I hope he meets a nice young lady elephant and they have a Raju Jr. and when Raju Sr. dies, Raju Jr. decides to seek revenge on those who tortured his daddy for most of his life.
Jr. then teaches other elephants to talk and they all learn how to fire bullets out of their trunks. But that's not all, they all then learn to walk upright on their 2 hind legs. They start a world war against man cause it was men, after all, who tortured Raju Jr.'s dad for all those years. Firing big ol' bullets out of their trunks in rapid succession they tear through every town, and city. Jr. then comes upon this little man who says, "hey, you look familiar. I once owned an elephant that looked just like you and I whipped him every day and every night just for the **** of it." Then Raju Jr. says, "my name is Raju Jr. and you tortured my daddy, prepare to die." Raju Jr. then lets out a mighty cry and then sprays the man with rapid fire from his trunk, the man's body left a shredded bloody mess. Raju Jr. then turns around and shits on him in the general area where his head used to be.
Having gotten revenge for dear old dad, Raju Jr. then returns to battle to lead all elephants to victory over mankind, which had been severely weakened by vaccines. In the end Raju Jr. claims victory over man and takes his seat on the iron throne to rule the planet of the elephants!