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I've been checking! Good news then?!
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Day one was a success and I got to bring home a four pack.
It seems no one cares and no one else is a homebrewer, so this is now my personal blog. Welcome everyone!
My chocolate stout is not fermenting all the way. Still sitting at 20 gravity. I even added more yeast. Bummer. Might be too sweet. But I just got done brewing a spotted cow clone. The wort was delicious. I ended up with great brewhouse efficiency so the OG was higher than I expected. It is ferments through it will end up ~6% ABV,, much higher than spotted cow's 4.8. Hopefully the taste isnt hot. I only have 3 spotted cows left from my last trip to IL so I will have to save them to compare against.
Meanwhile the wife is cooking up an elk roast. Today was a good day.
Hope you enjoyed todays bolg.
Addendum 1: Hows the brew job going Heidenlarm?
Well I'll be brewing a whole hell of a lot more, getting promoted to assistant brewer :buttrock: thanks for asking by the way.
Well I'll be brewing a whole hell of a lot more, getting promoted to assistant brewer :buttrock: thanks for asking by the way.
Nicely done! Im sure there is a lot of competition for that!!
Well, my chocolate stout was crap. I have only made 3 bad beers (only one undrinkable) in the past 8 years. I found a bunch of deep gouges in the plastic carboy though. I must have done that during the last cleaning. That can certainly harbor some nasties even after sanitizing. I threw that one away and have switched to big mouth bubblers. Much easier to clean and add things to the secondary. So I kegged my spotted cow clone. Tasted good during transfer but I have cold crashed it with some yeast still in it. It has been two weeks so I think I am going to try it tonight. Fingers crossed. I also brewed my silver winning belgium pale ale 2 weeks ago. I went through the last keg so quick, so it was time to do it again. I will thief some tonight for a taste. I will probably put it in a secondary tomorrow since I am leaving for a two week work trip on Sunday.
I have been taking my 5 year old mead in to my local homebrew shop and sharing. They are positive that it would win this big mead competition out here in colorado and are pushing me to enter. It is 6 months away though. But that could be cool. It is my only mead I have made, but, not to brag, it is fucking delicious.
When do I get a private tour of the brewery Heidenlarm?!
How do you clean your carboys out? Whenever you come out to Chicago! I got to remember to take time off work for Colorado in September still.
Can you make me a good sour bro?
Also, how's the METAL?
So something unexpected happened at the brewery not too long ago and we decided to run with it and we came up with a sour. It was only a 15 barrel batch and I'm not sure what's going to happen with it yet though. It was all kegged.
The metal is not really happening much these days, but we're playing a show at the end of September at Reggie's.
How do you clean your carboys out? Whenever you come out to Chicago! I got to remember to take time off work for Colorado in September still.