I enjoy your banter IHF, and I appreciate, even maybe admire your hunger for politics and political debate.
The thing that may anger you a bit, and is sad I agree, is the fact that me and many of my contemporaries have lost faith in the system. It really does seem like different puppet, same puppet master. Bush was called the most liberal, spendocrat there has ever been. Obama is accused of being quite the conservative. It all depends on who ya talk to.
I for one, really don't see sweeping changes being made. Whether that is a product of the mass media instilling fear into the candidates that they won't get/retain the government job, or trying to "brainwash" the people to vote one way or the other. While there are plenty of smart people out there, passionate people that have a clear idea of what this nation needs, they are far outnumbered by stupid, shallow, uneducated, close-minded arrogant morons that screw everything up.
I agree with the above. To me there is no difference in Democrats or Republicans short of talk only. While at one point in history these two parties may have represented 2 divergent views, this is no longer true and those difference now sound like mere dogma. While this may not be true for those that vote one way or the other, I feel this is true of the majority of politicans that claim one side or the other.
Obama, Romney, Bush, Kerry, etc., there is no difference. No real difference. This is one of the factors that has made me vote Libertarian (even when the candiate was a nut bag, I can admit there have been a few) execpt for Perot and Clinton (1 term), whom I also voted for. Both of these candidates I voted for because I felt they could be good LEADERS.
The only thing the 2 party system is now good for is pointing fingers at each other without getting anything done. This DOES include many of those who label themselves in each party and that is clearly evident even in the forums here: "You can blame Obama for that" "Thank the Bush Administration for this".
And I have taken comments from both sides... Democrat: "If you are going to vote with a third party and change, you might as well vote Democrat, your vote is wasted" Republican: "Libertarians and Republican believe in the same things, you might as well vote Republican, your vote is wasted."
I always argue that in the status quo, a vote of republican or democrat is a wasted vote. Mine is at least based on principals I believe in. I agree with the majority of the Libertarian stances and I feel there needs to be more voices. A vote of republican or democrat just feels like trying to pick a winner and be a part of the winning side.