which one of us is which?
You guys are are so easily amused, at least to me.
Your whole rants are predicated upon a belief that does not exist. I never said the POTUS has direct cost control. You are welcome to believe what you want to believe. If you want me to respond in kind you will need to research what I did say. Heck, please quote it for all to see.
It really is becoming irrelevant since in another week we will vote Obama out of office....
No, you continue to insinuate this administration's policies are what is driving the cost of gasoline up. If that is true, why were gasoline prices HIGHER under the Bush administration? I refuted every point cpl brought up in regards to the cost of oil/gas in this country, and he disappeared. You were noticeably absent from that discussion as well. As you typically are when proven wrong. The same way you ignore Romney's comments about high gas prices, and how people should "get used to them".
How, exactly, have Obama's policies influenced the price of gasoline in this country?
I just don't get Obama............. I really do not. Gas prices are nearing record highs, more then double since he took office three years ago and what does he do yesterday? He demonizes the gas and oil companies and the profits they are making. Yes folks, that is his answer as to how we are going to lower costs in the time of a recession. Again he was spouting green energy as the answer as if it is magically going to happen tomorrow.
As I have asked before, who can tell me what his energy plan is?
So you are saying that if the POTUS and Congress wanted to move ahead with bringing more refineries online that they are powerless to do so?
One of the greatest ideas I had heard that has never been acted upon was building refineries on closed military installations.
And the part that nobody gets is where are we headed? They ***** and moan of where we are with prices but then just throw their hands up in defeat and take it rather then asking the serious questions. Questions like, what is our national energy plan? What are we doing to address issues today? Where does the government see us in a year, three years, ten years? I get railed for my dislike of Obama but it is reasons such as his position on green energy that I distrust him. It's a damn the torpedo's philosphy with no back up plan at least from I have seen. Does anyone really think with his green energy platform that he cares about the cost today or even the next four years?
And anyone who does not think the federal government does not get involved in cost is ignorant. All you have to do is look at fuel mixes, EPA issues, federal gas taxes, etc. to see they are also a direct component in the cost per gallon we pay. And there is a monumental difference between the government regulating and the government running a commodity.
Obama proposal would rein in oil speculation
Washington (CNN) -- Under pressure to bring down the high price of gas, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder will outline a proposal Tuesday to increase federal supervision of the oil markets in an effort to clip the wings of speculators who are profiting off the volatility of the oil market.
The president's $52 million plan would let regulators force energy traders to put more of their own money into trades and boost the penalties on manipulators who are found to be speculating unlawfully, according to a senior administration source who would not comment on the record in advance of the president's remarks.
The president will call on Congress to:
• boost spending on technology to improve oversight and surveillance of energy markets.
• increase by six times the money spent on surveillance and enforcement staff of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to better deter oil market manipulation.
• increase from $1 million to $10 million civil and criminal penalties against firms that engage in market manipulation.
• in an effort designed to limit energy market disruptions, give the Commodity Futures Trading Commission authority to increase the amount of money that a trader must put up to back a trading position.
The Obama administration plans to increase access to the commission's data so the White House Council of Economic Advisers can examine and analyze trading information, which the administration can do on its own.
This effort is likely to be seen as a political move designed to draw contrasts with the Republican Party and especially presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney on energy issues. House Republicans are unlikely to pass a measure that seeks to impose more limits on Wall Street at a time when they are seeking to limit regulations on the finance industry. At the same time, Republican leaders are calling on the White House to open more domestic land for oil and gas exploration.
The White House is pinpointing Wall Street for the high price of gas, which could afford the president an opening to criticize Romney and his ties to the world of high finance.
At what time during the election cycle does Obama decide to strategically release some of the strategic oil reserves?
Barrel at $90.12 today
Gallon here $3.88
Average gallon Obama took office $1.85
IceHogsFan' timestamp='1348850813' post='166567 said:Nothing is ever Obama's fault. That was statement early on and it is still relevant. Everything that happens under his watch is a reflection of policies, regulations and vision that he and his staff control. Is Obama directly responsible for gas prices, no. Do some research and you will see that his policies are hostile to the gas and oil industry. Green energy would be good to Google.
Let me make a point from a different perspective. What is Obama and his administration doing to lessen the cost to consumers for this staple while in a period of economic uncertainty?
Romney said, according to the Quincy Patriot Ledger’s report at the time. “I’m very much in favor of people recognizing that these high gasoline prices are probably here to stay.
And I don't disagree other than the monies we are giving to Canada could be used refining/producing our own, and employing our own in doing so. Thus cutting trade money going out, verses staying in.
My problem with Obama is the 90 Billion he's spent on alternative energies that have amounted to nothing. I know, maybe some day they will but all he's done is make Gore ridiculously wealthy.
Sorry, he asked for the quotes. Well, there they are.
Holy Shit! Now that's a follow up! Go **** yourself!
Everything I've seen in regards to domestic consumption says we don't need more refineries, more fossil fuel exploration, or more oil in this country. I don't see the point in expanding just so the oil companies can send more oil to China...
As much as you think "You Got Me" you are actually proving my point. Nowhere in there do I say that Obama controls the price of gas.
Go ahead, reread. Just because I derail Obama on his energy plan and on what can be done to help lower gas prices you take that as me saying he directly sets prices. It is not there.
While I appreciate your effortsand the time you spent quoting me you fail to prove your point of me stating Obama controls gas prices.
Read what I posted to Pez. His dislike of me and your dislike of my stance on Obama overshadow your thought process.
It's okay though come mid January 2013 Obama will have nothing to do with enerygy, regulation, prices or anything of the sort.
No, you continue to insinuate this administration's policies are what is driving the cost of gasoline up.
So quote me in here where I have stated such.
I wonder where you read that?
One of the greatest ideas I had heard that has never been acted upon was building refineries on closed military installations.
As much as you think "You Got Me" you are actually proving my point. Nowhere in there do I say that Obama controls the price of gas.
Go ahead, reread. Just because I derail Obama on his energy plan and on what can be done to help lower gas prices you take that as me saying he directly sets prices. It is not there.
Over shadows my "comprehension". I wouldn't go quite that far Captain.
And you keep praying because if he's given four more years I'll be calling you in Mexico or Canada.
As for the rest, you not insinuating Obama has been a major cause, I almost spit out my pop....
And the "Go **** Yourself" was for Pez just in case.... It's trade marked for him.
Out here in CT i am paying 3.90 to 4.00 dollars for gas and that was right before we settled in for the hurricane yesterday about noon when the wind started to pick up a bit with quite a bit of rain but none today so far.