Cowherd vid on Trubisky.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
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If we didn't trust him I would have assumed we would pound the ball with Howard. I think its just a learning experience for a first rime head coach.....and Mitch cracking under the pressure of a big time game. Personnally I'm more concerned with Why we didn't run the ball down their throats than I am with Mitch. I think he's a Bortles type QB. He's gonna suck for the first three years. He just doesn't have the experience under his belt.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Yeah....can't disagree. Year2 and they're not trusting MT to make plays when we have the lead. Now once again, as in past yrs. ..... if he goes down we have nothing behind him. There's no competition at the Qb position. Same story every yr.

News flash! There is usually 1-2 backups every decade that can go out and excel. Usually its only for a few games before they fall back down to earth.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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It's evident this coaching staff doesn't quite yet trust Trubs to go off-script. They designed and over-used to many underneath and short yardage gimmick throws. At the same time, trust takes time. As the season goes on I believe Mitch will slowly be given more and more trust. The staff needs to get a better feel for Mitch and learn each other's strength and weaknesses. Sometime's those strength and weaknesses can only be seen during live game action.

For example, I think Mitch is good on the run, good passing in the seam, and is better when he is able to naturally play the game as opposed to going all scripted or over-committed to the run. Once the staff gets more game film and is able to study Mitch, they will be able to utlize his strengths more.

Also, the same goes for the relationship between Mitch and his receiving corp. The WR group is filled with plenty of talent, but it takes some in-game experience together for trust and rapport to be built. After some time I'm sure Mitch will be throwing more 50/50s to Robinson, looking for Gabriel on a quick slant, and leading Miller on the deep ball, but these things take time, trust, and developed timing..

that's always the bear's excuse. Other teams it doesn't matter, but the Bears, oh no, need time to learn, need time to get comfortable with each other. Well wait, I thought that was preseason and practice. I'm so so sick of bear's excuses.
