Friend Advice


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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I'm in a slight dilemma so,eh, maybe CCS could offer some advice?

The situation is myself and a pretty good friend of mine are back home after having graduated college(last year). I got an engineering degree and do research for a local R&D company(while still looking for other work, but really I'm doing "gap" work/research before going back to school for a PhD).

My friend was in Seminary but had to leave towards the end of his college tenure(with seminary, you have to get a degree from a university, usually philosophy, which he did get). He was asked to leave Seminary because of his lack of maturity,not in the trouble making sense. He's still thinking about returning to seminary in a year or two, but he substitute teaches as of the moment.

Anyway, we hung out tonight, and it was fine(good to see him as always). But..the thing is that I'm agnostic. That really isn't a big deal, but considering that he is a very religious person and religion is a big part of his life, it's a little problematic.

I've been able to kind of avoid really discussing religion with him, or at least on a more particularly personal level, as of late. I actually did go to a mass because I helped him set up a small band to play at some ceremony at a local church. But he's been inviting me to go to church with him a number of times outside of that, and he knows I haven't gone much in a while. He asked me today about going Sunday.

I don't want to say no, but I can't keep using the "I can't make it, I'm busy" excuse or some other BS. At some point, I have to tell him. I'm just a little worried he wont take it so well. Really nice guy, but religion is very important to him. I also feel like he'll see that as a point to try to get me back into the church, and try even harder. But I have no desire to really go back.

Not exactly sure how to handle this one...


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Aug 21, 2012
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My parents are pastors. I grew up in a christian home. I spoke to the congregation when I was 14 years old. Was all in. Then I had questions. I decided not believe in god. I told them no disrespect to you guys but I believe in what I believe. If you can respect my decision, then tough shit for you guys. They were hurt but they respected my decision. To this day, I respect their beliefs and they respect mine. With nothing but love. You have to man up and let him know you ain’t bout that life. Like, no disrespect to you but that ain’t me. I choose not to go to church or believe in that. I’m sure you can respect a persons opinion even if it’s not the same as yours. If he can’t, **** him. That’s all on him. Simple as that. People need to learn how to fucking respect people. They don’t have to like what they do or the way they think, but you have to respect someone. Even if it’s wrong in their eyes. Just cause it’s wrong in their eyes, that doesn’t mean your wrong. A real friend would respect your word. Maybe I’m being real blunt, but that’s what the fucking world needs. All these fucking sensitive pussy ass people nowadays.

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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My parents are pastors. I grew up in a christian home. I spoke the the congregation when I was 14 years old. Was all in. Then I had questions. I decided not believe in god. I told them I disrespect to you guys but I believe in what I believe. If you can respect my decision, then tough shit for you guys. They were hurt but they respected my decision. To this day, I respect their beliefs and they respect mine. With nothing but love. You have to man up and let him know you ain’t bout that life. Like, no disrespect to you but that ain’t me. I choose not to go to church or believe in that. I’m sure you can respect a persons opinion even if it’s not the same as yours. If he can’t, **** him. That’s all on him. Simple as that. People need to learn how to fucking respect people. They don’t have to like what they do or the way they think, but you have to respect someone. Even if it’s wrong in their eyes. Just cause it’s wrong in their eyes, that doesn’t mean your wrong. A real friend would respect your word. Maybe I’m being real blunt, but that’s what the fucking world needs. All these fucking sensitive pussy ass people nowadays.

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Yea, this is something I have to face one way or another. I just hope it doesn't hurt our friendship. But this is who I am, and I have no desire to change that.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Yea, this is something I have to face one way or another. I just hope it doesn't hurt our friendship. But this is who I am, and I have no desire to change that.

Sucks to lose someone you care. I could say, if he doesn’t want to be friends because of this, then he wasn’t a friend. But truth of the matter is, you lose good friends in your lifetime. That’s just the way it is. Sucks but it’s the way it is.

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To some religious folks, being agnostic = not knowing enough to come to your own decision. In that case, you just gotta tell him flat out no. Otherwise, he's your friend, and if he's doing something special at the church, then maybe consider going to show support. Not like you're going to burn on impact if you enter a church. It's basically autopilot for people, they sit, listen, go home.. nobody is going to test you or anything (unless your friend is an asshole and organizes some conversion group to ambush you, which would be unusual).


