[quote name="5Minutes4Fighting"]IMHO, choice between Steeger and Ladd is an easy one. I'd keep Steeger for sure. Actually i think Steeger's game has improved a lot and will continue to do so with the right coaches and team. I think the organization is warming up to Steeger, but I think he is gone for cap reasons. And probably Sharp too, unless we unload the Soup contract. Although i do admit, the cap puzzles the shit out of me. and i could be dead wrong, and hopefully i am.
And Steeger, man that dude really grew on me big time with that performance at the rally. Hockey players are awesome and have tremendous character overall, but seriously not too many got much personality. Steeger, Kaner, Roenick, love those guys. Buff had personality too, which makes his departure a little tougher to swallow.
See Ron, I have mentioned Sharp as a possible goner. Now can we please move on?? and quit replying to my posts and wasting everybody's time... gracias