Going out this weekend! Good reminder - thanks!
Please send that to me as well. I have a friend who's aunt is a current survivor. Watching our group may just give her some inspiration.
Going out this weekend! Good reminder - thanks!
Pre skate is way more important.
Depends on if my players allow me to make lines or decide to preskate for a half hour! LOL!
That was your chance to scout them dummy! Some coach you are...
Can I be on lines 1, 2, and 3, coach? I shouldn't have a bad groin this year!
Your gonna sit on the other end of the bench you keep that up. We are making lines and D pairings this year.
i'm going to have to ask my wife in a very nice way if i can go this year. gonna have baby #2 mid october and that will put us at 2 kids under 2 years old. WTF was i, er, she thinking.
so i guess i'll see you boys there! haha.
It's just a baby. Man up!
Yeah. Slap some skates on the little bastard. We need good skaters.
In business news, my old friend Jim Marr, author of "It Was Out Of Love" has signed up as a sponsor.
He was a sponsor for Have A Skate With Bob and the Missouri Mavericks this spring.