Simply put, if your defense lawyer is even semi-Special person, you should never be convictied in a capital murder case on "circumstamtial evidence". In capital murder cases there is that term Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and with purely circumstantial evidence, there will always be a doubt. And the whole common sense statement from the prosecutor, as soon as I heard that, I knew he had sunk his case, again, there has to be no doubt, the preponderonce of evidence has to be there to get a conviction in a capital muder case, and it wasnt there.
#1 There was no proven cause of death, so she could have drowned.
#2 There was no conclusive evidence, beyond a shadow of doubt, that an actual body was in that trunk.
#3 There is no proof that the tape was placed on that childs face before she was dead.
So sorry Fluff, you have let your emotions override your brain on this one.
I personally feel she did it, but even I, if i was sitting that jury, with the evidence that I saw presented through the online feed of the case, could not, with a clear conscience convict on the evidence as it was. Because the defense lawyer did his job, was able to cast doubt to the evidence as the prosecution team presented it.
The one part of this that pisses me off, there was enough evidence to get her for child abandonment, and the idiot prosecution team never even made an attempt to bolster a conviction with any of that.