcasters>Any other bulls board
Good we dont need a pf who is becoming a sf. Get me a real big in Amare.


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Apr 18, 2009
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If i am Colangelo, this is my approach to the summer:

1) Try to get Bosh to sign a max extension.

2) If he doesn't sign, then i start the process of shopping him since he has signaled he might leave next summer

3) Deal with the rest

Thus, the bulls may not need Bosh to demand a trade in order to acquire him.

Morten Jensen

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Mar 29, 2009
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0 wrote:
From a player's perspective, do you really think Bosh would appreciate Rose more than he appreciates Wade?

Obviously not if that's your only measuring stick. Add the other factors in, and I'd say yes. But head-to-head, of course not. I also never said that mind you. I even acknowledged that Wade basically is Miami's only attraction (besides the weather).

If you follow the NBA you'd notice that players have a different way of evaluating other players than the media or fans. There also is a lag in recognizing talent and merits. It's like you have to prove yourself over a longer period of time before getting the credit. The media and the fans are much quicker to give credit.

Correct, but there is a reason I use this logic when it comes to Bosh. In an interview a few months back, he pretty much broke down what he was looking for AKA what the Raptors should do. I'm still searching for that piece, but the gist of it was he wanted to be a part of a team that had a core which could go forward. We fit that description moreso than Miami if you aske me. Since Beasley is now in Miami, it also complicates matters more.

It probably comes from playing against those individuals and seeing first hand what they can do. For at least a couple of years Lebron has been the best in the league, yet many players continue to call Kobe the best. Some still talk about Shaq as if he was anywhere near his prime.

Derrick Rose has probably been the most celebrated rookie since LeBron James. Just about everyone has been out there singing his praises. Trust me when I say that has not gone over the head of Chris Bosh. Bosh is known to follow players and being in touch with the league and what's going on. I even believed he's described it as a part of the bizz. Remember the game in Toronto where Derrick scored 17 fourth quarter points and led the Bulls to the victory? I'm 100% sure that game is remembered by Bosh.

Now Bosh has played with Wade in the Olympics and has seen first hand how Wade was arguably the best player on that team, knows Wade has a title AND a finals MVP, has just seen Wade explode this season and lead the league in scoring and you think he'd prefer to play with Rose, Deng and Hinrich ? No disrespect to Rose, who has a lot of potential, but at this particular moment he's light years away from Wade.

And this is here the bigger market, a stronger core and the Beasley effect comes in. Bosh may prefer Wade over Rose, but would he also:

- Want to share minutes with Beasley?
- Want to go into an unstable environment (roster stability)?
- Want to be in a smaller market?

There are so many factors in this than just Wade. Considering he's looking for a max deal, money is obviously an issue. We can give him more than Miami due to the market/exposure. We have a stronger core with better role players and a promising young star in the making. Is the upgrade from Rose to Wade worth several million dollars a year, plus better exposure? IMO, I don't think so. Seing as how Derrick is only 20 and will continue to get better, it has to be considered a factor, regardless of how strong Wade is.

Other than the bigger market there is NOTHING that the Bulls can offer that is better than what Miami can offer. The Heat have the credentials (a title just 3 years ago)

So because the Heat won a title three years ago, Bosh should be interested. That's flawed logic. Wade and Haslem are the only remaining Heat players from that time. The Bulls won 6 titles in the 90's. There, now you have two equally worthless reasonings that won't matter at all.

the big name in the front office who delivered on his promise of a parade in South Beach (Riles), a superstar to make things easier on Bosh (Wade), a competent coach (Spoelstra), some decent role players on decent contracts (Haslem, James Jones and the rookie contracts of Chalmers, Beasley and Cook), enough cap space in 2010 to attract another major FA - if Wade opts out, they'd only have contracts worth 12 million beyond 2010, so they could be looking at 45 million in cap space. If they give Wade and Bosh deals starting at 15 mil, they could still have another 15 mil to spend.

You seem to put Miami on a pedestal. Bulls kill Miami in terms of role players, they have a perfectly fine GM and an improving coach. Also, don't think for a second that the entire Beasley situation is easily overlooked. It's not. It presents a huge problem as you cannot run either Beasley or Bosh at center or small forward. Both are pure PF's and each worthy of starting and playing 35+ every night. Unless Miami is willing to move Beasley (doubt it), then that factor plays a major role.

What do the Bulls have other than Rose ? Cheap owner, inept coach, ABSOLUTELY NO SALARY CAP FLEXIBILITY, no superstar, no all star, nothing. And they just scared away a really good coach and might lose Gordon this summer. None of this would entice a FA to chose this team.

1. We're a playoff team
2. We have Derrick Rose
3. We have a supporting cast
4. We have financial flexibility

Seriously. Look at our salary structure and tell me we don't have flexibility. We have a contract that can be 80% covered. We have a $12M expiring contract, we have a $6M expiring contract and we have a declining deal with only three years left for a high-quality guard.

Saying we don't have financial flexibility is just very, very inaccurate.


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Mar 13, 2009
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Seriously. Look at our salary structure and tell me we don't have flexibility. We have a contract that can be 80% covered. We have a $12M expiring contract, we have a $6M expiring contract and we have a declining deal with only three years left for a high-quality guard.

Saying we don't have financial flexibility is just very, very inaccurate.

I think we have minimal salary flexibility for this next season. Especially if we trade for Bosh where we'll likely take on salary in a deal.

We'll have to agree to go into the tax and lose a ton of profit this year on the hopes that it pays off down the line. I'm not sure how likely that is.

Morten Jensen

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Mar 29, 2009
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Well, yes. But isn't that kind of the point? The flexibility we have now will be 'used' on Bosh as I'm guessing several expiring contracts will change hands. If we exclude Bosh, I honestly still feel we stand strong in terms of contracts. We have one potential albatross in Deng, but that's it. Salmons is on a good deal, we have a good chunk of rookie contracts, two semi-large expirings and one major.

Given that some teams would love to shake themselves of long-term contracts, we could make a killing with the contracts we currently have.

I do agree that it's not likely given JR's prior history. But isn't that an entirely different issue? Make Mark Cuban or Paul Allen the owner on this team with these contracts, and we could turn them into gold.
