This.... lol people talk shit about Subway like they put themselves out there as a high end sandwich shop.
Its a huge chain of sandwich shops and the food is slightly better for you than the regular fast foods like McDonalds or Wendy's or Taco Bell.... depending on what you get of course and for me its a turkey sandwich vs Triple Cheeseburger lol
I talk shit about subway because i have to pay to watch someone who's usually ugly with gross fingers make me a sandwich i don't want to eat, where as I could make a sandwich I do want to eat and pay less money.
Try this:
1. Take the money you would spend at Subway for a week, go to the grocery store and buy the ingredients you enjoy having a sandwich artist at Subway put together. (buy higher quality ingredients though, which is probably by default what you are doing unless you are buying Carl Buddig meat)
2. Make yourself a sandwich, it takes 5 minutes.
3. Slap yourself for eating that Subway shit.