Botfly please tell me you scrapped the car and didn't sell it to a sweet old lady that's probably dead from a malfunction by now
NaturallyNo, I blew a gasket and seized the engine while driving on the highway to a head shop to get a new bong.
One time, when I was 16 and living in michigan, I was driving on the highway to see my girlfriend. She lived about 40 minutes away. I was in my 80's ford ltd station wagon and it wasn't snowing, but there was enough snow on the ground that you couldnt see the lines and had to watch the median poles to stay on the road.
Of course, this was the midwest, so people were still moving fast. I was going with traffic, about 60-65 mph when all the sudden all the semis on the road started slowing down, moving to the right lane with their 4 ways on. Soon traffic had slowed down to maybe 30 mph with every single vehicle in the right lane.
Of course, I was a fuckidiot kid that didn't think too much about what was going on and stayed in the left lane, not bothering to slow down all all.
All the fucking sudden I come around a bend and there are 4-5 cars sideways, blocking the road. State cop cars are parked all over the place with their lights going. The entire road is blocked except a gap on the right lane with traffic at a dead stop in front of it.. I see cops standing on either side of the gap in the wreckage, directing traffic to stop.
I'm still going maybe 60 mph on a snow coated road and there is no way in **** I was gon stop.
I flew up on that wreck so fast there was no thinking involved. Cranked the wheel right to get over in the right lane in front of the stopped column of traffic and then cranked it back left to straighten out. I fucking shit you not, swear on my life that fucking ford ltd wagon went sideways on me and I whipped through the gap exactly perpendicular to the road. I made eye contact with one of the cops as I went through, he was less than 5 feet from my bumper, and saw his mouth open up.
And in an instant, I was on the other side and the wagon drifted to where I regained control, straitening back out just past the wreck. Came out of it still going close to 60 mph. And just kept on going, no traffic, no cops, almost passing out from the adrenaline.
The transmission got fucked up in that same ford ltd wagon and wouldn't engage gears in drive anymore. I was afraid to tell my parents, so I drove to school in reverse for two weeks before they found out.
Breh, are you fucking serious? How did you not get pulled over doing that?
The transmission got fucked up in that same ford ltd wagon and wouldn't engage gears in drive anymore. I was afraid to tell my parents, so I drove to school in reverse for two weeks before they found out.
The transmission got fucked up in that same ford ltd wagon and wouldn't engage gears in drive anymore. I was afraid to tell my parents, so I drove to school in reverse for two weeks before they found out.