Criminal Background Checks for Employment...


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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meh...I still wouldnt worry about it.. But its your call...If it bothers you, then go to HR and fess up

I think I might do that... the error was not intentional... and it would keep my integrity in tact...

PS: Here in the sight... scary... I imagine Illinois does it for every county if you can find the site... this was Winnebago County... Rockford

It even shows all the shit I ever got dropped... man... some people just can't let shit go... lol
Think how much money Illinois has spent to covert all that old crap... Felonies I get... speeding? for 30 years... really?


I should explain...
I recently retired from the Military...
Looking for new employment...

Filled out an application and resume online for a school district job which sounded interesting... something I would like to do... don't need money but cash for golf, beer, extras and will put half in savings... you get the drill...

So I fill out this application and got a call for interview.... cool...

So in prep for the interview I review my resume and application to ensure I'm up to speed on everything I told them I know and what they need... etc... you know... a little homework to ready yourself for questions... etc...

As I'm going through I see a question I just missed or miss read... the question was have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation... I'm guessing when I read that I saw minor and thought past ten years, minor offense... etc... turns out in the fine print it says EVER... so I answered that question with no... but in truth I paid a hundred dollar fine for misdemeanor minor possession of alcohol in 1987. I would haven't given a second thought to putting that on the application... but I missed it which at the end of the day is nobody's fault but mine for not being more specific with my answers... however that would get me canned for not putting it on the application...

Anyway... I have three options in my opinion... One... go to HR prior to interview and explain my mistake... Two... pull my application cancel the interview and wait for another position... or Three... let it ride... which for me isn't an option because it's really an integrity issue... I would have told them had I been more careful reading the application... and if it came up later I look like I was hiding something and would get the boot anyway... which would be way worse in my opinion... I would have never tried to hide something that old and minor... really... 90 bucks... and 28 years ago... who would hide that?

At any rate... there you are... I'm thinking just let them know I made an error on my application... likely costs me the job anyway because who hires a dumb ass who can't comprehend a question... lol... but I can't go through with the interview knowing it could look like I tried to intentionally mislead...

The truth is I just missed it... I would never have worried about disclosing that information... and once you hit send you can't adjust the information they have...

So there you are... my first interview in close to 30 years and I jacked it up right out of the gate... sad truth is this is a job I would have really enjoyed...

was it a civil or military charge? most criminal checks dont show military charges. i think an fbi check might show it.

were you a minor? under 18?


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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was it a civil or military charge? most criminal checks dont show military charges. i think an fbi check might show it.

were you a minor? under 18?

No... I wasn't Military and it was 3 weeks after my 18th birthday... the record is still there... just looked today... it even free to the public in Illinois online...
A website I'm sure paid for by the public tax dollar


No... I wasn't Military and it was 3 weeks after my 18th birthday... the record is still there... just looked today... it even free to the public in Illinois online...
A website I'm sure paid for by the public tax dollar

well then.. either be proactive about it and admit the error or cancel the interview and apply elsewhere.

In the mean time you could possibly get it expunged.

you may qualify being a vet if you were discharged under honorable conditions (Honorable discharged veteran convicted of a non-violent, non-sexual or non-gun-related Class 3 or Class 4 Felony) Im not sure though, it may be something to look into. Where theres a will perhaps? Exp Guide/DoIQualifytoExpungeWorksheet.pdf


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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well then.. either be proactive about it and admit the error or cancel the interview and apply elsewhere.

In the mean time you could possibly get it expunged.

you may qualify being a vet if you were discharged under honorable conditions (Honorable discharged veteran convicted of a non-violent, non-sexual or non-gun-related Class 3 or Class 4 Felony) Im not sure though, it may be something to look into. Where theres a will perhaps? Exp Guide/DoIQualifytoExpungeWorksheet.pdf

Thank you Aussie... I appreciate your research on this but I'm really not the least bit worried about a 28 year old minor drinking charge...
My mistake was not disclosing it... I would have had I fully read the requirement... just a brain fart really... I doubt they care other than the fact I failed to disclose...
I'll be proactive and admit the error... let the chips fall where they may... I'm likely over thinking this but will let you guys know how it turns out...
It's not like I was a sure thing for the position... but I'll never really know unless I'm hired anyway... which I should be... I'm Awesome...


Thank you Aussie... I appreciate your research on this but I'm really not the least bit worried about a 28 year old minor drinking charge...
My mistake was not disclosing it... I would have had I fully read the requirement... just a brain fart really... I doubt they care other than the fact I failed to disclose...
I'll be proactive and admit the error... let the chips fall where they may... I'm likely over thinking this but will let you guys know how it turns out...
It's not like I was a sure thing for the position... but I'll never really know unless I'm hired anyway... which I should be... I'm Awesome...

no problems.

yeah some ppl may not care about an old misdemeanor, I wouldnt depending on the further 28 years, but in a position that involves kids they may be a little more sensitive about it. im sure you could get it expunged fairly easy.

gl either way


You bet... I found every arrest in that county on every old friend I ever had... Illinois posts everything... for free... public record...

lol what website? i wanna check something..


and by the way you're overthinking the hell out of this. it was almost 30 years ago and plus if they bring it up just tell em the truth. honestly, I doubt anything happens man.


Thank you Aussie... I appreciate your research on this but I'm really not the least bit worried about a 28 year old minor drinking charge...
My mistake was not disclosing it... I would have had I fully read the requirement... just a brain fart really... I doubt they care other than the fact I failed to disclose...
I'll be proactive and admit the error... let the chips fall where they may... I'm likely over thinking this but will let you guys know how it turns out...
It's not like I was a sure thing for the position... but I'll never really know unless I'm hired anyway... which I should be... I'm Awesome...

On a side note: My dad did 30 years in the army and was hit with a Reckless driving/DUI in 85. He lost two stripes over the ordeal and went from a E9 to E7. However, he still retired an E9 in 92. He went back to college at 51 and graduated first in his class and became a HS teacher without issue.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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Come clean, of course. But also get it redacted from your record.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Come clean, of course. But also get it redacted from your record.
sound advice. it shouldn't be difficult to have a judge do that if he explains the circumstances.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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First, the question about convictions is on every application for a serious job.

Second, if you have to get a finger print card because you are working in a school, they will probably find it. Its almost guaranteed they will.

Third, they aren't gonna give a **** about it. Just say no and if they ever find it and bring it up just play dumb and be like, oh wow, I forgot all about that. As far as your finger print clearance card, that is not conducted by the school. If they deny you the card because of your conviction, you will be able to fill out an appeal where you just explain it was 30 years ago and you were a dumb ass kid and you will get your card.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Oh, and no employer is going to find that shit unless they are doing a FBI background check (like in the firgerprint clearance card process)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I wouldnt say anything unless they brought it up...Why tell on yourself if they dont know about it?

Why would they care if someone had some booze 28 years ago, even if he was a teen?

This.... I would wait and if they brought it up just be like "Damn that was a long time ago I totally forgot about it"

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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This.... I would wait and if they brought it up just be like "Damn that was a long time ago I totally forgot about it"

There is an old saying....."If ya cant dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit"


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
When you say minor in possession of alcohol how old were you? Juvenile (under 18)?
