MLB isn't like the NFL where you have a combine and can run medicals on players before you draft them. That's frankly a problem
they don't have a combine but they have plenty of time/opportunities to run medicals on players, plus the majority of these kids are still playing on day of draft.
what if like often happens at NFL/NBA you find someone has a serious condition after you have drafted that not even the player knew he had?
NFL and NBA don't compensate a team by giving them an extra pick and allow them to redraft in the same slot the next year..
im sure these kids all see doctors and have physicals, especially ones in college and most are still playing on draft day so if they had a serious condition that would keep them from playing ball at the time of draft im sure it would be known..
never really seen that situation as a reason a player didn't sign, its 99.9 % of time cause of money or wanting to return to school...
Should you be punished as a team because the rules say you can't give him a physical prior to drafting?
most of these top picks are still playing or just finished, so you pretty much can see that their physically ok to play or not at time of draft..
like i said above the top reason for a non signing is because of wanting more money or to return to school not because of an injury..
it's not like there isn't punishment. Losing a year of development is a big deal. Keep in mind that prospects are spotty at best to begin with so by creating an extra year of development could hurt them 5 years down the line when they hopefully are good and need something to push them over the top.
i don't mind so much as to giving teams an extra pick the following year, what bugs me is that their getting to repick in the slot they had for not being able to make a deal with the kid they chose to draft
it wont happen because MLB teams want to get these kids in their system as quickly as possible to start their development but....
i always felt MLB should do their draft in JULY.. give these kids a bit of a break, they can have a physical day, and they can set a date to where kids have to decide to return to school or enter draft.