We completely disagree, Oblivion was a terrible game because of level scaling. Most games have some, Oblivion was ruined by over use.
"they didnt do anything others havent done or would have done" I'm not sure what would have been done, that makes no sense.
Just over 4 years ago they released Skyrim which IMO is a great game, so the idea that they are done is laughable.
"**** them, they killed fallout" As I mentioned earlier ITT I've never played any Fallout games until this week. I'm enjoying FO4 so far, it doesn't seem 'killed' to me. You and I have very different ideas on what makes a good game. We should both keep that in mind when reading each others game reviews.
it makes perfect sense. you said they revolutionized gaming and i simply pointed out that they really didnt, and that anything new that they may have brought to the table in some of their early games were simply basic advancements one dev or the another would have made sooner than later.
also, your opinion of skyrim is just that, an opinion. even if it is a decent game, which i cannot comment on, having not played it, that doesnt change the fact that they essentially make the same game over and over, each being inferior versions of the peak that was morrowwind, that usually consists of large portions of the world being bland as can be. though admittedly weve come full circle on that point since thats simply my opinion.
you also cant state that they didnt kill fallout when youre completely unfamiliar with the franchise outside of the most recent release which doesnt seems to be a fallout title in much other than name. fallout 3 was a decent game, but already a disappointment as far as being a fallout title. 4 seems to strayed even further off course.
anyway, just finished the witcher 3. it was excellent, a bit overhyped i think in that it didnt really revolutionize the genre, but simple did everything damn well and better than just about any other game. dont get me wrong its one of the best games ive ever played and will be hard to top, but i actually expected a bit more in regards to role playing choices and options. with that said it kept me interested through what was probably close to 100 hours of game play, one of the few games to do so. and while there was a bit too much filler in regards to the question mark locations, the world itself was perfectly designed and everything worth while for the most part incorporated an interesting quest or story. i rarely found myself just wondering aimless through the vast landscape as is often the case with open world games.
im still deciding what game i should start next. it still might be fallout 4.