Fallout 4

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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lol revolutionize...

Not sure that really happens. What is sure, is incremental progress with periodic high points where multiple systems that existed previously are refined and combined to provide an especially compelling experience.

All art exists within a continuum and a context. Ain't no artist that ever created something from nothing.

It's reminiscent of how people knock elvis or the beatles for drawing on influences. As if the people that came before them invented the shit.

the beetles probably actually did revolutionize music, and Elvis, well, he simply wasnt the first to do what he did, just the one that made it big first. janis martain was playing sped up rockabilly versions of blues classics at random little honky tonks at 13 years old, about a year before elvis recorded his first rock n roll song. of course, thats just one example and others were doing it before that. as important as elvis was, no one should argue that he revolutionized anything, at least not creatively. he did make rock n roll a household name. so he did revolutionize the industry. im not a huge beetles fan, i appreciate them, its just not style per say, but the beetles on the other hand can be argued to have revolutionized music.

anyway, i agree though, you can never escape influence, you cannot create in a vacuum. but as far as games go, i think theres more of an opportunity for something truly revolutionary if only because unlike music, or other mediums, they havent been around 100s or 1000s of years. i think ultima 7 was a revolutionary game, as was mario 64, just to name a couple ive played. some of the early games before my time like the first 3d games or the first sandbox game are others. and i think its still possible for such games to be made. from all the hype the witcher 3 got, it seems like a lot of people feel it was one of those games. i do not. thankfully i expected the hype to be a little much going in so i wasnt disappointed. in fact i probably liked it more than i expected to.

on a side note, apparently there are insane expectations for CDPRs followup cyberpunk 2077 and the board on their forum has become something of a inside joke regarding unrealistic expectations. give me a game on par with the witcher 3 and im happy, something more and its a bonus.

oops, i forgot this was the fallout 4 thread, and i just typed a bit of a text wall. dont blame anyone if they decide tldr. lol

well, to get back on track, in at least its somewhat fallout related... hows wasteland 2? i just picked it up, along with pillars of eternity, for real cheap. i figured the two of them should keep me busy until gta5, fallout 4 and/or dark souls 3 go on sale.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Agree that witcher 3 was not revolutionary. Imo, its real triumph was successfully melting a story driven game in an open world setting. Not sure thats ever been done so well. Oh, and also just how alive the world felt, which isn't new, but a pretty big achievement for how big the shit is.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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i agree 100%. it never felt like the lifeless wasteland that most open world games feel like. as you said it weaved the story and the world together perfectly. and the characters... while a number of them fell into the typical generic fantasy archetypes, they never felt as such. i remember you complaining that you couldnt travel with a party if simply for their company and i agree on that point as well. which reminds me, while above i said i expected more in regards to role playing choices and decisions, because the characters were so fleshed out i did find myself actually analyzing their thoughts and feeling, and giving them a psychological/emotional explanation... actually role playing. particularly when it came to geralt and yens relationship.


Señor Member
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theyve made some decent games but they didnt do anything others havent done or would have done.

"or would have done"? So at some point another game developer would do what Beth did. So landing on the moon was no big deal, if it wasn't America, somebody would eventually have done it.

I get what you're saying, Bethesda's innovations were inevitable, therefore irrelevant. I disagree.


Señor Member
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you also cant state that they didnt kill fallout

That would explain why I never stated that. You made that up. Here is what I did say.

As I mentioned earlier ITT I've never played any Fallout games until this week. I'm enjoying FO4 so far, it doesn't seem 'killed' to me.

Not talking about the franchise, I stated my opinion that FO 4 "does not seem killed to me".

We don't agree on video games, that cool, but please stop misquoting me and we'll leave it at that.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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That would explain why I never stated that. You made that up. Here is what I did say.

Not talking about the franchise, I stated my opinion that FO 4 "does not seem killed to me".

We don't agree on video games, that cool, but please stop misquoting me and we'll leave it at that.

now, that doesnt make any sense. i was clearly talking about the franchise as a whole. so... why, or how even, would you claim that they didnt kill 4? what does that even mean?

you dig fo4, thats cool. hell, i might like it as well when i get around to playing it. but as someone that loved the original fallouts, that wont change the fact that what bethesda has done to the franchise is a disappointment. i actually expect to like like it, at least to some degree, but also expect things i wont like about it, if for no other reason than im pretty sure itll be exactly what i think it is... a new version, and a seemingly inferior one, of the same game theyve been pumping out for years in one form or another.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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now, that doesnt make any sense. i was clearly talking about the franchise as a whole. so... why, or how even, would you claim that they didnt kill 4? what does that even mean?

Okay you're trolling. I think FO4 is a good game so far, I stated my opinion.

you also cant state that they didnt kill fallout

My opinion on FO4, that's it.

I asked a simple question, got a good answer from Novak. I thanked him and was ready to move on, then I picked up a misquoting troll with an agenda.

For the third time, we do not agree on games, is there any possible way we can leave it at that? Obsess on a different poster please, I'm just about done being nice.
