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you first.
Now now boys.... we are here to support Douche in his hour of need.
you first.
Cancer is horrible. I can't believe the mortality rate is still as high as it is. Sure it's come down dramatically, but it's 2015. Wish there was a one treatment "cure all" by now.
My brother has been fighting cancer for a little over a year now. He's too far gone at this point, docs say it's just a matter of time.. Sorry to all of those who have had to watch a loved one suffer through this shit. It's not easy.
My Uncle just died last week. They diagnosed him stage 4, hospice came, 3 weeks later he died.
Best of luck to your Brother, hopefully his attitude stays positive and he fights.
Sorry to hear that bro, my grandmother survived breast cancer but passed away in January from liver cancer. Cancer is horrible and painful to see a love one suffer through it. My only advice is to spend as much time as you can with your brother, I made an effort to see my grandmother as much as I could over the past 2 years (almost 2 years ago the doc didn't give her a year, she was a tough woman) and I still don't feel I saw her enough. A day doesn't pass where I don't think of her, so the best advice I can give is to be there with him as much as you can, not only will you cherish those memories down the road but he will be very appreciative for the time you do spend with him
My grandmother lived with us through most of it. She recovered, then it came back with a vengeance. One thing I will say though, I was real glad I made it out the week or so before she died. She was still coherent and we talked a little bit. I'm not sure I could've forgave myself if I didn't go to see her that one last time. Me and my cousin both still talk about how much better we felt that we went there that day.
Yes.Did Novak use to be Douche?
Before the mass vaccine era, cancer was not common at all. Ironically, while jackasses assume these vaccines can protect them from meaningless childhood diseases, they have caused many more harmful diseases and chronic conditions.
In looking for a cure for cancer, I know several people who have had great success with alternative means. The God forsaken healthcare system does not care about the average person and is just about making money. They prefer lifelong customers to finding real cures. If there are natural cures, they'll have no interest in it as there is no money in such a cure. This is why you'll even see propaganda put out saying vitamin supplements are bad for you. Don't trust the system ... ever.
Ermagherd Verccerncssszzzzz
I'd never troll about something this serious.
Where is the line of seriousness?
I usually draw the line at sports. I understand your suspicion though, many lols to be had at the thought of dying family members...