Woo hoo!
Well, not really.
Doc kind of fucked me. Say I need to get ok from specialist I saw to go back to work.
That's ok though, shop is on semi-shutdown for the the week.
I was hoping to work half week on days with skeleton crew, then get my shift restarted at 1st of year.
Maybe not. But the longer I am on days the more and more I will ***** to get my shift back.
I am sure it will work, if only I can withstand the blowback.
Anyway, if day shift stands regardless of my powers, I would like to get a parrotlet next Spring.
"Blue Barry" would be a good name for blue male.
you know what? birds make me happy. I even like looking at pictures of birds.
To me, they always seem to be smiling.
(probably one of reasons I liked Dr. Maturin so much, he loves birds too!)