CBMB refugee
Aug 20, 2012
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Be honest with him. Tell him that at this point in your life you aren't really into the church thing and that while you appreciate his friendship this is a subject you would rather not discuss. You can let him know that if there are any changes or if you have questions he will be the first person to ask but at this time it is a subject that you really don't want to delve into.

I'm deeply religious but I also understand that some of my friends are not. I live my life by a certain set of beliefs and if someone asks I am happy to give them insight into my beliefs but I also believe that forcing those beliefs on others will have nothing but a negative effect on them. I have remained friends with people who don't believe as I do and I don't press them on it. There are plenty of things to talk about that don't involve religion.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Be honest with him. Tell him that at this point in your life you aren't really into the church thing and that while you appreciate his friendship this is a subject you would rather not discuss. You can let him know that if there are any changes or if you have questions he will be the first person to ask but at this time it is a subject that you really don't want to delve into.

I'm deeply religious but I also understand that some of my friends are not. I live my life by a certain set of beliefs and if someone asks I am happy to give them insight into my beliefs but I also believe that forcing those beliefs on others will have nothing but a negative effect on them. I have remained friends with people who don't believe as I do and I don't press them on it. There are plenty of things to talk about that don't involve religion.

I was going to post something similar. Just put it out there, if he can't deal with it then his loss.


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Dec 19, 2012
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Just tell the truth. And if he persists to preach to you just distance yourself.


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I'm in line with most others here.

I've dealt with this myself growing up. I don't want to bore anyone with the details, but I've lost some friends and kept some friends after letting them know. The ones who didn't wanna talk to me after that though, I decided it wasn't worth being friends with them anyway. If we were truly friends, they would have respected my beliefs (or lack thereof) just as I respected theirs.

Ultimately, I was always happy after telling people. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I was okay with any outcome.

Really, the only place I'm not comfortable saying it out loud it as work. A lot of super religious people in upper management, and my own boss is a preacher at her church, and she talks constantly about how much god and religion means to her. This is one that I don't want to risk haha.
Oct 9, 2012
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If he can't respect your religious views like you respect his than maybe he isn't that good of a friend. There's no reason a believer and a non believer cannot be best friends, it just has to come down to respect.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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It appears the consensus is being open and honest about it, which, like I said, I knew I'd have to do at some point. I can't continue to dodge the subject. I'll make sure to talk to him in person about this.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Just wait till you have a gf who starts with "You should come to church with me!"


Scratched for Vorobiev
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Ditto with everyone else. Be straightforward and honest. If there is an issue it's his, not yours. You seem to be able to be friends regardless of religious bent. If he can too and respect that you're agnostic, you're golden.

P.S.: @Ares: I've lost girlfriends in the past when my answer was "No, I shouldn't." :D


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Ditto with everyone else. Be straightforward and honest. If there is an issue it's his, not yours. You seem to be able to be friends regardless of religious bent. If he can too and respect that you're agnostic, you're golden.

P.S.: @Ares: I've lost girlfriends in the past when my answer was "No, I shouldn't." :D

My gf in high school pulled that and I told her I didn't have a soul.

The look on her face was priceless.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Just wait till you have a gf who starts with "You should come to church with me!"

My wife is a believer. I’m not. Married 10 years with 1 kid and still going strong. She respects my belief as I respect hers. She hopes that one day her god would talk to me so I can convert again. But she told me that only twice in 10 years. I’ve only gone to church like 3 times in that time frame. Due to the kid being in a Easter Sunday thing. If we can respect each other, then the OP’s friend can respect him.

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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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My wife is a believer. I’m not. Married 10 years with 1 kid and still going strong. She respects my belief as I respect hers. She hopes that one day her god would talk to me so I can convert again. But she told me that only twice in 10 years. I’ve only gone to church like 3 times in that time frame. Due to the kid being in a Easter Sunday thing. If we can respect each other, then the OP’s friend can respect him.

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That's awesome.... but I don't think it is a norm TBH.
